predator is weak

git gud scrubs :D

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I just had my first go of playing a predator and it was pretty fun. I actually took my time a bit, would knock enemies down then run and hide and watch them revive then attack again later etc… least the match lasted longer and probably was entertaining for everyone a little more than predator just running in and killing everyone in under 2 mins. I believe if you have a strong fire team you can probably wipe the predator player out quick, but if the person playing predator is really good, it’s difficult then.

Also as a PC player I’m using my Xbox controller to control the predator, seems to make movements a lot smoother, especially walking while stalking people


Predator is so weak like and then we don’t have no traps or nun of their dogs to get survivors away from their group,when survivors all together there is no way the Predator can win so it’s basically being the Predator a Easy win for survivors

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my honest opinion, I reckon predator is quite well balanced, played 2 rounds now and easily took out the enemy team. So far so good, I find it hard to play as marines though

2 rounds? I played around 30+ rounds and I can say that Predator is super weak. A few games i totally dominated and took down 4 man teams, but after playing many games i can see that those players were just noob. An average fireteam will have no trouble with a Predator.


I agree, the Predator is super weak. I wrote a lengthy post about all the things I see wrong with the Predator.
Check it here:


Ehh dont think so I think y’all all just suck at waiting till 1 person separates lol

Yes unfortunately I haven’t played many rounds yet as predator… the long wait times are letting me down a bit. Only done a few rounds now but I’ve enjoyed my time as predator, though I can see your point, I should play more so I can get a better idea of how well it is actually balanced.

I do try to use a bit of strategy when playing as predator, so whether that’s really been why I have been doing well or otherwise just playing against noobs.

Faux vraiment bien équilibré le prédateur il et trop faible et sont arsenal aussi et les atout serre a rien perso sa fais 4 heure je joue avec le predateur je me fais éclater rien me marche je sui niveau 40 faux arrêter vaux mieux jouer commando avec les a tous qui ont c’est abuser franchement je m’amuse pas

Not really, the Predator isn’t meant to be a unstopable juggernaut, he is meant to jump in when the opportunity shows itself and jump out, not charge at the fireteam thinking it will work.
Many people had this problem in the first days of the trial, but as the days passed people started to get good, and that’s the thing about the predator: “learning curve”.

Try to play role playing like the first predator movie: Watch the fireteam, takedown the one behind or that get too far, set a trap around the fallen soldier, wait for the others to come, deal damage, run, repeat.


Which just doesnt happen if they are good… or not braindead. And if they do actually seperate, your melee takes 4 hits to down ASSUMING the melee even connected. If they jump in a circle around you, you just lose… you wont turn and will swipe were they were.

OR they walk backwards and eat through your health in seconds.

I know i know… use the plasma caster, this is hit and miss. Aim at something else, charge it up, swipe over to them for tons of damage or maybe a full on down. Not only is this unsatisfying gameplay, its gimmicky and can be exploited by the enemy team.

How about net gun/wristblade? Sure you might get one down and hopefully you netted at least one other person, but they can still move, break free fast and it does minimal damage ( i know its not supposed to ) it should honestly just lovk you in place for 3 or 4 seconds but wtv.

I find the most effective to be: jump in and down someone as fast as possible and then do one of two things… leap out and then leap immediately back in to take out the rezer ( maybe you wont die to everyone else ) or leap in, down one, leap far away into a tree and camp the body with a plasma caster. You might get another down as everyone is looking at you or outright kill the rezer.

This wont work on better teams.

I feel they only time the predator got good in the beta was when he got the combistick and bear traps, yes i know the combistick was dumb good but the bear traps were the most fun to me because it allowed me to set up ambushes in camps and seperate a team myself, i was being proactive instead of reactive . Right now i just feel like all of my tools pale in comparison, never even mind the elder sword which seems to just be straight up worse than the wrist blades.


i mean - most Predator players just rush into your face spamming M1 - you not suppose to win like that, i hope they nerfed BSstick enough to prevent braindead melee rush tactics

I played the trail did it change from the trail he was pretty balanced to me.

Buff ??? You kidding he’s so Over powered lmao, you can one tap people with your shoulder plasma Caster fully charged , the Smart disc can also one tap someone , and his perks are actually insane if anything tho they need to nerf the knife damage against a Predator with the increased predator damage can go against hunter and scout class on par with a single person

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I was wondering if my Xbox controller would work! Thanks!

They seriously need to buff the predator. He’s useless when fighting if the fire team aren’t separated

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Yep agreed

No the Predator isn’t weak. Your skills are weak.

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There’s two things that I have huge issues with.

Parrying with the knife and then being able to do huge damage with the knife

Melee not connecting half the time.

I do think the fireteam overall needs a small damage nerf, it seems the perk that reduces damage from bullets is absolutely necessary for most setups, which is borderline stupid.

Nah dude there’s a clear difference between beta and now. Predator gets shredded now and fire team can spot you first. Then you can’t get close and they call the chopper. What the fuck 🙄