Predator balance

Do it now!

yea it’s pretty delusional thinking that guy has lol… let us destroy FT guns and they’d lose their minds rofl

That’s what I thought. Also, the plasma caster easily destroys ammo boxes and health packs.

Ya if you wanna actually try to remember the locations. I only have memorized a few tho lol.

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The ammo and med kits glow in heat vision, so I just blow them up when ever I pass by them.

Remembering aint an issue… having time to do so is XD… so yeah my theory is that bigger maps and longer objectives would theoretically balance out the game highly more

Maybe I’m crazy but I’m thinking three groups of three pigs in spots on the map all the time The predator knows where they are fire team knows where they are. I feel like that be fair and even given the fact that fire teams heals are relatively in the same spot or not far from each other. As fire team if I need a heel and I know where one should be if it’s not there it’s probably just right around the corner. Several locations spawns for fire team med kits are in different spots in one building. The predator can find them if he’s played fire team enough to know where they are that would be the same for the pigs and the fire team at the fire team knows the predator is hurt and that they’re close to a pig spawn they can try to chase the predator to that pig spawn if the predator knows what’s going on he can try to go to the farther away pig spawn. Am I off my rocker here or does that sound right?

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The Preds are not overpowered in any way. I kill them easily enough. In my opinion Fireteam is overpowered. Especially when stealth is so weak, and most decent FT players will stick together somewhat at least. And there are frikkin’ medkits everywhere for FT, and they can carry even more of them. And for the Pred, piggies are random AF. Sometimes you run across a dozen in the same place, other times you can barely find one dose of bacon on the whole map.
Meaning, it’s kinda hard to engage the FT when every weapon the Pred has gives away its position and has travel time to target when any decent FT player will not move in a predictable straight line if they know the Pred is nearby… and if they actually use their ears, they will know its nearby.

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I am with you 100%, that’s why I’m thinking that more consistent pig spawn points even with the fire team knowing where they’re at would be better than the inconsistent spawn points of pigs we have now and would be more in line with the consistency of the fire team med kits that are on the field. Absolutely the fire team is the more dominant value here no doubt about it multiplied by 4 gets rather frustrating. At least having more consistent heals like what the fire team has, I feel would be very beneficial.

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No. You’re just too weak. You have all the advantages and ask for more. You’re the reason why the game is bad

You’re just bad.

This thread is 2 years old and irrelevant now man, and so is your comments :p

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Least I ain’t as irrelevant as you


*okay mr. I joined only 6 days ago xD

Should be like alien isolation where the xeno just knocks you over

You’re posting on a majorly out of date post. Since the time of the original post:

  • the slam got nerfed, and the associated glitch patched
  • the combistick got nerfed, twice
  • the Fireteam’s perks got huge boosts by about x2.5
  • the Predator’s perks got a small buff, around x1.25 to x2 at most, but Predator perks are mostly weak anyway
  • the Fireteam received extremely strong specializations and buffed passive abilities
  • the Predator received moderately useful specializations and have no real passives, just marginally varied stats

That’s just the broad overview. So, Fireteam got way too buffed while the Predator remained mostly the same with minor changes to a few weapons, save for a huge late in the game buff to the plasma Pistol.


I see. Buff FT, nerf pred.


basically if your pred go one dimensional and spam plasma blaster. Nerf to arrows happened along time ago… the oneshot headshots are a thing of the past and combi as well. But the plasma just spam and u can win vs most 4 mans

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