we are and i completely agree.
Predator Weapon's tier list
So the plasma pistol and net gun are meta with the trap
A-bow,elder sword,disc and motion detectors
With plasma caster
C-audio decoys
Needs a damn rework- war club
Yes war club is a joke. That’s all you got right here though. Hand held yes is not awful anymore but it’s not better than the bow. The bow effectively has infinite ammo. I’ve never run out and even if I did you can pick your arrows back up. It also does more damage per shot, is more accurate, and does not instantly give you away. The audio decoys are USELESS and the combi stick is one of the two potential insta down combo weapons. The other being THE SMART DISC. The smart disc is THE highest potential DPS weapon in the game. I’ve hit 3 people in one toss. That’s 375 damage in one second to the team. No other weapon in the game can do this.
disc is A if you want to suffer is attrocious gameplay, warclub him just NEED A DAMN BUFF! illfonic pls, buff the warclub damage :c (also the damn slow animation doesn’t make any sens for the predator pure raw strength wtf)
Also net gun is Meta against the shitters who play solo and got the game this week. You can shoot it before it hits you and insta free your teammates from it. This weapon is borderline useless against a good team
I can get like 1 hit with the warclub then I’m lit
Up lmao but the disc is very clean if you can use it right
agree to dessasgree man. but here is my opinion on why wich itea are higher than other.
Hand held plasm gun is still better, when i just finished heal and i see the FT starting to run to the extraction point i wont bother myself go pickup every damn arow in the area, with gun i know i don’t have to do it, again the speed attack of the hand held gun is way better than the bow, you need to charged shot, gun is damn quick and i love that when i play my scout, i can reposition myself more quickly than with the bow and again i don’t have to worry about my ammo.
the decoy are great to put confusion on the FT team member if they are not communicating well also if you fall against FT who run after you when you are low but not on you’r first wind you can use them for create adiversion and hide for heal.
Combi stick is good for engage against inexperienced teams but against good team people who do that melt rather quickly.
As for the smartdisc i have put him down not because of his damage but because of how shity is gameplay his, i totaly agree he have the potential but he lack the gameplay that goes with it and because of that its way to ward to use them. also did you ever get fucked by two FT ranger when you are too busy using the smartdisc? no? good. its not great.
Netgun is the one of the weapon of the choice of the zerker and scout class who want to rekt Parry kids, also i have been too many time on the side of those who get netguned so yes its very good, perhaps not against good team, but i will be honest with you. you will fall on randoms more often than good team.
I’m sorry dude just none of this works. Again, I have never had to go get my arrows. It gives you more than enough. Might as well be infinite ammo. And any team you are “confusing” with audio decoys is probably tripping over there own feet anyways. Not once have I heard an audio decoy and ran off to go chase it or something. You just stick with your team. The item is useless. And the combi, again, has INSTANT DOWN combos. Toss it point blank against a bear trapped (or just aim) ft member and then one slash and he’s down. It’s almost like people wanna say it’s not the best to sound big brained. We all know the combi is the best. And again, the net gun is pub stomp. Don’t get me twisted I’m all about variety. And if you like using something that’s dope. But when we start talking about objectively which weapons are better, the list is just wack. You bear trap someone smart disc them they are down then spear throw into plasma the would be reviver and 2 people are dead instantly. These two weapons are easily the best with the only thing contending being the bow
again agree to dissasagree man. i have my opinion you have you’rs. i have make point as you have done you’rs i wont go further than that.
I disagree about the disc. It’s frustrating and can cause nausea and vomit the first time you use it, but after some practice boy can it be deadly
Also, I would put the combistick at least in the same tier as Elder sword because of the throw and range
Handheld Plasma, I still haven’t used it after patch, but from what I’ve seen from other ppl I find it hard to place it above the bow. Probably same tier
Fair enough dawg
Ah yes…just where I like to see my pp at. The top
Again personal opinion on the disc but is gameplay is still too much atrocious he need a complete rework. for new player its going to be a pain in the ass and smart team know that the pred can’t move when using the disc and if they saw where the disc come from its free damage for the FT.
For the stick its all good and fun but he is far from is former glory, again the blindness is cool but against a good FT team who split just enough for avoid to be all blinded it wont be enough, zerker get melted really quickly.
i strongly disagree with the last one
im always downing FT TEAM members and the control is easy asf (pc)
dont know about ps4 though so i cant tell
actually, in my oppinion the disk is qualified as S, no rework need
the club he needs a more dmg to the lack of speed of the combo
combistick is very good and il give an A to it but i want retractabale combistick…to make it not only 2 handed weapon but to have each part of the combi in the hands using it as dual
motion detector not everybody use it cuz they think is quite useless but when u face pc players with a specific build (is a must have)
elder sword is the first weapon, even with his damage and all il clasify it as a b+ too a, why?, everybody has it from the begining and has decent dmg and speed
the bow needs some “improvements” in the way u use it, not what is actually doing.
plasma pistol is good as it is, is in the meta 100% but il put it on A weapons. cuz the dmg and reload time, very good to distract the ft and dmg them close range if they wanna come to u with a knife.
bear trap i use it more if i wanna focustarget and probably stop the FT to reinforce them and i put the bear trap on B.
Patch 1.11
S- Smart Disc. Throw
Combistick. Throw
Shoulder Plasma Caster. Max charge
Bear Trap
A- Yautja Bow
Net Gun
Hand Held Plasma Casters
Elder Sword
Combistick. Melee
Shoulder Plasma Caster. Light charge
B- Wristblade
Smart Disc. Melee
C- Lonely War Club
This is my personal list.
MY WAR CLUB 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭
meta… haha
yea i agree, and i also disagree with the Tire list doesnt seem right to me i never see people using hand held so Bull shit its the meta. the meta means Everyone uses it the bow net and Plasma are the top hand held is like maybe B tire? maybe? at best its B? fuckin smart disc is D tire and then warclub HA what a joke no one ever DARES touching the war club
Alrigth the smartdisc is low in the list in therm of gameplay wise. Even if he deal amazing damage I consider is gameplay to be way to atrocious to make him really effective. On the 100 if game Ii have play this past days as FT i have see less than 10 press using it. Among the preds less them 5 where using it with somewhat good result.
Again the need of rework is not the worst class it just mean that the weapon really need to change completely for finaly become really effective and fun to use. Because even if people have find a way to use it I’m sorry but the bad of the smartdisc completely overcome is quality in my opinion. Also you can’t move and be a easy target for any Ft member who have see where the disc come from.
Remember AVP3 smartdisc gameplay was way better