Predator Lore

Ok boomer x’)

That his complete retcon from the shity predator midnight novel who was trash bit having giving us an insight of the hish society before slavery as where slowly conquering star system until getting fucked up by the amengi

I’m Gen X you ingrate.


I think the River Ghost has like creature insect wings that allows it to climb mountains and trees and ceilings.
Id like to see something feature all sorts of shit from the Predator lore. But of course it would have to be engaging…and not a passive thing like the pigs.

What if we get a regular human class that can walk…and the pace is slow and investigative. Since you’re not armed , there will be no predator. Just maybe you play as a stargazer agent…and everything is like mass effect.

I don’t know unfortunately, they could be intelligent and not feral. The only example we have in the film, they are as fucked up as the humans, confused and scared.
I do really hope we see them in PHG and that they get expanded on in some way.

It’s my understanding, that the rest of the canon ignores that book for good reason. Not that my interpretation of the Amengi is the only one or the right one. It makes a certain sense out of their culture as it’s been reflected in other media.
Them being Trophy hunters makes a certain sense, they’d only known competition and after throwing off the yoke of slavery they built their culture up from the things they knew and had been awarded for.

In my mind it’s doubtful that the Yautja actually understand how all their technology functions or the science behind it. Most people today in our society have a very poor understanding of science and technology. We can learn it from experts and become experts ourselves but the Yautja had no specialists, no experts of their own.
Yautja behave the way they behave, because they inherited the technology but their culture remains at the hunter gatherer stage. They haven’t yet reached the stages of empire. They see no need for it, they can just run from threats, watch from concealment and attack when they choose to.

lmao, Fire’s scout hate

umad bro?

predator smile

Has anybody else ever imagined that predator hunters were just bored of living so long, that they basically traveled from planet to planet looking for a thrill, and actually found the prospect of dying more or less a release from an extremely long life?

Well, AcidGlow has just released a video explaining them.

Cos I’m a mean green mama
From outer space
And I’m bad!


Feed me Seymour!


I was wondering if anyone would get it👌🏼💯

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Lmao I play scout too.
It’s me fkn with rey.
Causes hes fucking disgusting.

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No u


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I need some fucking ammo!

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Lmao yu too?