Predator skins you would like to see

What Predator skins you would like to see in the game? I hope they release more as DLC. There was a topic like this before the launch but it seems that old topics were deleted.

Predator 2


Alien vs Predator (the one in the middle)


Yep we need more variant actually i’m using only jungle hunter from 1987 predator movie .
I’m not a big fan of generic armor and paint armor like call of duty or fornite for every class .
It will be cool to have large panel of different and detailled armor like original saga of predator movies.


I use the Jungle Hunter skin a lot too. The mask looks great.

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Bad blood original
Concrete jungle scarface
Assassin predator (the predator )


For sure they will do more movie skins, I feel that there are too many iconic options.

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Duuude, that pred from the last screen! He has so amazing mask. Please, add <3

Right now, i just want mine to not be covered in green blood and laying limp on the ground…

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They should add concrete jungle predator, along with the ones that appeared in the “Predators” movie. They we ALL SO BADASS!!

Yes! I would LOVE to see some iconic skins. BUT I don’t want it to be one of those things you have to buy. I want separate items you unlock w coins so I can customize my predator w my favorite cosmetics from iconic predator designs. Like the scar bio mask on the berserker skin from “Predators”.


Predator 2 design is my favorite. I hope his face will look accurate behind the mask too:



The fact that no one hear has stated the best Predator to date is hilarious. Wolf is a must for this game!

images (36)|236x354


Eh he was in one of the worst Predator movies there was, which is prob why he doesn’t get mentioned. But I agree, get his skin/mask in the game. In fact, imo, if a mask appears in the films, it needs to be in the game. More cosmetics are never a bad thing.

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Yeah it is probably one of the worst, but he’s easily the best Pred (along side the JH). Just because the movie was shit doesn’t negate him


Definitely the Scarface Predator from Concrete Jungle <3


Man I want the giant ass wrist blades from the first AVP, or the giant singular one from Predators. But for armor def want the super predators from the 2010 Predators.

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Falconer predator as a class please I love his mask and the falcon would bring a new way to track the fire team


The thing with concrete jungle is it shows just how old some of us are haha I still remember buying that on ps2 and a new memory card


I want the wolf predator but he would probably be too dark to see anyways lmao


I would love to see the Wolf Predator from AVPR