Predator Predlocks

Olive says bring it bitch!! When they add a Pred v Pred mode, she’s gonna slap your tramp so hard she’ll end up in another game.

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Lol no.

I smell…chicken😉

I mean il fight you lol. XD.

Our fight will be legendary!! (can’t find the damn meme).

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Lol theyl be a back story and everything xD


I’m so glad I’m not the only one experiencing this. And the fact it hasn’t been fixed is just ridiculous.

Irrelevant. I don’t. Ironically I did name my scout Medusa. But still, they have been broken. Also since when did predators have hair that move around like snakes?

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It’s an extremely minor glitch compared to the other ones. But maybe your name choice cursed the predlocks like medusa was cursed eh?

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Irrelevant. Minor or not it’s a fix for it is long overdue. And illfonic has done nothing to fix it. Also nobody wants ugly broken physics. Fact. Unless you’re actually experiencing the bug, stop talking.

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I do see it happen a bit on my pred.
But I like the wiggling locks cause it looks funny.

The actual fact is that all of the ppl like you who keep complaining about it have some fucking OCD or are just too anal about irrelevant shit.

Also way to ignore my reference to what YOUR scout is named after.
I swear some of you on here need to lighthen up.

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You prefer broken physics to working physics? That’s pathetic.

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I usually don’t experience the Predlocks of my female wiggle around like their alive.

I only saw it on a city Hunter in a stream and I have to say it was hilarious to look at 🤣

Oh my so serious.
So edgelord.

The pathetic one is you worrying about your hair.
What is your make up looking bad too?

It’s a fucking battle not fashion show.

It’s about good proper physics you idiot. Not broken jiggly unrealistic physics. You absolutely know nothing about what makes games good.


Also that statement doesn’t even make any sense

You guys @VENN7eance @Fire


Il pin you down like that you keep talking dirty to me lmao.

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I thought you liked it lol jk

fine. Ive told you like twice you’re going about this too seriously with me but sure.

First off, you’re complaining about something incredibly minuscule.

I can call yo iui an idiot because your saying it’s about good physics right?
You just want things to look good.

Which is fine, I get it.
But its nowhere near as serious as you’re making out to be.

If you really cared about good physics youd want the collision in this game to be fixed so if you leap into something it would make sense and not the stupid shit we have now.

I do know what makes a game good, cause I’ve played a plenty if good games, the majority of them are older games.

You’re getting all rowdy with me, calling me stupid and shit, when you could of just enjoyed the reference I made to medusa.

Like I dont understand you. Did you think it was an insult?
No. I was going along with the mythology of medusa.

I figured you would appreciate it since you named your scout after it.

Il say it again, lighten up buddy.

Also my comment does make sense.
It’s me calling you too serious and telling you you’re too worried about how you look.