Predator Weapon's tier list

I was terribly bored so for any new player or people have problem to follow the Patch’s here a tierlist of the best weapon of the game.




Switch war club with smartdisk and put the latter in B tier.
It’s a good list, But I still have my doubts about elder sword, this one is extremly efficient.

what stop the Elde sword r to being that efficient is because i didn’t take in account the Elder predator stamina in that tier list, it migth go to the Meta class with the number of Elder player increasing, and man i will tell you the elder sword is so much better with the elder class its just hmmmmmmmmmmmmm~

as for the smartdisc no he need to be reworked i don’t understand how we can’t have a gameplay and the damage so meh/bad i mean remember AVP3 smartdisc gameplay who was way better.

War club need more likely a damage and stun buff

Put Bow at the top in its own tier.

Elder sword no, because being in melee range can’t be meta as long as parry exists.


can’t do that unfortunetly, as much as the bow is deadly the prob of accuracy and bug near to a tree have make my choice.

The arrow spawns out of your predator so theres a “bug” where it just collides with nothing yeah.

Still the strongest weapon for the pred.

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still the strongest and more stealthy weapon of the pred i will agree that much.

I’d say a combistick throw outperforms the bow in pure damage, but I carry both on most of my builds so🤷🏻‍♂️…

Combistick is far from is former glory tho, yes the damn blindness of the throw is great but oh damn does he is weak compared to before

Yeah but the throw still does a 135 base damage, bow is 95 with fully charged headshot…

Don’t have to go pick it up like you do the combi. Bow’s still the best for consistent damage. You get your 95 damage headshot and can immediately followup.

I’ll give you that

Well this is jus like Uber wrong lol

The fact that you have audio decoys and combi the same, net gun is top tier, hand held plasma above the bow, AND WARCLUB OVER SMART DISC?? So you’re trolling right? Perhaps a FT main wanting new predators to suck ass lol

I can’t take this seriously with club over smart disc when a smart disc throw does 136+55 dmg in ONE throw it one shots every class but Dutch with both defense perks LOL and you can melee cancel into throws it’s super op sure it’s a buggy I get crashed every now and again but it ain’t worse than club it’s an instant down on a FT in a BT
Everything else is fine though net is def the best weapon in the game rn

WOW OK i feel bitchslaped rigth there alrigth buddy here me out.

  • Hand held plasma canon above the bow? easy, each shot are deadly and compare to the bow don’t need to charge also the Ammo is INFINITE the bow have only 30 shot who are rather easy to spend when you just started with it. that why he is above the bow more reliable, more quick with amazing damage.

  • Net gun is Meta tier for one good reason i’m sure you would find him 8 predator out of 10, he deal little damage yes but oh damn how good he is for the zerker lover and its the best counter against Billy 14 years old PARRY KNIVE GOD. that why he is so high, also ask the scout they love it with their hand held plasma gun

  • Yes i will explain why the smartdisc is in a complete different category, but first off the warclub is so far the worst weapon of the game for the pred, damage and the speed attack are way too weak for what he deal and that why he is nearly never used how many strike do you need for down a classic FT? 6/8 strike rigth? sorry but its the worst.

  • Now the smartdisc category he is NOT bad in therme of damage dealing but OH GOD the damn gameplay is a bother actualy its the main ISSUE of the smartdisc is entire gameplay, i’m sorry but for new player its probably the second worst choice behind the war club, when i watch AVP 3 back in the day with his smartdisc gameplay i’m sorry but this version of the smartdisc is a joke.

ok its a missunderstood, i just have put him in a complete different category because i consider him as Unplayable at that point, in gameplay wise, damage wise he is way better than the warclub yes.

Ah ok then as long as we’re clear

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