Predator Specializations

Okay, Okay. Without causes a uprising and staying with a civil mindset. Why does the Predator not have these as well. Cant give one side something like this and not the other that is not balance. Im mildly annoyed with the recent ft buffs, but understand why they need to be implemented.

The ft extra perks have pushed the balance in heavier favor of the ft than being true balance, where skill is important rather than mass dps values.

The Predators need something to compete with in terms of passive perks. Maybe something not heavy game breaking this time but something that makes the playing field a little more even.

I have some thoughts in passive perks but would like input from the community and have a discussion on what will be the best for balance.

I will share a example That I thought of last night while playing a team of 2 supports with field medic on, and a two dutch 87. One had Amphibious and the other had Reckless.

So as I was trying to set up stealth kills and over all downs for the match I was noticing how quickly the players were getting picked up. No biggie.

I was thinking What If Pred had a passive perk that while within a certain meter distance of a downed player, The Ft goes into shock after being downed by a alien and bleeds out twice aa fast. Like some sort of fear.
Idk just thoughts while getting my ass kicked last night lol



Iff cuttlefish agrees then it must be said


For scout they could have a specialization that does more damage the further you are from the ft but take more damage the closer you are or something like that, Viking/berserker: the more damage you take the stronger your melee.


Mhmmm yes yes. This is nice so give the scout a long range buff, maybe with this long range buff for scout only give the ability to zoom in on click on caster and bow???

I was thinking something similar to that for the bug bois but to also make it more damaging the more ft around him the faster he swings with decreased stamina loss per attack


The only reason im adding to ideas is because some of the perks for ft have more than one thing. Like Amphibious which is increase speed while also getting instant mud lol.

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Like/dislike your idea, specifically I don’t want FT bleeding out too fast. If I down a straggler far enough away for a long claim, I don’t want him dying on me before that.

I think I’d like a optional specialization for Preds like FT has, give players more customization and strategy on that side too.

Hunter target marks don’t fade at all, once you’re tagged you’re tagged unless mudded, can also be tagged quicker (drop from 3 seconds to 1)

I’d also really like to see an autolock feature for the shoulder PC, if using it you can autolock a target but the weapon damage is reduced (for balance purposes), maybe on Hunter or Elder


Maybe for samurai berserker and Viking a perk that reduces knife damage while attacking with melee


Im glad you disagree because now we can have a discussion on on how fast is to fast. Or change it to too if you get downed via melee you bleed out 1.5x faster because the ft is in shock of the Predator for the first time but after ecah ft has been downs once the shock goes away and bleed out time is normal.

I feel like the auto lock on would be op but maybe for the scout have the ability to lock on to one ft or obj but cant charge the caster.

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Mhhh. I feel like that could be a passive for all the preds. Give one to all that is the same so that Illfonic dosent have to do to much work wink wink lol

This is true

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What’s standard bleed out now 60 seconds?

I figured reducing the PC damage by 1/4 would be enough to balance the lock on feature and keep it from being OP but the idea of not being able to charge when locked on works just as good now that you mention it

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You know I dont quite know tbh. But 60 seconds sounds about right.

And 1/4 full charged dps, would it still take the same energy if fully charged because if so that wouldn’t be to op. Just enough to piss off the filthy Ft players lol. I agree

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A zoom ability for scout would be awesome or have a bleeding effect for arrows on top slowing them down at the cost of impact damage, hunter could have like you guys said faster tracking, easier to see thermals from further away, climbing tree speed. Berserker could have traps do extra damage or damage over time/bleeding affect. alpha loses the plasma caster but gains 20% damage with melee weapons. I’d say these would throw balance out the window but the devs already did that by making premades god tier.


I think Zoom already exists because when you’re aiming with bow, you can crouch and there is a tiny but visually apparent zoom.

I insist they amplify the effect.


I mean a zoom with adjustable levels of zoom or increase the current level for crouch zoom.


Maybe a perk that does exacty that.


Maybe, we did list a passive perk up top. So long range damage. The further you are away the more damage a ranged weapon would deal. But also with this to make it viable give the scout the ability to zoom in one click like maybe as much as the 4x zoom gives the ft.


A great passive special perk for the hunter could be

Vulnerable: After achieving full body scans on all ft players. Ft are weaker to plasma caster direct damage. Ie maybe like 5% and Mud cover is 50% easier to see through.