Predator: Badlands

Bring back Arnold! 2025, would love to hear Dutch’s comeback in movie form… unless Arnold’s too old now

I know mainstream movies are business. I’m not stupid. You don’t need to state the obvious. It’s not even what we were discussing in the first place though regardless. You’ve just basically completely changed the subject.

Jesus christ…xD

I did not. You seem to be under the impression that well written characters and a specific stereotype and archetype of characters are needed to make a “good” movie. Which “good” is just a personal opinion, as mainstream movies are a business and the quality of the product is not determined by its art but rather its revenue. Why do you think they still make The Fast and The Furious Movies?.

People like you just remind me of that Simpsons episode where Homer designs a car. Kinda like the CyberTruck. Something that may be practical and ideal for you or a few others can very likely be unappealing to the vast majority of the population.

The whole “agenda” topic is also so annoying right now. Nobody, absolutely nobody, no movie studio, no movie producer, nobody, is pushing a feminist “girl power” , LBTG+, or whatever agenda. Absolutely nobody. They exist and they are a trend BECAUSE CONSUMERS ARE CONSUMING IT. Disney doesn’t give a shit if you are gay or not. It cares about you spending money on their shit. It just so happens that right now there’s demand for that, just like in the 80’s there was demand for hunky men and hairspray

It is the equivalent to me saying the music industry has an anti-metal agenda and there’s a conspiracy to keep it underground. No, extreme metal is like that because the vast majority of music consumers simply don’t like it, no matter how much you try to push it down their throats. And trust me, I’ve read some fellow headbangers agree with the conspiracy statement and I just laugh at their faces

You have to suspend your belief with a lot of these movies. Not everything is supposed to make sense, or be realistic. Did Naru tank Feral? Yes she did. So did Arnold. And Harrigan. Does it make sense to compare them? Not really. But its a MOVIE. And the protagonist is supposed to win. Like…how was this supposed to end, then? Feral OHKO’ing everyone in the first ten minutes including Naru? Or was the brother supposed to the be the lead, cuz BIG MAN HUNTER? The former would not fly, at all, and the latter is an overused cliche. The native female as a lead strikes more interest than a generic trope of the franchise. Also, side note, one of my friends who is hardcore about speaking up about female and LBGTQ agendas and hates them with a passion, watched it with me, and didn’t find anything that really called out to him. He thought the ending sucked, which it did, and I hate the retcon of the flintlock pistol, but that was all.

This needs to come back…come on my back…mmm * Ken Kaniff noises *

Monarch got a season 2? Damn yea idk i had to drop that show like a hot potato with the forced stuff

Yes, you did practically change the entire subject.

You know I’m not wrong about the shitty character development, inconsistencies & choices made for the movie so you went off on a tangent about Hollywood & generating revenue to try & justify the movie having these issues & sound sophisticated when that wasn’t even the subject of discussion.

You can’t justify the ridiculous shit at the end of this movie. Naru is literally a twig, especially next to Feral, he even hits her in the face with his shield which was literally shown seconds prior to cut his own arm off, and seconds later to be able to cut through solid stone, yet it doesn’t even make a graze on her face. You can’t even justify it by saying Dutch & Harrigen tanked hits from Predators, they were beaten to within an inch of their lives & they would also easily kill Naru in hand to hand. The Jungle Hunter was holding back against Dutch because he wanted to sadistically take his time beating him to a pulp, and Dutch was still literally crawling on the floor. Harrigen could barely stand or walk by the end of the movie after fighting the City Hunter. Harrigen had more plot armor than Dutch at least in the way of not breaking his legs falling down an elevator shaft but he managed to beat the City Hunter via Deception. Naru just beat Feral with pure shitty plot armor & movie inconsistency.

And yes, it would’ve made more sense for Taabé to have been the main character. It also would’ve been a more interesting story than whatever the hell you want to call Naru’s teenage tantrum Arc. Taabé was literally a better character & person than her & was kicking Feral’s ass to the point he had to pull a coward’s move & cloak up to off-guard him. You can call it a cliché all you want, but it would’ve been a better movie & made more sense. You probably wouldn’t agree because you’d rather salivate over Amber Midthunder than get a good movie seemingly but hey, you do you.

None of these things stuck out to me when I first watched the movie either. It’s when you go back without the recency bias & rewatch the movie & see it for what it actually is, that you notice shit like this. And frankly, I find the ending of this movie to be arguably even more unwatchable than the second half of The Predator 2018 after Fugitive dies.

This movie clearly ticked more boxes for you than it did for me, and that’s fine. It has its moments, but the best parts of the movie certainly aren’t the characters, writing, or consistency.

2018 almost killed this franchise so badly that HG was genuinely the only fucking thing keeping the IP on life support to buy time for Prey. FOX were inches away from shelfing Predator forever & had to fucking Blacklist Shane Black from the series so he could never touch it again.

Prey came out and now we have Prey 2, Badlands & a 3rd unknown movie project all in the works. The series is getting numerous comics & crossovers again & fucking AVP is on the table again after being brushed under the rug for 15 fucking years.

If you sit there and say that in any form that “2018 was better than Prey” you are a colossal R etard and would get this fucking series killed if they gave you any position of power.

Lol nothing was forced in that show. Some shit was poorly written but nothing was forced.

Well maybe forced is the wrong word but show was ass in my opinion barely had the monsters :/

Is this supposed to be directed at me?

I never said The Predator 2018 was better than Prey. The Predator 2018 is dogshit all round, Prey just has a non-sensical ending & bad Protagonist. The rest is pretty decent.

If I were to Tier List the Predator movies, The Predator 2018 would be in its own tier at rock bottom & Prey would be in the same tier as the AVP movies or slightly above.

That right there just goes to show you that this is just another Mary Sue showing her dominance over Manly Aliens (or men in movie) except it’s two of them



Hopefully I can see it in the theatre

This guy is always bringing news related to anything Alien/Predator

Both are gonna double team the predator and prolly claim his skull

It’s not a real poster, its a fan made one from months back:

Also it doesn’t matter who is who, the Predator overall is just superior to a human regardless of gender n whatever, just that since it’s a villain monster, the villain monster always dies. You can say the entire series cast of main characters are all plot armored with this reasoning, so all this talk is just nonsense in the end. The hero always wins, as every monster story does. The villain gloats and plays with the hero and it’s ego gets the villain killed/defeated like in any other story out there ever. Nothing new here to discuss.

But what if… they didn’t lose… 😱

That would be nice but again, them losing is also nothing new either.

A few scenes featuring 87 Dutch and his team is definitely possible. The most recent Indiana Jones did a good job of modeling a younger Ford.

Jungle hunter had likely been following/monitoring Jim Hopper and Dutch’s team since the conflicts in Cambodia and Beirut.

This film could connect city hunter’s pack to jungle hunter’s.

I would even extend to say Feral is JH Grandaddy 😂 they are equally ugly.

Naru is connected to Billy’s bloodline also (Easter egg opportunity)

I’m all for it. It also gives more roles to Asian actresses as well. 🎉🎊

Predator vs USA and Cambodia.