Pred Armor Testing Ideas

They do be doing stuff like that often. Like, alpha getting a “melee damage” buff. Literally 1 extra damage

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See @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK and I think the armor has to do with 2nd wind or the mask

As in the past bullet resistance was specified for hunter and scout when they did that and melee dmg was specified when. That was done to samurai

Why would they change their language over damage resistance now

We know the mask takes less damage then normal damage delt to the predator u til it breaks off and you can deal headshot damage from shooting the pres in the back of the head when they still have it


That’s what I’m leaning towards, even though it may be unintentional. They might think they have buffed the pred armor, but it doesn’t matter if the number of bullets to sw/kill stays the same.

As @DisturbedLlama said with the whole Alpha Sickle thing, it doesn’t matter if they buff something if the number of bullets to kill or melee hits to down stays the same.



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Right, so if you don’t mind me asking, what specs are you using (class, weapon, perks) in testing so when my test is done we can compare number results?

Repeat this test

also in patch 2.03 this is what the mask was like
no perks, shooting a stationary “Hunter” Predator with no perks:
10 Shots To Body
8 Shots To Head
(Mask is destroyed after 4th head shot.)

6 Shots To Body
5 Shots To Head
(Mask is destroyed after 2nd head shot.)

If gun damage stays the same at these distances then we know it has to do with 2nd wind or the mask

Thunder cat claims the armor occurs prior or after a certain percentage of hp so test a full clips damage also

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So, if you’re losing a lot of health quickly, the armor kicks in to give you a chance to escape?

Its definitely not the mask, me and ven tested the damage and the mask comes off even easier now.
It’s pretty pathetic tbh.

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Anything more specific?

Weapon used? Number of hits? Distance?

So where are your test results?

Yeah so he said at some percent armor kicks in and damage on a weapon is capped until another threshold is reached so let’s say at 70 % it kicks in all dmg is reduced by 30% until you get to 50% hp just as an example I personally don’t believe it but it’s the best explaination I can give as he literally said he survived getting 3 assault deadlies with ars unloading on him at 20m for 2 seconds as a valkrie with no defensivet perks

Ttk for the mask basically.
Before it would take at least a full clip to shoot off, now it comes off in like 15 or 10 bullets.

Even after 2.0. It never came off that quick cause I tested it back then too.

Deadly, scar, bane on.
But it was exactly the same as before.
Like the set up.

Distance shouldn’t apply to this one because it was never the amount of damage done which removed the mask, it was the amount of time hits.

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But it could think of the mask as a Halo style shield it could have a separate hp bar that bleeds onto the predator hp bar say 30% of damage taken applies to the predator for example the other 70% is negated and applies only to the mask hp

Talking out my ass here I don’t know how mask dmg works aside from it the pres takes less dmg when it’s shot until it breaks
And you can avoid that by shooting the pres in the back of the head

The only thing I’ve heard which seems the most possible is the sw health.
But I got no idea.

If the mask gave armor then I wouldn’t have dropped to 15% hp in less than half a clip.
Cause ven shot my mask only.

Idk why he did, but we both noticed mask goes way too easily now.
I’m happy to test this again with anyone that wants too, but itl be a bit before I get on to play.

Btw the only thing I can confirm for sure is ft damage reduced by 40% makes the knife actually feel balanced lmao. But as far as armor goes?
No clue.

And valk has 1300hp btw and has about 10% melee resistance nothing else
Any 3 ars would’ve killed him assuming these players can hit him

Also I’m working 10hr shifts today and tomorrow so idk if I’m gonna test this depends on how worn out I am up until the weekend at least

Actually I’ve tested the mask before and it definitely has a health pool.

It’s separate from predator health, so bane doesn’t effect damage to the mask.

Assault’s passive increases the damage of the weapons directly and therefore does apply more damage to mask hits.

For example, the sawz50 takes two hits to knock off the mask. It takes 3 hits if the suppressor is equipped. It takes 2 hits at close range with the sawz50 and suppresser if your using the assault class, but 3 hits at longer range due to the damage drop off.