stop door blocking and corpse’s shouldnt block any movment over it at all.
Cry below
stop door blocking and corpse’s shouldnt block any movment over it at all.
Cry below
Makes sense to me. Predators are far stronger than humans. One bitch slap should sent a guy flying at least 4 feet.
How about
Leaping infront of them alsl knocks them back
Sprinting at them also knocks them back but cancels tbe sprint after wards, but preds are able to pick up the pace (optional it can waste predators stamina a bit)
sure just some way to stop cock-blocking
This is actually a brilliant idea to counter parries and give predator its own unique way to parry which is to use raw strenght to kinda stun the enemies by knocking them for few seconds.
Predator should be able to do this without losing too much of stamina but it should still be noticable.
It would knock them farther and longer if your using Viking or berserker or any other thiccc classes.
Lets be honest ur right there is no way nobody should enter the building if you are playing as pred especially how they made melee combat useless.
But in all honesty this should be added either way if used to get out… or if one guy keeps chasing you and keeps abusing the parry system that wastes more of your stamina than his.
Tackling mechanic in this case would work so if you build enough momentum you can just like tackle him
Lets just say you’re in a melee combat and you decide to push, then slice then push agian. Adding it will mess with melee combat mechanics for sure.
However, I don’t mind to have it during Second Wind which is far more useful and restrictive since you can’t do anything but run.
Im not disagreeing but without those type of mechanics you shouldn’t enter a building
XD i learned with my one mistake a yr ago where i was second winded and barley made it out
yeh thats the point, i dont see why predator should be restricted from going in buildings. thats why proposing the change/idea
its a good place to hide on the objective till someone comes in then “BOO!” and run out. dumb door blocking shouldnt be a thing.
I mean, i dont want to keep having to just rely on spam of plaz, and things like this make for new interesting gameplay.
i dont think it should counter parry though, i mean it should just stagger the FT and maybe interrupt the aim for a second but not really do any damage.
Its not spam if it’s effective lol.
yeh but when ur the one doing it, even feels cheap to me sometimes, id like to utilise other things, and against potatoes u can, but against most good teams everything else is just pointless
I think it should be like the warclub that effect. So after you hip check or shoulder bash a ft they are dazed and cant do anything for 3 seconds
yeah fair enough, but maybe not 3 seconds thats like forever. maybe 1 second, or even less…
The caster should be your main weapon in this case only going in for melee after two ft players are dead cause then you have less to deal with
yeah i dont even risk it with 1 good player, AK can melt u solo in seconds as they backpedal faster than u can move… meh, net them or just keep spamming plaz
Main point it… it should not be able to hurt them, it should kind of stun them where they cant really use weapon or anything… it should also prevent them from not being able to parry incase they are like going at you and abusing that…