Prey 2022 and the female lead hate train

Development hell is not a good thing. It doesn’t take years to make a direct to DVD movie.

Arrow shoot big alien.

now we’re just coping

Bro it had the 3 dots bro! dont you remember the 3 dots!

Comache were notorious for their treatment of women and captives in general lol. Everyone knew what a comanche raid meant and the one’s that dodged the raid and didn’t get slaved/murdered were nomads until they were slaved/murdered.

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Yeah and who’s to say that somewhere down the line, a Comache woman decided to be a full time warrior out in the battlefield? Outliers always exist after all and this film just exemplifies that, thats it. It also just proves that again, there were warriors who happen to be female just as well, as apparently everyone argued against. I was never proven wrong in any accounts

Guns didn’t do much as we see in the films, so at this point its whatever, people are just going to complain regardless so cry away I guess.

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Because they had to raise kids so everyone didnt die out, skin buffalo, and carry water every day forever so there was no hidden tribe of special ops valkyries. They already had all the important roles that kept everything from falling apart, as much as people like to downplay internal roles. Bodies in a battlefield are just bodies.


Whos to say? Idk, actual documented history for one. Logic for another. This is a made up story about a fake alien and fake human characters based on a real group of people. It proves precisely 🍆 about anything other than that the studios do as they please, documented history be damned. You saying that a made up story proves anything other than that is silly. History proves you wrong. You can like the idea, that’s all fine and good, but you know deep down it’s nonsense. We all do. Because we can look back at history.


Let me give you an example of a female warrior of the Crow tribe, Pine Leaf

“I conceive it to be my duty to devote a few lines to the bravest woman that ever lived, namely, Pine Leaf – in Indian, Bar-chee-am-pe. For an Indian, she possessed great intellectual powers. She was endowed with extraordinary muscular strength, with the activity of the cat and the speed of an antelope. When I engaged in the fiercest struggles, no one was more promptly at my side than the young heroine. She seemed incapable of fear; and when she arrived at womanhood, could fire a gun without flinching, and use Indian weapons with as great dexterity as the most accomplished warrior.” - James “Bloody Arm” Beckworth, American Frontiersman


Beckwourth, James P. The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth . United Kingdom: Harper & Brothers, 1856.

Lisa, Laurie., Bataille, Gretchen M… Native American Women . New York: Routledge, 2001.

Roscoe, Will. Living the Spiri . United States: St. Martin’s Publishing Group, 1988.

Here is another one: Running Eagle


Ewers, John C. Plains Indian History and Culture. Univ. of Oklahoma, 1998.

Hungry Wolf, Beverly. The Ways of My Grandmothers. HarperCollins, 1982.

Roscoe, Will. Living the Spirit. Macmillan, 1988.

Schultz, James Willard. Running Eagle, the Warrior Girl. Houghton Mifflin, 1919.

You can easily use one of these two as a template or even the Comache people could have stories of their own, seeing as they have huge input in this film, so again, they know something you don’t know. Hell, wanna talk about history, we can even talk about the Dahomey Amazons, full female warrior regiment that even got other warrior tribes scared shitless to fight them. History always had women who took up arms to kill a mothafucka, sometimes they want someone dead too and thats just the way it is.

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A woman killed general custard at the battle of little big horn

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Literally no one said women can’t kill people

You mean the Dahomey Slave traders that were wiped out in a bayonet charge?

As if any warrior out there was never wiped out in any battlefield anywhere? What does even mean, Try again.


The Crow tribe could even have women as chiefs, no doubt. But the Comanche were not the Crow. Not by a long shot.


Because many warriors, even the best of the best, got wiped out or defeated in some point in time in some form or another? What is the difference here? Samurai got their asses kicked by combo of bayonet charges, modernized blackpowder gunfire, and government disbanded them. Spartan power also collapsed within time, due to both failing military campaigns and political issues, but they were still regarded as one of the most badass warriors in history.

Again, this isn’t the gotcha you think it is.

Its an example of how even if women had these roles, being a warrior is not far fetched either. And since the Comanche tribe has a hand in this, it means they got no issues with this whatsoever so it means they know something we don’t so I’d let them drive this car thanks.

Militarized melee combat with female units in a lower weight class lol

They were equipped with advanced western weps and they mostly fought against enemies who were equipped with primitive spears. They got btfo when they tried to fight male Abeokuta warriors who had the same weapons, and they later got permanently dumpstered by French bayonette charge

You’d think they’d go with Apache and not the raiders.

tax free money laundering why would they care?
Nice historically accurate anime reverse hold on the bow preserving comache culture btw xddd, straight from Avatar.

Which they had a long history of doing just that and winning? I mean they totally lost to the French within time due to advance military technology but they were doing fairly well on everything else till that point so again, your point?

Also, the French Foreign Legion aren’t ones to be trifled with btw, an elite class of soldiers and even they had to give these warriors respect for their cunning and ferocity. Especially that one famous account where one tried to bayonet a Amazon, only to find get countered, tripped, and had his throat ripped out by her teeth.

Because historically they had a bad hand in film representation and they would no way spoil the opportunity to make one that is good? It’s been expressed many times by those who are trying to break into the film industry and make great portrayals of native American people in both historic and modern times? Its been a thing since forever, along side better representation of POC, so yeah again, evidence to the contrary would be great.

Its a knife on a gun my guy.

Be renowned for raiding stuff, be represented as raiders
lol. Next up, Viking clans.

Generalization that’s a disservice to the culture. Entirely different groups of people with different customs.
Much like generalizing minority groups into “POC”

Weapons technology of the 18th Century is outgunned by weapons tech of the 19th century, which the Amazons and The French carried respectfully. Flintlock muskets will always be outperformed by multibarrled cannon artillery, and repeating firearms that the French used. Its one of the main factors that brought the Amazons to their defeat. Do some research please.

AHahahahahah, which is ironic when we go to your next point…

Film history always portrayed native folks as one tribe, so now the Comanche has a hand on doing things their way in this film, which any tribe rarely had early on in film making, so now they are taking the opportunity to make it good. If they had issues with a female lead, they would have said something long ago, but they don’t which means they are ok with it and perhaps have historical female warriors of their tribe that is yet to be shared. Please, stop, you know exactly what I meant, don’t give me this semantic bullshit as if you truly cared for their plight, else we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Stopped there. We watch different movies.

Oh wait, my grandma is blackfoot indian. ah the irony in the ppl who “care for plights of marginalized groups” telling them their culture is wrong or appealing to authority.

Idk, I just don’t know what’s wrong with wanting the person or people who go up against a supposed elite alien hunter to be either absolute Beasts of men or women or, if it’s gonna be a smaller, skinnier therefore physically weaker person, maybe showcase some kind of magical/spiritual abilities in the trailer, therefore POSSIBLY avoiding all this kind of nonsense in forums (there will always be dissenters) and do a little more research on peoples that actually DID have female warriors. It would’ve been that simple. The debate on this subject could’ve been solved and the more important subjects of budget, effects, directorial quality etc could be discussed at length. But no. Here we are with the “But what about” and “What if” side vs the logical side. It’s almost like the studios WANTED this dumb shit endless debate…

Studios consider this a heckin racism though because its a trope. They’ve come full circle (kinda like people using colored people/POC again.)
But plot armor so thick it might as well be a superpower (or dumbing down everyone else around said character) is fine.
That’s the problem with pandering, it’s inherently discriminatory.

Think of the nonsense around Iron Fist. Is it racist if he’s asian? Is it racist if he’s not asian?

Such is the fate of 80s franchises

You’re telling me that films in the past never resorted to stereotypes of native americans all being a monolithic group in most of their casting of native american people? Never had stereotypes of all living in teepees, stoic only, having the “Me am Soft Wind” mannarisms, tree huggers, the noble savage, or other stereotypes of the like? Never tried to differentiate the various tribes of Blackfoot, Comanche, Kiowa, Apache, Mohawk, and various others? Damm, I didn’t know that, much WOW!

And yet you claim you know better than the Comanche tribe that is working on the film that is ok with this portrayal that THEY ARE WORKING ON? Yeah ok buddy…again this isn’t the gotcha you think it is and the extra irony of your quote is astounding, seeing that who’s on board:

The filmmakers were committed to creating a film that provides an accurate portrayal of the Comanche and brings a level of authenticity that rings true to its Indigenous peoples. Myers, an acclaimed filmmaker, Sundance Fellow and member of the Comanche nation herself, is known for her attention and dedication to films surrounding the Comanche and Blackfeet nations and her passion for honoring the legacies of the Native communities. As a result, the film features a cast comprised almost entirely of Native and First Nation’s talent, including Amber Midthunder (“The Ice Road,” “Roswell, New Mexico”), newcomer Dakota Beavers, Stormee Kipp (“Sooyii”), Michelle Thrush (“The Journey Home”), Julian Black Antelope (“Tribal”).

Damm seems like you gotta go over there and tell them you are wrong but then again the pot calls the kettle black??? Stop man, stop hurting yourself, you are embarrassing yourself.