Predator Melee Damage through walls has to stop

Okay take away field-medic and we have a deal.



One is an actual gameplay feature that may need tweaking and the other is a definite exploit.

Again. For the cheap crowds. If you exploit, you’re worse than a cheater. At least cheaters make an effort to be pieces of shit. You sorry sods have to rely on broken mechanics.

That’s just embarrassing behavior. Through and through.

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I wouldn’t go so far as to call field medic an exploit. By definition it’s not. But fuck me is it broken.

Please explain to me how Field Medic is “broken”?

Are you serious, or are you being deliberately obtuse?

How is it not? A support field medic already comes equipped with the most amount of health and gear out of all FT classes, comes with a stackable 20% damage reduction (80% with 4 FM), with dexterous can revive a teammate in less than a second and tank more damage than the pred can dish out. A single FM by themselves is not OP but can be really strong on a decent or great team, when there’s more there’s nearly no way for a pred to kill them before they can complete a mission.

Ok, i’ll agree with all but one thing you said. Predators have no problem dishing out damage to a Support character. I speak from experience. I run OWLF Training and still 1 arrow shot or even one plasma caster shot can take 3/4 of my health bar. So don’t tell me a Predator can’t dish out damage.

Predator can dish out damage, yes. The problem is it’s DPS is nothing compared to even one properly built FT loadout, let alone 4.

I bet you throw grenades at walls you exploiter

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@REYNOSO_FUA11 how about 4 field medics, dex, and owlf trained wonder how much damage reduction they’d be at then XD

140%. Pred attacks give them health

Lol I wish, tempted to run troll team setup like that just to see how it goes

Very boring is the answer lol.

how about instead of dex run field medic, thick skin, owlf trained 4 of those lol

See, they agreed it was wrong and fixed it. Suck it Pred mains.

Pred main here. Never meleed through walls. It’s dirty 😅

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Hybrid player here. Still can melee through thin walls

Cemented my decision to caster though walls