Prey 2022 and the female lead hate train

So the new trailer dropped, im trying to have high hopes because the trailer looked good but after 2018 its hard to have faith in a new pred movie. Although the amount of peeps salty about there being a woman lead is hillarious to me. Yk what else had a female lead? All of the alien movies. 2 of which are some of the best horror/horror action movies to exist. You salty mfs needa learn that woman lead doesnt equal bad movie.

Also you cannot convince me otherwise that the peeps saying the trailer looks bad are only saying that because of said female lead. The trailer was pretty good overall, they didnt show the predator in full which I liked because it gives that sense of mystery that the original had, and the trailer had a real feeling of tension and fear which I also liked.

Im really hoping that since this is a prequel they can do something truly unique and not just big guy shoot big alien. I want to be afraid of the predator again, not laugh at it.

Also you guys should keep in mind that this movie has been years in the making (remember when the leak happened and the director said they were planning a whole special reveal that was ruined?) and it seems like an actual passion project instead of a cheap cash grab.

All in all, im very hesitantly excited and you should be too.


Plus im pretty sure its gonna be R rated again so we can get some of that yummy predator brutality


My issues with the trailer are that it didn’t show anything we haven’t already seen or read

It doesn’t appear to have been shot on film either and it makes it look like a made for TV movie, which I guess it is

And it is R rated


true but also keep in mind, the trailer was only 44 seconds, we really didnt see that much to begin with.


Well the movie drops in August so I’m sure the full trailer will be next month possibility around the time the 87 movie came out


Naru has been a warrior before the events of this film

I’m sure there weren’t many women warriors if any during the time period but it’s a movie about a space alien so


Definitely right. What I don’t like, is that now it feels kinda “forced”. Also, Ripley had awesome resources, but what will this teenage girl have? We’ll see how it goes.


I would agree if not for the fact it was already established that she is a skilled warrior already and so and so but I mean overall its pretty unrealistic that someone with a bow will be able to take out a sci-fi hightec space hunter so i can hold a sense of disbelief in that aspect.


If preds not blasting away, I’m not sure how it can be good. Like if the story focuses on her life and is kinda like a drama for the half of the movie its gonna be boring.

There was a recent movie called antlers I think,
And jesus christ that movie was all over the place. They kept adding like these random ass moments where it felt like a soap opera.

It was a damn horror movie.

So if they go that angle, its gonna be incredibly boring.

Me personally, I don’t know how its gonna turn out.
I think the best anyone can hope for is some cool kills and maybe fights.

I think the best approach is keep expectations low, so if it is good, then it’s a nice surprise.


My point exactly!

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You’re a space alien.

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Why would the predator blast away when it’s an honorable hunter?

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You’re the one that was saying he would.

If it’s the first hunt, he might not know what’s happening and think they’re a greater threat then they are.

Think about it, they hunt all kinds of crazy shit.

So what if pred sees a human and thinks it’s got some crazy ass ability?
So he shoots cause it’s better to be safe then sorry?

Yo I would love to see this honestly.
A slaughter from confusion.

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I can see the predator blasting away against a large group

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I would love to see that.

Like if there was a war between tribes and the predator picking them off as they see fit

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Exactly. No joke that sounds like a good scene.

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Imo that doesnt really make alotta sense, its been shown (in pretty much all of the movies especially in pred 1 and predators) that the preds tend to observe their prey for a while before actually going in for the kill to get a sense of how they fight/act and all that so the pred probs wouldnt just assume that theyre magical or sumthin lmao but like badblood said, it would be cool to see the pred going against a large group and just taking them out with ease to show that the pred is an actual force of nature.


Or the predator un-ironically hunting them as they hunt bison