Predator Content Dilemma

If you want to know it’s the way it’s captivated, the chibi approach you have is not my taste nor is a lot of other peoples tastes.


If you are to look at the 1987 movie in the lens of understanding an audience

This now turns into something completely different

The efforts were never the issue it was the presentation and seeing the predator turned into something of a less intimidating version of an alien murder machine will make older audiences turn their heads in silence and attract younger ones that fantasize with the idea but not the reality of it that actually running into the preds in the jungle is probably fucked

For me personally I always liked that stuff was done but didn’t really attract to how things were finished as a final product and would feel like I would like to wait and see what certain people will eventually evolve, grow, or improve to as where they started versus where they are now, it’s no one’s job to really course correct people but it would be nice to see what can be shown to be possible


i dont mind the OC stuff, but the roleplay and other things take it a bit too far. sure, i love my jungle hunter named “Sabertooth” who is an elder from the jungle hunter clan, and my unnamed super predator, but i like to keep the vibes as spine-tearing and skull-ripping as possible

predators aren’t cartoons, they are space aliens that hunt humans for sport


And that’s a fair opinion, I personally chose to turn my murderous machine into a mascot, one that while can be entertaining in spine ripping fashion, there’s also the chill and relaxed side. There’s different ways to express one’s creativity and while I love the brutality the Predator Franchise can show, fleshing out my character/mascot the character via memes or adding lore for people to further enjoy can be a not so intimidating front for people to talk to you, connect and network.

I think that’s what most people forget about this franchise and why you see different forms of creativity to add to the enjoyment of the franchise, because while spin ripping action galore is epic, it can eventually feel bland and boring. Having fun with it no matter the preferences is what keeps fandoms alive, at least that’s my two cents.


What Beer said. Reducing the most feared hunter species in the galaxy to cutesy chibis and cartoon characters is what’s looked down upon, not so much creativity as a whole. The franchise is very masculine, hence the absolute drippage of testosterone in the first movie especially, which is where most people started their love for the series and most people know of the character in general. A lot of the users here like Sam and Clutch got their love of bodybuilding because of watching the beefy men in Predator. So yeah, while the art is nice, it reduces it to something very kiddy and laughable, hence the pushback.


exactly, like something that can send arnold fucking schwarzenegger flying with a simple backhand isn’t something to turn into a cutsie cartoon in my opinion


And again that’s a fair opinion, I’m not saying what the first movie has done as a whole is outdated nor the inspiration it brings. However, shutting out newer ideas and gatekeeping fans from expressing themselves in a fandom they equally enjoy is what kills other fandoms, bringing a bad light that sometimes can’t be removed. The franchise as a whole has evolved, changing things up, and I think a good example of it is PREY (2022).

I think we can all agree that movie while controversial was better than what we had received. Comparing PREY to The Predator shows both the negative and acceptable sides of what new things can be brought to the table, and while it may have their share of haters they also have their fans that love them.

All I’m saying is we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss what can be enjoyable to others, some may not like it but others may. Also as for why I chose a Chibi form for my Mascot for the Predator Fandom, it was pretty much an open market nobody was doing, it helped me stand out I guess. However I do have realistic versions of the Chibi for viewers to enjoy even if the Chibi form is more popularly demanded.


Well right now I just started to sketch out a non “cartoony” Mr black…let’s hope gods speed that there is no fuck ups and my above average art sketching skills carry me to victory…I’ll send the final results when my lazy over perfectionist ass finally completes it👍


Can’t wait to see👀

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Its a lot of work and most hardcore predator fans are in their 30’s+ with not a lot of time available and hindered creativity.

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Want to see yes post

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Yes and all those posts were epic discussions! Including the ones about sax with mass.

I mean I have multiple OCs too, I’ve just quite literally never shared them with anyone I don’t think. What I generally see is that people probably aren’t going to care about the story of your character in the first place, let alone if you just write their lore as text for people to read. People have the attention span of a goldfish most of the time nowadays, and reading big paragraphs ain’t all that engaging for the average person either.

A good point that Beer makes about perhaps animations for example, is that you could actually make these animations with a story behind them to bring said OC to life & spark someones interest in it. It would stand out from just the average animation you’d see of e.g. the Jungle Hunter just stalking & killing some random soldier that’s for sure. Only trouble I would imagine there being is making the appearance of your OC & learning how to animate on blender or something.

The idea of making a borderline fan film with this is pretty enticing to say the least.


Well here it is my sketch of my black based of this image…

…sorry if it’s not what you expected out of me but this app limits uploaded screenshots to understand a single MB so I have to zoom out alot which explains the blurriness…anyhow I’ll also show this drawing I was initially hesitant to because of how I used a black outline with slightly off proportions but not being bad for my second ever predator drawing…(Ive done some before this Mr black sketch) …
…hope you find these good for being drawn by a 15 yr old lol


You did that at 15? Pretty good dude.

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Thank you ❤️

Most people can’t even draw a Predator, so to be able to at 15 and fairly well too, its impressive. Good job. The Mr. Black one is exceptionally well done.

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I’m basically really into the idea of dramatizing scopophobia, primal fear, autophobia, and or extreme loneliness (Whilst surrounded by many people even 4ft in proximity, yes that is a thing)

Also interactions maybe with Predators that just don’t care and just are passing by would be an outlandish concept to follow, which would be many are unique and have various personalities to which would be nice to capture in a story telling aspect without context or words

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Thank you❤️…I was always into drawing as a child (no shit everyone was lol)…but every day I would draw something again and again and I slowly began being able to sketch rough images in my head such as the coloured picture below the sketch…even if I came at the cost of very weird proportions or having no permanent reference image infront of me lol…that’s why I’m decently able to create sketches on characters I haven’t done beforehand👌

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As someone who can’t even draw, this is good for the first few steps. Keep at it and I’m sure you’ll get even better, I know it’s cheesy but with the many artists I hang out with it’s true.

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