Predator: Badlands

N-no! NO!! That’s disgusting!!!

mhm sure. watching him get drenched in grizzly blood turned you on in that scene, didnt it

The thirst is real. This is my dream.


Look bro, if you are gay that’s okay. But I’d rather see some ass and titties killing the pred.

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You’re missing the point & oversexualising it.

I’d rather have a realistic movie which isn’t pushing some kind of agenda on girl power.

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Or pushing the next step in human evolution lmao


Yh tbf I’m not sure which is worse🤣

You want more?


LOL thank you for this. Prey wasn’t pushing shit. Like there are legitimate films pushing a WOMYN STRONG agenda out there, and you can obviously tell that’s what it is. And Prey wasn’t it.

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I also love the “realistic” part of it… Like in what fucking world is an 8 feet tall Crab looking Alien “realistic”?

The difference is some of those characters are actually well-written. Naru is a shitty character.

Yes it was. It’s clear as day. No woman on this earth could stand a chance against a Yautja without ridiculous plot armor and that’s exactly what Naru had. She was also a terrible character & a shitty person.

The movie portrayed it as:

Young woman wanting to break the stereotype of her tribe & prove herself to be as good at hunting as the men of her tribe

What it actually was:
Selfish Comanche teenaged girl thinks she knows better than her tribe elders & so decides to ignore what she’s supposed to do, and ignores her older brother, proceeds to narrowly escape death multiple times due to stupid mistakes, gets half her tribe killed by the Feral Predator, gets herself & her brother captured by French fur trappers, and then gets her brother killed by the Feral Predator, seemingly gets over his death in 5 minutes, and proceeds to fight & somehow kill the Predator without sustaining any injuries at all, before coming back to her tribe with Feral’s head acting like she just went for an evening stroll & didn’t just cause multiple members of her tribe to die

Again, you’re missing the point every single time.

In the first Predator movie, it was established that even Elite soldiers & Mercenaries were effortlessly picked off by the Jungle Hunter, and Dutch only survived by pure luck. They actually had consistency & a valid path of survival for Dutch that didn’t just include copious amounts of plot armor. In Prey, for the first ¾ of the movie, Feral was at least attempted to be established & shown to be at the very least a very skilled fighter with immense strength. He killed the French fur trappers easily & was able to wrestle & kill a Bear with a single punch. And then, for the finale of the movie, he suddenly turns into a fucking idiot who doesn’t know how his own weapons work, and loses a hand to hand fight with a 132lbs teenaged girl because his punches can somehow snap a Bear’s neck but they can’t even visibly damage Naru, and he can wrestle with a Bear but he can’t just pluck Naru off his back & snap her in half.

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Maybe you should go tell those hollywood folk how to write movies that will generate revenue. Seems like they don’t and you do…

Generating revenue & making a good movie that makes sense are two different things.

Surley that’s a fan made poster

And which one do you think is more important for a business?

she looks like this brown girl that i colonized a few times

cant imagine her putting up a fight vs a predator after what i did to her


We aren’t talking about business. We are talking about how good/bad certain aspects of the movie are.

you just gave her that testosterone man juice boost that she needed to acomplish it LMAO

Mainstream movies ARE business. If you can’t understand that as being the fundamental principle of it, you can’t discuss movies.

Go to YouTube and watch fan made movies, which is what could be considered “art” and enjoy that