Predator Theory: Mythic Trophies tied to future DLC’s?

Glad to see you back man.

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I would really love a ancient looking predator with a cape, maybe either a half cape or a full cape. And maybe with the option to put some details one it(like greek gold design), change colors and put some clan symbols on it.

Also, I hope they give us the options to add scars, jewelry, and some spikes on our predator’s face.


Good to be back


An Egyptian Pred would be really cool

So would an Egyptian map

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I can’t wait for a desert map, it’s going to have its own challenges and angles to work out. We got a few more jungle maps to go but if you’re right it won’t be long till we see the next one.


Maybe we can have elementals interacting with the map like a sand storm, heavy rain, or snow

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It’s possible we’ll end up with weather, I think it’s a good idea down the road. I have some worries about optimization, to be honest. Weather can be very taxing.
I see flurries of snow being a definite possibility, if/when we get and arctic map.

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Elder Predator
-Flintlock pistol
Samurai Pred
-Samurai sword
Viking Pred
-Viking axe
Knight Pred
-Ottoman Dagger
Egyptian Pred
-African Dagger
-Spartan spear
-Western revolver


I’m just here to mention that flails (morningstars) were rarely used for combat in Medieval warfare unless it was a conscript who rigged a farming tool for war.

When I say “rarely” I mean “pretty much never”. Maces/hammers were far more practical and easier to wield.


And we have a broken warhammer so Medieval Knight Predator confirmed


I fucking HOPE.

I am fascinated by Historical European Martial Arts, so I hope he will use the sword as knights actually did.

Fun fact - knights used to use the hilt of their blade to fight an armored opponent (they’d flip the weapon around and hold the blade to attack with the hilt) so they could hook it onto loops/edges of their opponents armor and try to throw them down to the ground.

At that point, the knight would go full mount on his downed opponent, and the other guy would typically surrender so he could keep his life.

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But if it’s a war hammer, then it’s gonna be a bonkfest.

They’d use war hammers to knock an opposing knight unconscious or just fuck him up really bad.


I like the fighting, but I’ve got to be “that guy”. That’s for entertainment.

Knights spent a small fortune on their weapons and armor (typically having to swear fealty to a lord so he’d put up the money on their behalf) so swinging his sword that had cost him the equivalent of a modern-day car to forge was not an option if it was metal on metal.

They barely ever locked blades, either. They had a shit-ton of weapons on their horse and would pull out the one that suited the situation.

They’d use swords to kill unarmored opponents.
Maces and hammers for armored opponents.
As mentioned before, sometimes they’d just crush a fallen knight under the weight of their combined armor until the guy said “I give up”. After he gave up, it was considered lowly to kill him, so he’d take the knight prisoner and then ransom him back to his lord.

Part of that fealty pledge meant the lord would bail him out if he was taken prisoner.


I don’t know about medeival history I just like the aesthetics

Also there are group battles that are pretty entertaining


Yeah, I’ve seen those.

The Japanese have a guy they call “Goliath”, I think, and he’s 7-feet tall.

I saw one World Championship or another where he was the last guy standing on his side and it took 4 fucking knights to bring him down.

Was dope.



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The stealth kill better be having me end my opponent rightly.

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This is quite an interesting theory. I hope it turns out to be true!!!


It’s been correct so far
We’re only missing the Predators for

  • African Dagger
  • Kopesh
  • Nunchuks
  • Ottoman Dagger
  • Spartan Spear
  • Tomahawk
  • Warhammer
  • Western Revolver

So about 8 slots for potential Predators to take, but I know we’re going to get more. These are just the “historical” ones