Prey Hulu Original


what will be called the new predator of the film?

I’m the greatest most humblest most knowledgeable fan of Predator

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Predator ?


Looks decent. Better then I was expecting but 2018 made that easy. At least the series is moving in the direction it has needed to since 2. Should’ve always been an Anthology, taking us to different time periods & settings. I hope they bring back the creepy supernatural undertones that were subtly present in the first two films, that’s always one of the cooler aspects of the original movies where we KNOW the Yautja are alien but there’s something inherently mystical about them still/something that attracts mystics. Hopefully the action is all based around the native tactics & traps that Dutch originally used in the climax of the first movie. I mean it should be considering Natives are the human protags in this movie.

Hopefully the final product is good and we start getting more projects like it. All of the “Cosplays” for example are at least deserving of their own shorts in a collection like say Halo Legends. Do it in different animated art styles. Like say something inky & based off of feudal paintings for Samurai, like The Duel from Halo Legends to bring it up again. Hell you could make a pretty good stealth retelling of Beowulf with the concept of the Viking & Valkyrie with Viking as the Grendal and Valk acting as a mix of Grendal’s Mother & the Dragon from the original myth.



Predator prey


I am the Humblest and Greatest of all times in all categories so let’s just jot that down.


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That’s sick as hell!

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Holy hells above I need that!!!

Lol stupid comment is stupid. Looks like a fan made trailer done in an hour. Also i think most ppl in here loves Alien whoch have one of the most badass womans of all time. So just stop

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So since we can all agree this movie isn’t gonna be the greatest thing ever I think we ought to apologize to @IllFonic because I think since Predators or even AVP 2010 Game they’re the only ones setting the bar high on this franchise sure they game has Issues & Glitches but tbh PHG looks better for the franchise rather than this movie which should be backwards but to act like the devs destroyed this franchise is just insane given the trailer for they’re 5th installment another words…………get off the high horse & just enjoy what you enjoy life’s too short for the animosity that takes place here in the forums especially when other games are coming out that is technically going to market battle with this game


They didn’t destroy it

But they sure as shit didn’t elevate it

This game is lukewarm

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Hahaha calm yourself now man, aint bo apologize heading Illfonics way man ffs


Should be the other way around, bud.

And no, Illfonic did not destroy the franchise. But the combination of a shit game with shit support and shit customer service, and a very, very questionable film with political undertones and cheap production, very well could.


So, I can’t say that in my opinion this looks good and that people should not hate only because there’s a famale lead?
Damn sorry if I spoke my mind, guess I missed that we live in a fascist world where we must all think alike and insult others if they say something we don’t like.

…Just fuck off and crawl back in your hole ahahahh

Well directed, hahaah. The type of people you find in here bruddas… Yas those 40 secs of fan footage in the grass was fucking speilberg lvl directing! Must watch