PS players on FT teams never learn to:

I didn’t intend for anyone to get lit by this thread, i’m sure it would happen. But the truth is the truth. That’s not to say a PC player wouldn’t plug in a PS4 controller into the PC because thats common too. Its all preference, but of course practicing with the keyboard is more natural and you’re not doing circus trix with your PS4 controllers thumb controls to hit certain features. Either way some newbies never progress pass that point.

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i nvnr said i rarely play with PC FT, what I meant that a full squad of PC is rare. Personally, I find turning off crossplay on the PC side is very very very challenging. I mean to the point where 80% of those games is likely won by Predator and everyone plays like their on 4cups of coffee. There are benefits to having Playstationers on board. It broadens the playing field/style/ level. Its annoying but there are the benefits.

I’m just wearing headphones man lol and I hear his direction just fine

Circus trix? I dont follow. I always make sure I have the target line of sight before aim and shoot. This game is all about hit scan and quick scoping. So I also am not spinning around in circles either. But hey man Im not lit or whatever that means. (Cause where im from Lit means High or drunk as fuck. Which Currently Im high as fuck lol)

It just seems to me that pc players are having poor luck with randoms. Idk Depends on the day if I have crossplay on. More so when I have friends who play pc are on and I try to get games with them. Has worked but no true way to always make it happen.

Im sure I have had the pleasure of playing on teams with some of the players on the thread when I have crossplay on. But I also always try to start my Pred gameplay with crossplay on. Untill I run into the shady pc players, which happens but I stick it out die in crazy ways lol and then say gg and turn it off for the rest of the day.

Now I do apologize for attacking your fandom of wrestling.

But this Elitist attitude here needs to stop. Yall can post videos of the scrub ps players and most of us will agree with you on them. Shit that Man-0-steel video had me dieing. I have killed that kid more times than I can count and have also had the super misfortune of having him on my team and dam that kid is the worst. He acts like he is plying fort.

Now I do apologize for attacking your fandom of wrestling.

I am an AI programmed to use this avatar. Nothing more.

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I have Astros, and holy fuck can I hear the pred. But I also have a tuner so I have the gunfire and explosions sound low, voice chat mid , footsteps high and it seems that the pred noises count as misc on the tuner so i have that on extra High so I can hear this Pred jumping from tree to tree before he even gets close lol

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Lol dude its all good

I use Sonys Platinum Headset when I dont use my reciever on a flat frequency base with virtual surround sound on and I can locate pred clicking pretty easily. In the sound department they did a really good job of the audio mixing and directional sound, now I wish they had a full surround sound option or 3D audio then it would be even better.

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Idk what any of that is lol. I hear pred clicking I shoot. I also have monitors set up. The field of view is vastly different than a tv and also I can see the pred about 90% of the time even if not moving. Like ontop of a building or standing on a tree with no cover limb. Idk maybe it’s because im closer or my blue tinted gaming glasses so I dont ruin my eyes any further than they are right now lol.

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My tv is basically monitor size so its on my desk I plan on getting an actual monitor cause my is like 4 years old but it gets the job done.

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I agree that ps players are casual as fuck sometimes. And I believe the casual players meed to turn off cross play so that not so causal semi pro ps players and get lobbies with pc players instead of always having the mix of maybe one semi pro ps player 2 ps casual and a pc player. Idk but cross play needs to happen so I can play with my main man here and we just crush severs

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I plan on turning on crossplay when I hit 150 that way I have most experince I can get from ps players then go to pc territory and learn/get destroyed more.


Crossing the bridge there, i like it!


I really think new comers should start with crossplay off then when they feel confident they should turn it on causes theres a whole other side of this game that people miss out with crossplay off.

Yo, it’s the hardest way to play. The only way I’m efficient on FT as PS4 is as bait, or emergency covering fire. I’ve killed PC preds on FT before, but i don’t play FT often or seriously so I still make a lot of these mistakes, but not all the time. It is legitimately harder to use a controller and play FT.

What you are saying is offensive to all of us who have Ps4. Do you understand that right?
Also, you think that most PC players are skilled soldiers? I play Ps4 from my 7 and im 28, play with almost max sensitive and killer aim and most games i do the highest damage to pred with PC players in my team. But thats not the point. I dont have to prove something… But you must understand that this post is offend all Ps4 players.

It’s only offensive, if you choose to take offence.

At the end of the day this is mostly factual. If it doesn’t apply to you then that’s great, you’re the exception to the rule. :)

He’s not wrong though.

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It doesnt matter if i am the exception or not.
Its an offensive post to all Ps4 players.
And PC players cant understand that.

@XViper is right that it’s only offensive if you take offense. That’s a whole other issue though so I’ll only suggest not taking the opinions of people on a forum personally.

As far as this list, yeah there’s some of these items that are true. Some are complete BS. I’ve had just as many PC rage quiting as PS4. I’ve seen everyone abuse the ammo crate. PC players will hit reinforcements as soon as their available instead of waiting until it’s situationally sound. PC players glitch hide on backwater and try to run the timer out in a corner mudding up.

As far as spotting the Pred and Damage. I’m decent, any game where I have less than 1k damage I consider bad. That’s more an interface issue than anything. I spot or aim with controller and a lot of the time I’m just enough off that I miss. It’s infuriating but just the mechanics of a controller vs. KB&M.

As far as elevation thats preference, I like staying on the ground, and I don’t like sniper rifles. Just my play style. Do I suck with sniper rifles? Yes, so I don’t play with them. I honestly don’t think controls would change that for me and it’s influenced my play style, but I play how I like for fun so don’t really care what anyone’s opinion is of it.

So yeah this list isn’t very accurate and some can’t be helped due to hardware. Just my 2 cents

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The PS players on this site are those that are the exemption from the list, the ones that do it, don’t come here to see it.