Predator Classes

I’m curious what you guys think…

Do you think it would make more sense if Illfonic removed the new Predator classes and simplified it? Rather than add new classes with stats keep the original three (Hunter, Scout, and Berzerker) and add skins to them. Hunter would get '87, Alpha, and Elder… Berzerker with Samurai and Mr. Black… and so on. I think this would make the development cycle for the new content easier on Illfonic and allow them to focus on more of the bugs without having to introduce more issues and balances.




Not at all

Wouldn’t you want new content to survive with instead of repeating gameplay with no new changes

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Yeah, I didn’t think of it that way. I just think with the current classes and how their stats are they all feel a bit samey with the exception of Scout. Berzerker, Samurai, Alpha, and Hunter all feel the same to me. I can’t comment on Elder… I have five more levels to go.

Yea tbh i would’ve liked it better if we went by rank for class

Young blood

And stats would end as elder

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They should decide whether to keep the name “classes”. There are going to be an abundance of Predators in the universe and I don’t think there is yet any canonical idealization of any of them.

What I would like is to allow picking up as many perks that are allowed by the point system, both predator and fireteam. That would add some variability to the current meta, because even with the different classes having different numbers of perk slots, there are certain perks that are always always or never picked because of the limit of 3, even if the perks are low in points

I like this idea…Tribes

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Current iteration could get very powercreepy. I’d rather they make preds feel like actual classes rather than just messing around with the stat bars by inches. They don’t have a lot of fundamental differences and pretty much play the same. Hit and run, hit and run, hit and run. Perk system is also trash.

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Whatever the way - something needs to be done quz it is getting messy. I have Samurai, Elder and 87 pred class on top of 3 default classes. It dose not look or feel right at all. I think there shuld be a class called Movie originals for 87, Elder and City Hunter. Comick books class for Samurai and whatever else they will come up with. And also non canon like Scar and Wolf from AVP crossovers

I like the road they’re taking now, why not make each predator unique?

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I do believe they need more load out slots as with the new predators coming and Alpha will be made available to everyone we will be flooded with amazing predators but we won’t have the space to use them all


True! I’m running out of space just now - I have 3 scout loadouts…

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Adding an inch to a stat bar is as far as it gets from unique and all you’re going to get eventually is powercreep.

That is the only way to make them unique besides looks. Giving them all the same stats is the most boring thing they could possibly do.


Vision modes, plasma casters, wristblades, cloaks, second wind, leap alternatives come on. Unique gear if need be but I know illfonic doesnt like restricting gear.

Changing a stat bar isnt a CLASS. Imagine if you played tf2 and it was just a bunch of scouts with different hp and speed.

I think the stat bars was a bad idea. Make the Preds and FT excel at certain jobs without having the strange stat bars that at the end of the day feel irrelevant. The only Pred/FT that feels different are the scout (both FT and Pred) and support for FT.

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I think introducing a vaulting/mantling to the scouts for FT and Pred would be great idea. Would help to really distinguish the classes.

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This, every single pred is ultimately just playing against the same hit and run tactics. Occassionally one likes melee and eventually get parried and dies. You don’t feel like you’re fighting different pred classes that need to be approached differently or outmaneuvered with different strengths/weaknesses other than chasing zerk because he usually cant get away.

FT I feel like can be fixed with a DBD style perk rehaul. All perks currently arent perky whatsoever.

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I once felt this way…

Why not have the 1 class and allow the perks to sway your predator in that playstyle:

Beefing it up with impenetrable, to make it more zerker like.


Making it swift like a scout with adrenal boost.

I think it’s due to the perks not necessarily making a huge difference, to provide the classes their own unique feel. Hence why they release predator classes so I understand in that regard.

Also to give em each a unique look and feel to the lore of the yautja.

Just maybe if they could make the passive abilities or lack of having one now (zerker melee dmg), buffed a bit to give more of a distinct reason to play said classes.

I can easily see myself rotating between scout and hunter just due to how versatile you can make those classes. As well as any new ones such as samurai they launched.