predator is weak

he needs a buff


Tell us something we don’t know.


For rea lol…super weak…

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i knew they was not goto fix anything that needed to be fixed. f13 did not teach them anything

i mean i could write a book with what’s wrong with predator but i don’t think they would listen

Very weak, didn’t play the trial but the melee doesn’t connect half the time and considering I’m carrying a sword I feel like I should be doing more damage and the damn map geometry keeps taking my shots it would be nice if the laser pointer stopped where the shot will actually land so I don’t shoot a paper thin branch I couldn’t see, invisibility seems pretty weak I was getting spotted through trees at a glance just stalking people and when I try to get away (WHILE INVISIBLE) they can still see and track me from far away.

I’m still new at the game so I just might need to learn a bit more but first impressions the humans just seem more fun to play as and the predator is the one being hunted rather than the one hunting.


yeah i hear ya not to mention you have to take on 4 ppl plus ai and you can only heal a few times but if you kill a couple of them they can just pick everyone back up and then you have to kill them all over again (idts)

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Oh what if instead of having just 2 heals you have a certain amount of health you can heal? I noticed if you start to use a heal then cancel it wastes the whole thing which seems kinda dumb so making it so you can heal a certain amount of health and eliminating it being a one time use consumable would be better I think.

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agree 100%

I think predator would be much more interesting if he could take a downed fireteeam member and drag him in the jungle. He could be able to set up a trap and bring fight in a field of his choice.


that would be cool and like the movie lol

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I’m still waiting for my plasma shot to arrive


I’m still waiting on my melee attack to make contact

git gud scrubs :D

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I just had my first go of playing a predator and it was pretty fun. I actually took my time a bit, would knock enemies down then run and hide and watch them revive then attack again later etc… least the match lasted longer and probably was entertaining for everyone a little more than predator just running in and killing everyone in under 2 mins. I believe if you have a strong fire team you can probably wipe the predator player out quick, but if the person playing predator is really good, it’s difficult then.

Also as a PC player I’m using my Xbox controller to control the predator, seems to make movements a lot smoother, especially walking while stalking people


Predator is so weak like and then we don’t have no traps or nun of their dogs to get survivors away from their group,when survivors all together there is no way the Predator can win so it’s basically being the Predator a Easy win for survivors

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my honest opinion, I reckon predator is quite well balanced, played 2 rounds now and easily took out the enemy team. So far so good, I find it hard to play as marines though

2 rounds? I played around 30+ rounds and I can say that Predator is super weak. A few games i totally dominated and took down 4 man teams, but after playing many games i can see that those players were just noob. An average fireteam will have no trouble with a Predator.


I agree, the Predator is super weak. I wrote a lengthy post about all the things I see wrong with the Predator.
Check it here:


Ehh dont think so I think y’all all just suck at waiting till 1 person separates lol