Predator Ranking List

Against PC premades?

Don’t quit. You can still do this ‘я оторву твою малюсенькою голову’ 😂

Yes it’s true

Prozipix knows he has to deal 3k FT dmg otherwise missed shots or even a wrong jump is gg. As pred play at super high level requires almost perfect hs and even then its not guranteed.

the only weapon that has not been mastered in the game is the bow… It requires 100 percent accuarcy to demolish a high end PC team. If ads on pred was buffed and melee was completely changed to where u aim instead of this tracking shit… things might get better. I just don’t feel like I have 100 percent control of my char like I do on FT.

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Soooo… I was just in a full lobby about to start the hunt when ever FT member just quit out are… Are players scared of me

Against random’s or do you only play against Yuppers?

Maybe I have you mistaken for someone else, he rolled my random lobby. Stomped us flat, 😁

также относится ко мне, брат

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He intended against best russians tournament teams , not pubs

So I can assume he regularly stomps pubs then.

Why don’t you guys not run the meta, use different guns play random classes or limit yourself other ways like splitting into two groups?

I don’t get a lot of your anger at the devs, you guys are choosing to play it a certain way and it’s making it un-fun, change how you play. If you’re all friends don’t use bane or thick skin.


Man, we can play even with the grimtech pistol and stomp 100% of our games, even without Yautja Bane. The game is already fucked up, they nerf all the Pred range weapons and now you cannot contest reinforcements . Not to mention 3 minutes missions…

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lol should we say that we have stomp every pc pred encountered the last 5 hours? XDDDDDDD

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Yes and there were even good Predators, like Yoshimoro_Hanzo.

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So make a win running the clock. You don’t have to have 3 minute missions if you don’t want too. I have a hard time buying that if you split your team and had Grimtech’s your Pred players wouldn’t fair better.
You don’t have to allow reinforcements in PM’s with friends.

These are just suggestions, I’m not telling you how to play but think you must be exaggerating.

Last suggestion is to not allow any heals. If you can kill your Pred’s without healing fight 4 honourable duels. First only Alpha is allowed to shoot the Pred, when he dies then Bravo gets a turn, and so on.

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This is not how the game should be played. The game should be balanced, as ALL the other games. And, unfortunatly, I wasnt exagerating; we can go pubs and use grimtech pistol only and stomp every one 😔. Things that we could do in the last patch. If the next Will be with more Pred nerfs I am 100% sure that a large portion of the player base will drop this game. For now the lesson I learnt is never buy one more game from that company.

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It still looks to me like you want to be mad at them. If you’re that skilled, go play Hunt: Showdown, you’ll find all the challenge you want when everyone can headshot you and your down, course it sounds like you’re group will be the ones using the anti camping mechanic to hunt solos and other teams.

What is Hunt:Showdown?
Btw it’s a pvp game, it should be balanced , this is not a single player and they are making the game worse more and more.

They might be making it worse for you but they aren’t trying to balance for you, you guys can limit yourself and choose not too.

Hunt Showdown is a game like this one, only the bosses are AI, you load in with a bunch of 2 or 3 person teams and compete for the bounty gotten from the boss.

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First, the hard core players are the ones that will keep playing, buying dlcs and maintain the game alive in the long term. Not people that play this game once in a while.
Second, you can check this forum and 99% of people are saying that Predator now is too weak , it’s not only me.
Third, to help randoms you have to put a proper TUTORIAL, because people don’t know how to play, it’s not about statistics. People dont know that the ammo crate restore syringes (because no one tell them) , people dont know that insta pick up a down guy is a suicide (because no one tell them), people don’t know that if you go alone searching veritanium you will die , and people still dont know that you will run faster with the knife. By buffing Bane they only made the game unplayable for both high level and intermediate.


Best way to nerf yourself is playing with randoms. But that’s not fun either.

I literally got into a match today that the whole team did nothing against a melee rush zerker. I got killed after a few parries and took his mask. He quick claimed me there and no one even second winded him. The rest got killed. None put up a fight. The dude literally let the last one revive after the idiot tried to hide for a few minutes. Once I got back, second winded him alone, and picked up the two that remained since he downed everyone else. They didn’t know what to do. So I used them as bait and ran away once the Pred got close to one of them.

There was no way I could take on that Pred by myself. So I hid for the remaining 2 minutes.

What did I get? Saltyness from the ones that did 0 damage, let me die once and hid for more than 3 minutes during last man standing.

I didn’t even speak up, because I wasn’t gonna fall for it. But that is just how stupidly randoms play. We faced that Pred last night and won in less than 2 minutes but one good player and a team of retards, stand no chance even against the most retarded Preds that just use wristblade melee

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