Predators are weak

In 5 hours plus playing FT yesterday we had zero losses vs any Pred player, unless you count us failing to disarm the Preddy Nuke. Sure, we were a full party of PC players. But one of us was an utter newbie at the game with the MS condition, which does not lend itself well to awesome aim ability. And while we were using comms, most of that chatter didnt even concern the game that much… it was not necessary to be very tactical and super aware most of the time.

When I play FT, I dont feel like I am prey. I feel like I am the hunter. The number of Pred players I have hunted down and killed in their Second Wind state is easily in the dozens.

All Predator classes are way too weak. Low health, stealth being almost useless since sound gives you away to anyone smart enough to use a headset.

And then we have not even gotten into how unreliable many Pred weapons are yet. I personally have missed fully charged perfectly aimed bow shots to the head of players, because somehow the arrow does not go where I aim… And this was close range shots on stationary targets. The arrow just does not go where it is aimed, and often hits some obstruction that should not even be there. Bow needs some adjustments to actually become the finesse weapon its supposed to be. Faster charging, and you know actually hitting what you aim the fully charged “dot” at.
Smart Disc can sure give out alot of pain… if the target is a dummy. It’s hard to control, I mean you have to drag your mouse all over the place just to turn it around, and then there is the inverted controls. And I play with high sensitivity as well.
Plasma Pistol also suffer from the “does not go where aimed” problem. Although this is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it is alot better and faster to use than the bow at least.

Melee overall is just parry bait, unless you’ve netted the target. And War Club is utter rubbish, entirely useless.

In the end all pred classes need more health. Because right now, it is fairly easy to chew up their health and then keep the pressure on them so they cant heal up again. And even if they do heal up, you can just down em again without much difficulty.
About the only time a Pred is a high threat, is if you are an isolated FT member. And even then you can deal enough damage that the Pred regrets the encounter and needs to go heal after its taken your skull… again unless they use the netgun… Netgun makes all encounters alot easier.

And before any Predator player comes in here and say they slaughter FTs left and right… Yeh, sure ya do. If they are utter rubbish and playing on the PS4 and using their TV for sound. You’ve yet to face a decent PC FT. And if you feel up to it, maybe we can engage in a few private matches and see how you fare then. Odds are, we’ll hunt you down and use yer corpse for science. Because smart FTs are not gonna let you shoot arrows at them when they try to ress their mates cause you got a few lucky shots in with the bow, nor are they gonna step in bear traps or sit still in a house letting you fire plasma bolts at them or slam the roof. They’ll spot your alien ass and light you up with all that they have.


One thing… I think the Light Bender perk should make not only stealth cheaper, but better overall.


In my opinion, if Predator is buffed (or FT is nerfed) the Public queues with random players will greatly suffer and so would the health of the game.

I say this because I assume that random/casual players are the vast majority of the player base (both Predator and FT).


I agree to a certain extent @Draedark. It is a tricky line to tread, game balance. Especially since this game is cross platform.

But as it is right now… Preds are to easy to kill overall IMO, for any player with a decent amount of time in this game.
The above Preds in those 5 hours of FT play were mostly above level 100, even a few 150s. And they were still easy kills most of the time.
We spotted them almost instantly, and then proceeded to give em a fireworks show. Often in the first few minutes of the match. I feel sorry for em actually. It cant be fun to wait for ten minutes, then enter a lobby with a few good PC players and then stand zero chance vs them… even get killed before you even have a chance to down one of em.

And sure… I play Pred as well. And vs good FT players, I dont have much of a chance at all. They spot me easily, and then my health disappears into green spurts all over the place. And I usually try to play stealthy, and not charge in like a gung ho pred waving my netgun or combistick around.


The maps are to linear. Predator melee is clunky… arrows go through crouched ft members… just give us the full burst plasma back. Pred perks are not as strong as ft. And the zerker never needed a nerf. If only illfonic talked to those that play more than 5 pred games per day i can share so much info. The way it should be is any ft member that strays more than 100m is at risk of getting 1 shot by plasma or bow hs. Why does the bow hs not down a ft member.

I think the Berserkers got themselves nerfed.

I mean there they are with 15 gear points and only need 5. While the Scouts are over here like “Hey, if you are not going to use those gear points, I would be happy to take a few. Okay? Thanks!”

I mean zerk stamina low thats fine… give them some melee dmg… holy shit they suck after nerf… all becuse the samarui is the new melee dutch.

I like my bow disc elder setup… so ez to down and i dont even have to be in line of sight

Yes I think it is kind of assumed the Samurai will be melee. I guess it will come down to what was the inspiration.

Power Rangers or Dragonball Z.

(I am not an expert on either, so what I am going for here is did they structure how Samurai plays as a jumpy flashy bit, or as a stand their ground and go nuclear bit)

-me siting here with my 15 win strike as Elder-

I play elder all the time. Zerker is worst class and elder is all i play. Traps are gamebreaking. You can cutoff building entrances/ put them on top of downed fts. Or save them for helo. Just wish you could pick them back up

That is my plan when I hit 150. To try the Elder as an almost Scout+Bear Traps.

Forgive the assumption… But I still think you have the fortune of facing utter rubbish FTs. After seeing your vids, those FTs could hardly be called even half-decent.
I’ve gotten hit by a disc once in all my FT games, and that was mostly an accident of the disc returning when I shot the pred. Bow, rarely hits me more than once… because when I know the pred has a bow, I’ll make myself very hard to hit with it. And stepping into obvious traps, who does that? They are visible a mile away.

@Draedark honestly, i will be real with you… I honestly think that they only need to buff all preds except zerk cause he will go on a rampage with combi again… the games i usually get now are somewhat enjoyable but not really… i get like 30% of satisfaction out of like 70 % when i play due to me being scared of actually playing either closer combat or stealthy combat which generally just not fun imo… again me taking people skulls is just not fun cause i basically have to rush out to not get melted of xD… sure you can bait them but thats all you can do really

But the fact is… if they just buff predator ONLY once more its gonna be balanced… like literally i did my research and calculations lol… i mainly play 87’ and probs gonna main elder pred when i reach 150

I am no great Predator, I consider myself average to slightly above average. I prefer the ranged/hit and run/net and claim Scout style of play. Yet I am currently at 85% win rate on my games as Predator (yes I keep track).

It would seem I should be closer to 50/50 if it was balanced.

Since you said rubbish… another European deadyebuddah… check my channel and look at all those premades falling by my hand… why isnt the predator allowed to make teams look like dog shit. Why are they bad? Or do I use tactics and sit still and actually hunt. There is over 10 games at least on my channel of 4 pc ft members or 4 pc premades. If you want to have a fair skilled match lets play unreal/ quake 3/ csgo/ something symmetrical… to make acusations about 1 v 4 and call me bad is down right stupid. Its pretty sad out of 20 games i might go against one decent ft

The balance for me would be 60/40 for predator… right now im pretty sure its at 50/50

Yea totally not seeing it, right now seeing like a 60-40% split in favor of Preds now that players have learned how to play them well. The point of playing the predator is to not get hit, you gotta play a mix of stealth.

Zerker rushers who get mowed down quick is just bad players and then cry they are too weak. What do you expect when you run straight into a wall of bullets?

The predators don’t need any buffs, zerkers for all I care can get a slight nerf still, but what preds do need is some improvements to some of their perks and gear that is kinda useless. Despite all the whines that they keep nerfing preds, this ignores how the FTs keep getting nerfed left and right with gear restrictions and ammo being removed. While Preds have been seeing buffs to some of their gear like the plasma caster pistol improvments, smart disc improvements, elder sword improved, etc. Warclub needs some buffs, but overall preds have been getting BUFFED outside of the zerker who got a couple nerfs and much needed at that.

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If you take it in numbers… only thing that would make worth of 60/40 would be actual health ration on pred vs fireteam… sure the current fireteam health is fine i love it when i can charge my full blast and they are bloody and stuff… but i also love not being almost at half of my hp if i try to down someone with plasma

And for me predator right now feels like its generally even when it comes to fireteams… maybe a buff on perks would be good option rather than buffing preds again… just buff perks that gives overall better stats for pred then… sounds good… but then again I will still feel like an NPC that has alien tech and climbs tree’s…cause the pred feels limited due to its given game mechanics

I either decimate a ft. Or it goes all the way to helo vs pc premades. Watch your second wind meter. If you like melee you have to take the second wind perk otherwise its 5min till its good to go. Also with second wind perk /prolly best perk to have/ you can quick claim a lot more.

Ex/ down range/ impenetrable/ secondwind cooldown… i usually take stamina perk.

Melee perk is like 6 extra dmg with wrst blades. But elder is 190 full combo without owlwolf training…
I cant teach people how to play predator but mastering the plasma cannon will save you headaches

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If you buff a predator, players on PS4 will receive a zero win rate. Do you think?