Predator Ranking List

I am also borderline there, planning on putting the game down, if predator is weakened again, it was a nice but short chapter in my life.

Я тоже там на грани, планирую отложить игру, если хищник снова ослабнет, это была хорошая, но короткая глава в моей жизни.

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Not true. I’ve been playing with randoms for quite a while now and sure you get those lowsy teams occasionally, but on the most part they’re all intent on finishing the mission and doing their best. I’d say I’m winning 80% of my matches with randoms against decent Predators, simple things like voice command wheel, in-gamechat rallying and encouragement go a long way sometimes. Lead by example, the majority of players will always follow the example and stick close to the guy who appears to know what he’s doing. Even when I can hear it’s a kid on the mic and he’s got the basic ass loadout, I don’t despair.

And some people just want to play, whether they win or lose, and get fun out of this game regardless. It’s not all about the winning, believe it or not. Besides, we all had to start from scratch not so long back.

Playing with premades and winning over and over and over is the most mind numbing shit, it’s why when my squad started drifting onto other games I stuck with it and decided to okay with randoms for the challenge. On the whole, it’s been a positive experience with many wholesome moments that made me appreciate this game more.


True…dude the other evening didn’t even know how to mud up or use a Syrette. It was his second game, but me and someone else on the team guided him through and he experienced his first win.

The lack of any clear explanation as to how shit works in this game is a real detriment to the playerbase. What ever happened to cool illustrated instruction manuals?


your fun part is the lacking part as it becomes meta weapons numbing painful experience. Ill admit the first time I played week 1 I was like holy shit now thats a predator stay together guys,

Now its a shit show. Even the worst preds could get some combi kills in

I’d love to do 1v1 with me as pred (I rarely play as pred) just to see if you can prove your point. Alone, you don’t stand a chance. Period.

Ya. Even 1v2 should be in preds favor at least 75% of the time. 1v3 maybe 50/50. Also I think the disparity between really good PS4 preds and really PS4 FT pre-mades is not as but as for PC.

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Depends on tactics. In an open battle, I agree. And true, the majority play this hurry-scurry style, which in the end, mostly leads to an open battle.

But if you manage to set up a crossfire trap for the predator, two can be enough - from my POV. Three can definitely be enough - already experienced that some times…

At least if all players are of similar skill. I admittedly also lost with 4 against one excellent predator without any chance:)

Still, in 2v1 it’s a fool me once thing. In 1v3 perhaps my 50/50 is an exaggeration. Maybe it’s 60/40 for FT and theres still reinforcement to consider.

True. Reviving a man down is a loooooot easier, if you are three…

And I have to admit, that the two versus one just might work, if you do not take your mission too serious. Time is the biggest problem for slow tactics in this game from my POV.

Ya. But anyhow, we await Illfonic’s latest move.

Post your list of pred names I’m curious now lol

I was in a random earlier and encountered WreckedDieHard as pred. He downed one guy, claimed him, I put him in second wind. He came back and the remaining two idiots didn’t do a god damn thing. He shot me with an arrow and I just said fuck it, I didn’t even use my syringe, he ended up killing me. It’s not fun when you have to babysit these ft noobs specially when the pred knows you and he makes it a point to kill you asap lol 😆

@Scarface_1983. I played against you with my zerker trapper pred. last night, good game. can’t remember who won but i think it was close. I suck as pred but this zerker build w sword, trapper, large pouch and medic has been insightful. It’s a mind game but i get greedy and if I am put into 2nd wind it is hard to out run and I can’t lay down traps.

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This is what playing with randoms is all the time for me (the 4th dude did also 0)

The 4th dude left at the begging of the match

When is a zerker, I cannot take on him by myself, I simply can’t. One FT member simply lacks the firepower to take that class on a 1v1. Any other class I will, not easy, but doable.

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Almost every match with randoms.

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My point wasn’t anything to do with a 1v1. The argument was that even a retarded Predator can wipe a 4 man squad if only one of those players know what they’re doing while the rest are potatoes, and my experience is the opposite of that. I’m usually the person on the squad that has the most experience and knows the game, everyone else is below rank 100 using XP boost and weapons that offer no real chance against a Predator. You turn those disadvantages into your advantage, when the Predator is focused on them track its location, chip away at it while it’s focused on the noobs. The majority of Pred players get bloodlust, see a down and go for the claim. Perfect opportunity to push it into Second Wind and chase it down, or stick with the squad and help them regroup. Spotting medkits, dropping supplies, letting them do objectives but sticking close to provide supporting fire. They do actually see these things, and they learn from them. How else did we all learn- trial and error and sticking close to the guy who seemed to know what he was doing.

A straight 1v1, regardless of how good you or I am is always going to favour the Predator, especially a Zerker who can tank all that damage. But it’s not impossible. On many occasions, before LMS, I’ve been the surviving player that has managed to either exfil or defeat the Predator. It’s purely circumstantial, depends on map, mission, supplies, current AI situation. To say there’s no chance is false, as many players on this forum will agree because many of us have won the 1v1 situation. It’s more of a 1 in 3 chance, but it’s still possible.

I’ll keep my eye out for you in the jungle😏 edit: I see your PC, so that explains alot and why your experiences are vastly different from mine. My crossplay has been OFF for months and will continue to remain off, it’s just a much more enjoyable experience when it’s all PS4 players.

They all survived, and appear to have dealt with the AI while you focused on keeping the Predator busy. Usually how my games with randoms work. Looks like a tough match 👍🏼

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The second screenshot, dude has 31 AI kills while you had 3!!! Seems he did most of the work on that front while you were glory hunting trying to kill the Predator.

A straight 1 vs 1 is in favor of pred but I am sure that right now if you play with other 2 people that dont use any weapon but only stay close to you, to attract the Predator focus a little bit, you can win. If you play private in duo and put the role of “no missions, only fight” I am 100% sure that we can win against 99% of Predator players. In 3 even with missions😂.

This should never happen in a balanced game in my opinion.

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