Predator Weapon's tier list

Nah i disargee the disc has much more uses then the club.


Where would the sickle be in this tier list?

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Well I never have see the sickle in game so far.

And the Smart disc have an atrocious gameplay for an amazing damage he need in my opinion a complete rework

The bow got a nerf that never should of happened, the war club needs re worked for nicer swings, the disk moves fine but it needs to be able to turn much sharper I suggest holding L2 to perform a quick turn, elder sword is fine as is, plasma pistol is fine as is, predator health just plain seems too low either that or resistance to damage recently.

Also the aim mechanic for weapons is chunky, If I press L2 too early then hit R2 to aim my bow I swing wrist blades and uncloak myself like wtf game thanks for wasting that opportunity.

I promise you just need to learn how to use it. After that, you’re gonna have some good fun

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There is the bug that a fully charged bow shot auto follows with a wristblade melee causing decloak.
That is game breaking and drops it down a tier.

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The combistick/spear is at least A tier. Traps are not s tier.

The animation for parry is totally wrong, parrying is you deflect a shot to the side of your body, and you ought to get some guts because plenty of people melee to good effect, matter of fact most matches I have been in lately are all melee and elder sword

as an epic predator… your tier list is kinda off. I’m a PC pred and well. I hit bow shot like nutz
top tier
-Plasma Caster
-Bow //bow combo jump closet to opponent bow wrist blade bow shot.
-Disc/ combi stick thrown /traps/ audio decoy

-full charged plasma is still your best weapon and no idea why people don’t use it. Find a spot and lean over a nice ledge and make charged shots. Shots do full dmg through walls

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Bow… with lagg and the fact that any decent FT player will not be stationary long enough or move in a way that is easy to track to get reliable hits, especially not with the wierd hitboxes… where obvious headshots on stationary targets hit somewhere entirely else. If I know a Pred player uses bow, it will usually not hit me.

Smart Disc… Why is it inverted? It always throws me off when I try using it. And that weapon hits me even more rarely when I play FT. I can hear it coming, see where it’s going and fairly easily move out of its way.

Plasma Pistol… Is pretty damn good. It’s even stealthier than the bow, since it’s shots are harder to track to an origin point. I guess it’s weak point is the inconsistent damage.

Combistick… Thrown headshots are god tier. Melee, easy parries.

War Club, is just pure trash.

Elder Sword, not very hard to parry… Really nice dmg output though.

Netgun… just OP.

Regardless of any tier list, my weapon choices are bound by my Martian Lore


I have yet to complete my trials with the disc, until then I am not worthy of it.

Marvin the Martin, OG Predator.

Today I had a plasma shot cancel into a claw then shoot then claw again.

So it went claw blat claw in about 0.25 seconds.

Wish I knew how I did that lol

i make some in sane shot on my pred … if your own ps4 the shot i do are impossible

Sounds like PC and PS4 need separate tier lists due to control differences. I’m sure mouse makes disc waaaay easier to reliably control at a distance. And precision with bow as well.

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so fucking true… its not even a competition vs ps4 players… it like AI with more hp

Yeah no if the pred is running around with an elder sword just pull your knife out and swing back.

Melee isnt viable as long as one dude on his last tick of hp is able to spin around and parry you in which case vs a coordinated ft you are dead and within easy kill range of every gun in the game, even minigun. The lengthy animations + potentially parry stun + being infront of guns gets you killed end of story. It’s a huge tradeoff for nothing.
Idk how you lose PURE MELEE matches especially when FT has a 1:1 direct counter lol. Backstabbing ps4 players is OP because controller sensitivity and motion blur is garbage but thats its own issue even they can parry or get easy headshots on a pred in the middle of shitty melee animations.

The club gonna be a thing of the past when the samurai sword shows up.

Wish they made some changes to it…

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I get left alone by the fireteams that I get matchmade with and knife is only so viable solo, so as it really should be the predator is able to melee me to death I’m just sick of shit fireteams camping the edge of the map covering in mud trying to snipe the pred, turtled in a building that’s not even part of the mission again with constant mud, I just get all the luck it’s not possible that all fireteams in quickplay solo suck but I get some real gems, I get in plenty of shots just not quite enough to kill them this is also after I’ve used up my health trying to get up shitty fireteam members so they can try and redeem themselves a little