Prey review

lookup the word credence.

I’ll be honest, can’t be assed to do so

You must be sold on 1 second blah.

I only started giving a shit in earnest when the most vocal Anti-SJW creator for this franchise was like “It’s not woke, it’s well written & good. A return to form.”

dont know what youre talkinga bout.

If he’s saying that, after that funky ending, then I have high hopes too. I mean…technically Naru doesn’t win. So its not OMGWOKESTRONGFEMALE. And I guess she gets her ass kicked most of the fight.

that is Alien 1979.doesnt have to be woke —just strong female who stuck to the ‘rules’ not breaking them. The woke only happens depending on your prespective. Oh shit remember Ripley Ellen ? Well she fucknig said "negative’ when the captain said fuck everyhing!

At the time, ash and Dallas both were colluded and represented a systemic norm and Ellan Ripley said fuck that. Still…I like that idea. Let it happen!

Also, its not a wokeness. Its a a protagonist going against the norms of the antagonist relantless on keeping with the norms. It could just be a male lead if anything.

Its only woke if it there is some kind of relationship to what is going on today and society.

Female emppowerment has been going on since the 70s. welcome to the world. In the IT world, foget about it. Men lose all the time! LOL!

Ripley never had an agenda, this is a fact because ALL of the roles in Alien were written without their Gender specified. It’s why everybody is named by their Surnames. Ripley, Dallas, Lambert, everybody. Every single one of them were written in the script to be capable of being played by either Sex. They were written as characters first and whoever won the auditions for each role ultimately was the deciding factor in who the characters were.

The main concern everybody has had was that due to how characters like Rey have been handled by Disney, everybody was assuming we’d have another Rey on our hands with Naru. And like, it’s easy to see why those fears arose because the setting is PRIME bait for that kind of hack writing. Thankfully, by all accounts even the most vocally Anti-SJW of people who have seen the movie are saying this is not the case at all and that she earns everything & goes through a ton of shit just like Sarah Connor & Ellen Ripley. And considering Ripley is the Gold Standard for strong female characters in movies, I’m fucking impressed by such praise.


Whose Rey Again? @REYNOSO_FUA11 aand please don’t say its from Star wars.

It’s from Star Wars




She’s the best part of Star Wars tbh

Die you horny bastard

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Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

That’s my granddaughter you sick fuck. That’s it I’m getting the shotgun.






An example of said scenario? You cant be wrong if you are going by the directors own words and the trailer? Thats bad marketing

You watched the video you linked right? He even said nothing in the Marketing is like any of the actual Film, in a good way.

Your granddaughter is a hot bowl of chili, and imma dip my cornbread up in that shit. Get your shotgun, pappy, it ain’t gonna save her from me and the rest of the Resistance.

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