The game is well balanced I would hazard on PS4. On PC, usually FT will win easy. All it takes is one decent PC FT member and they will bleed a pred in seconds.
Face a good PC FT team, or possibly cheaters, and you dont really stand a chance… no matter what some people claim. Stealth is basically useless since weapon trajectories are easy to spot, not to mention all the pred clicketies give a pred away fairly easily.
As I said earlier, even with just one PC player on the FT, the FT efficiency goes up by 300%… No joke. Usually as I look on scorecards, a PC player will outdo a ps4 player at least twice over and usually more than that.
And Preds still have to suffer from rather clunky weapons compared to what FT has access to. The Bow hits hard, but you will rarely get more than one shot in at a decent FT player.
Disc, once more… extremely hard to control efficiently. You go from moving yer mouse by small degress to having to drag it across your desk just to turn the damn thing… and then there is the inverse… yuk.
Plasma Caster… Well, as a FT I’ve gotten downed instantly by it despite having full health and OWLF Training on a Recon. So I know it can do damage, but usually lagg and stuff ruins yer day.
Which is aggravated further when using a bow, I’ve missed often several clear headshots on targets that are muddying up or ressing… And all I think to myself is “WTF!? That arrow should have hit!”.
And lets face it… Knives are OP, parrying is real easy and the damage is insane. Just today I almost managed to 1v1 one pred in a knife duel. Eventually he won out, mostly due to me playing Recon at the time… but the pred was seriously hurt and had to run away to heal. Now actually imagine if my FT members were nearby…
Game balance is a very hard thing. I know that. But one mag from a Hammerhead is enough to almost down a Hunter if ye can manage to get most bullets on target within the falloff range. And Hammerhead is the meta.
Lastly, I love this game. I love the Predator IP, hell I grew up on Arnold movies and Predator was one of my absolute favs, along with Terminator of course. So I want this game to be successful. And atm, PC Fireteams are just OP, if they have about average skill at shooters… And that can ruin this game. I’ve had several Predators rage quit against me just today, and many of em were lvl 100+ at least… and often I was the only PC player on the FT, it was enough.
Preds are easy to spot, and easy to bring down to 2nd wind and then chase them down to where they heal up and proceed to shoot them in the head.