This idea was mainly inspired by the Predator 2018 film on how the Upgraded Predator seemed to have used a rope dart of some kind not only to to lift people into trees but to decapitate them with its sharp wire. However I though of its usage in a different way, being it a gear option for the gauntlet of the predator to shoot a harpoon into the fireteam and have to drag them away to the Predator. This will give the Predator one and one time for that unlucky soul who was dragged away from the squad, the damage on impact for the harpoon / rope dart would only do a minimum of damage similar to the wrist rocket or bear trap.
With this gadget equipped, it will also give the Predator a unique silent take down having the Predator recreate what we have all seen in the jungle and that is the skinless body hang. How it would work is if a Fireteam member has been downed a number of times for a skull to show up above them, the Predator can only activate it from the gadget from the trees. The fireteam would be lifted up slowly for the squadron of the fireteam to react to either shoot the rope or the Predator, but once the fireteam member is finally with the Predator in the tree, the Predator will do a short animation similar to Predator: Concrete Jungle and leave a skinless body hanging in the tree. The Predator will only be allowed 4 rope darts with a number slot of 4 as well, The Predator can reuse previous darts but once they are destroyed or cut they are no longer usable.
Now the only way for Fireteam to counter this gadget is for either:
1.) The Fireteam captured will have to do a mini game similar to the bear trap or net.
2.) Fireteam group members can shoot the Predator to interrupt the Predator pulling the Fireteam member, however if interrupted when pulled up a tree it would have the member being pulled to be dropped from whatever height they were pulled.
3.) Cut or shoot the rope from which the dart came from between the fireteam member and the predator.
What do you guys think, let’s discuss and possibly debate this topic.