Predator is still WEAK! Please fix the balance.

TBH and fair. There is a learning curve for pred. Thankfully Ive been playing pred games for years all the way back to the original AVP, so I came into this game pretty prepared. So far I have not been killed as the pred. I have had teams that were quite difficult to deal with and some teams I wiped within the first 3 minutes. I believe for pred its all about how you play. I honestly don’t think the pred is weak by any standard. People just need to adopt different tactics and learn to use the full extent of the kit. So I agree with OldKingHamlet when he says an experienced Yautja is terrifying. I would hate to play against someone who plays the same way I do. My whole team would die.

Okay so I’ve been playing this game for quite a bit today and I’ve come to a few conclusions that I would like to share here. The game when it works actually feels really fun albeit with a few shortcomings that I will describe here. I would like to say the work that’s been done is really good and the Predator feels mostly fun to play and being a part of the fire team is cool. The matchmaking is completely borked and we got to have dedicated servers OR something needs to be done about these que times BUT I do have an answer for this below.

All right now getting on to my knit picks so I think everyone can kinda agree that the Predator is a little under powered right now it seems like the devs wanted the Predator to play a more stealthy kind of sneaky and pick people off kind of approach....well it doesn't work like that any person who has half of a brain will be sticking with their fire team. 

There’s no opportunity to honestly play this play the style that the devs want you to play. It kind of always ends up with you just dive-bombing into the middle of The Fray and trying to hack away and do as much damage as you can and get away.

I think what needs to happen is there needs to be a couple tweaks and needs to be a couple more tools added and maybe a few more objectives that can be implemented to kind of make it so that there are opportunities for some various game play interactions. Now I'm not saying buff the freaking Predator so he does a million damage 1 hits everybody and I'm not saying nerf the fire team so they use bubble guns . All I'm saying is there's some tweaks that need to be made to kind of bring the Predator up to the level of the fire team if not more. Because here's the thing the Predator supposed to be his omnipresent scary terrifying creature that we don't know where it is but it's always watching. 

Right now the Predator honestly feels like a huge joke I'm talking people actually end up hunting the predator they're not scared they are not particularly worried about it at all honestly I've played a couple matches myself this stuff is just dumb. I think that's just a reflection of how they actually built this character , so I feel with a couple tweaks we can get to a point where the Predator feels fun to play and thrilling to fight against but still rewarding for both. 

So I don't know what it is they have to do on their end but what I think is maybe for melee, buff the damage up just just to hair bit since they can already parry your strikes. Make it so it maybe it takes one or two less hits with certain  weapons to down or maybe make it so that if you hit someone from stealth and they're not aware of you you do more damage like a back stab or something like that then maybe it would have you would start to see a dynamic start to change between the predator and the fire team.

 Now one of my biggest gripes with this game is the fact that there is no solo mode at all everyone can s*** on evolve all they want but if you hop on evolve right now you can completely play as a monster or a hunter completely solo by yourself against the AI. I'm not sure if it would be possible with this game seeing how the AI in this game is actually pretty trash that's a well-known thing, it's not something surprising ,everybody knows the AI is garbage. However I have 2 things, 2 features that if added to the game I feel like could make this game absolutely legendary. 
  1. What you can do is basically make matchmaking an option it’s not something you have to actually do here’s what I mean . Make a solo mode( program a solo tab with features) to play as the predator and the fire team. I know some people want offline but I feel in order to keep the XP gain the same as matchmaking it needs to be online no way around it.

    Now playing the predator in this solo mode you will not be playing against an AI fire team but it against the AI on the hunting grounds maps . The Predator will have objectives he has to complete other than killing people. like either blow up or retrieve stolen technology from a downed ship or his ship that the cartel wants to sell on the black market. Or helping a wounded blood brother in the hunt.

OR he has to Target these cartel warlords and because they are these high value targets they will be really beefed up and heavily protected. Like they’re going to have like perks and armor and they’re going to do a lot of damage and so on so forth. That would be the objectives for the predator in the solo mode so it would make a still challenging and fun. And if spotted the AI would be on the look out constantly for the predator and it would make for some intense awesome solo game play.
ALSO there will also not gimping XP ! the XP should remain the same between matchmaking and in Solo

  1. Now with the fire team I feel like you should be able to play as a member in a fire team solo by yourself or co-op with others with no player controlling the Predator basically. I don’t know how they can do this but the Predator will be controlled by AI and it’s load out will be completely random so whatever kind of Predator you’re fighting in Solo you don’t know until you actually fight it. That would be a way to make it challenging in a Solo mode and also still fun and rewarding. The objectives would be the same for the fire team as in matchmaking, complete your objectives and get the heck out of the jungle before you get skinned alive.

  2. Now regarding matchmaking itself the only difference between matchmaking and solo is that you are playing globally with other players. Whenever you lose OR win you earn these Rank points. These rank points can be used to buy exclusive cosmetics that unlike the credits in game can ONLY be earned in matchmaking. Obviously winning nets you more rank points and the amount varies depending on the victory or loss. So if you are playing the predator and you managed to kill some of the team but some escaped you get ta certain amount of points. So lets put it like this , just an example.

Total victory: 85 ( all of the fire team hunted )

Partial victory: 70 ( some of the team escaped , at least 3 of the team were killed , it does not matter if its the same person and you did not go into second chance mode)

Self destruct and at least a kill: 65 (taking into account how lucky you have to be to get a kill in self destruct mode. If you got kills prior to self destruct it doesn’t not change this amount. Just like the enemy reinforcement is something that should sting, having to self destruct should too)

Survive: 60 ( only 2 kills but you lived to hunt another day and did not go into second chance mode)

Self destruct and no kills : 30 (self destruction is a result of sloppy game play and is worse than surviving there is no honor in death )

Death : 25 ( does not matter if you got kills or not)

The same goes for the Fire team. So as the fire team completing all objectives with no losses and killing the predator gives the max amount to earn. Losing just one person instantly brings it down to the second teir of reward and making it out alive. We should not be rewarding re spawns it should sting every single time the team has to make a reinforcement. Here are some examples

Total Victory: 85( objectives complete and extraction, predator is killed and lost no team mates in the match)

Partial Victory: 70 ( the predator was forced into second chance state at least once , but is alive and completed all objectives , extracted and lost no one)

Lowered reward: 65 ( objectives completed and extracted but suffered a loss )

Lowered reward: 60 ( objectives completed and extracted but lost only 2 members)

Lowered reward: 30 ( objectives completed and extracted but loss 3 members with one living to tell the tale)
Lowered reward:25 ( no one made it out of the jungle)
this would mean the game cannot launch with a teammate missing, noting the more serious aspect of matchmaking VS solo or private games.

  Now I really feel like this would make this game from a good game to be in excellent game. I have a little bit of something for everyone. 

I firmly believe that this is something that is doable however it’s totally up to the devs on whether they would like to pursue this. It is quite a bit of work but with a team of 30 dedicated people I think this can be done.

This could easily turn form being a generic isometric experience into a definitive Predator experience. If anyone has any feedback they would like to give please by all means reply and we can share and talk and discuss this. If anyone with even more or any other ideas please share. 

I hope the devs read this and know about the massive potential this game has. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you have a swell Day/Night/Evening mates.

Dive bombing, hack and slashing is not the only way to play thats effective. Believe me XD. Youre doing it wrong.

Maybe it would help the developers to see our point of view why the Predator is weak to play many rounds with a good/ strong fireteam? Just see the Predator lose round after round against them over and over?

I think our point is that the fireteam are the ones that should have to learn/ become more skilled to win against the Predator. Right now its the other way around. The Predator needs godlike gamer skills to succeed. It helps if the fireteam have bad aim or are complete noob to the game too. But once fireteam are just average skill level they have huge advantage over Predator.

Thanks to the developers for reading and actually caring about what we’re saying.

Just put hands on the game. The predator feels good and fun. Running through the trees is a breeze. Haven’t been spotted yet, and hunting the humans is fun.
However, the shoulder cannon feels almost useless. Something to make it feel more fun would be nice. how about a ZOOM FUNCTION, increased damage, and hit stun. Would make me happier. Increase feet per second, and a lock on, but that might seem op.

You make an excellent point I agree with everything you’re saying but u say just like the film you have to realize that the Predator is the superior species… in the movies humans are designed to win these type of encounters I say this over and over again just like Batman is a character designed to win in real life humans would not know what to do we are not on that intellect level humans are fearful I’m talking real life not a movie but yes what you’re saying if they would Implement that the game would be great solid because when I play I haven’t lost a game yet to a fireteam Predator is weak though I feel like I’m being hunted in a lot of cases and this is not what this is about but good point man…

Ha…haven’t been spotted yet? I call bullshit

Spotting is one of the biggest issues with this right now. Especially in the trees that you run through…that’s why the pro preds barely use them.

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I know right. Not spotted yet? Must have vsed absolute noobs…
If you fight average players you get spotted instantly.

I play for 5 hours oups!sorry 4 hours of waiting 1 hours playing! Predator is way to weak!!! Weapon hard to use , almost no dommage. Or need to be close range and is almost impossible everyone see you and fire. Result 10 second almost death. The game is way unbalanced. Im super desapointed. I love predator but in this game a kid with a knife can kick is ass. It show it strong but in reality the human team crash it like paper

I feel i waste my money

Yeah, but the base LVL1 Predator can’t do that… and that person was oddly by themselves, that was an easy kill… You can’t go and cherry pick certain streamers to try and show off reasons as to why you don’t want to correct glaring issues with the Predator. A good fireteam stays together, and any other Predator would have been shot up, had the team been there.

Also you shouldn’t have to back out of melee like that and forced into using a tool as he did, PURELY because of the melee being so janky.

You can’t sit there and say that someone just backing up from melee attacks is “Parrying” it. Holding “DOWN” doesn’t classify as a parry maneuver, it’s just messed up melee mechanics, and so he had no other option but to pull the disc out.

I spent 12 hours using LVL1 Predator (at LVL38, because I chose to play base predator) with Plasmacaster and Claw, and that pred is unable to DO much of anything… sure, I had some matches where I blasted them away with the Plasmacaster and won… but those were few and far inbetween. The fact is… he’s frustrating to play, and you shouldn’t have to play at an odd angle just to force a win like that. It should come organically through hunting… not weird jukes.

my disk stuck very high on a tree and I could not get it back. Make a call button from anywhere (let it have a recovery time, ok)
for example: cooldown 1min

Hello everyone thanks for the replies. I made a new post and a questionnaire about balance. Check out the post here please:

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People calling berserk op told you but I still get what you mean about the hunter

Nice and everything chief, but you’re forgetting one major reason why “Diverison and isolation” just doesnt work.

There is absolutely 0 reason for the Fireteam to ever split up seeing as basically every objective is a single location and those few that arent take like 3 seconds to finish, if you want that tactic to work you guys need to change the objectives so the missions are both longer and multiple locations need to be triggered at the same time from atleast a decent distance away so there is atleast a reason for the FT to split because you can throw your sound mimmic thing-a-majigies but if the FT moves on it they’ll do it with at the LEAST 2 people, in which case you’re immidately outgunned.

I get that you may not want to make the Predator to be this completely unstoppable beast, i dont want that either, but in the state the predator is right now honestly isnt good either. The people that play the Predator may indeed be “new” but so is the FT and the fact that they will kill the predator more often then the predator will kill the entire team kinda shows that its not an experience thing we’re talking about here

I love this game, i love the predator and i love the games you guys make but damn i honestly dont have fun playing the Predator in its current state against the FT

Illfonic is too busy cherry picking people’s Twitch clips of people doing weird weapon switches and the odd-ended juke to consider everyone else’s feedback… even tho you go to those same people’s vods and you can see that it was just some lucky stroke they had… And that Predator IS in fact weak.

They are more focused on using big streamers to sell the game and getting people past the 2 hour mark so they can’t refund it once they figure out eventually that it’s a mess. Gotta get that cash flow in so they can reach par sales goals, before the rat’s outta the bag.

I don’t get it… putting what is obviously forced garbage on a pedestal, and leave the predator fans (that ACTUALLY want a Predator like experience), in the dark… in exchange for janky gameplay.


This is essentially like showing a player shift-grabbing players in Friday the 13th, and then showing it off like it’s COOL BEANS, when it’s … something Jason would never do (ie bad character integrity). But hey, you gotta get those cool hot fortnite twitch clip plays in so that people will retweet and like your shit for a couple days before they eventually figure it all out.

I dunno i YouTube this game and everyone ses stay the f away…
I wonder why that is?
But i see what happened they threw a franchise at a cheaper development company because of questionable success with friday the 13th and they ran with the exact same formula that got them payed last time problem is its a completely different audience and the predator feachise caters to the people that allready have a saturated market of cookie cutter games (fps and combat games im reffering to) its brilliant to take these games into new unorthodox directions but is very to screw up.
Look at games like the division that game lost almost all its players before the devs could fix the issues that caused the exodus, nobody came back for the most part and that game got turned into a real example of this type of thing turning out for the better but does this game have a chance?

Predator is very weak!!! U get spotted so easy even when your still! If by chance u get close to the group and start with the stick u may take one down then get mowed by the rest of the team. I mean I landed right in the middle of the four and started pounding them with combistick and cloaked a few times and got destroyed!! Throw down a trap from trees or even try to use bow and the see u! Have to hit them multiple times in order to just sit them down. Predator should hit them twice at best to sit the down! The iconic predator that I grew up with in the 80’s at close range would destroy human elite!

I played as Predator during trial and by the end thought I had a handle on playing for I was very successful that Sunday. However, since actual game launch Predators are very difficult to play as and too weak indeed. They either need much more overall health or to take less damage in general from gun fire.

I just played as a berserker Predator with Impenetrable perk on and I was shot-down like a rag doll, from the by snipers and machine guns, I literally couldn’t even engage nor stalk fire team because I was too weak.

I’m nearly max level and somethings need to change after having some opportunities to play as the Predator IMO:

  • Spotting needs to be removed

  • Predators need a major health buff

  • Fire team should have less stamina