Hi, guys.
Is anyone able to play using the keyboard or mouse on ps4?
PS4: Keyboard + mouse
I’m not able to use mouse on PC :)
Keyboard works fine but you can’t use the mouse. I don’t understand. Why does 1 work and the other not xD
I dont know, it really should work. my mate says his mouse works on all his ps4 games…
Is it a compatable mouse? does it work on other games?
You can if you buy a certain adapter that shall not be named a it bypasses K+M detection. It’s rampant in the likes of Siege and COD…
So you are saying that console players are not saintly and as prone the shenanigans and malarkey as as PC players?
I’m shocked.
Which adapter?
Voldemort obviously
You don’t have to look far but i won’t promote it as it’s blatant cheating and unfair advantage in any FPS game.
Always makes me laugh when people bitch at the other because of the platform they use. Moral of the story is, it does not matter what you use. Ass holes exist everywhere!
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I had this discussion a lot already :)
What about using it for comfort.
I’m a old school pc player and dont wanna replace my ps4 because of my friendbase…
but i also wanna play K&M.
My reason for using it, isnt to get a advantage. but to make my gameplay more fun.
It’s all about perception m8.
edit: but i 100% understand your point of view… i want to nuance it a little bit
Whichever way you look at it, it is in fact cheating.
You are playing other people who are using a controller, playing ranked games for instance is supposed to be putting everyone on the same page. Which is completely bypassed if you are using K+M, hence why most games do not support K+M and you need a shifty adapter to bypass it.
I can in no way contest your arguments.
I’m not sure what level of ranked you play on siege, but from a certain level its 80% M&K players.
your point of view is looking purely at the advantage it gives, but i just wanna point out that some people have other underlying reasons for buying it, rather then having a advantage over others.
edit: smurfs hurt siege more then K&M users imo. with the current MR gap to be able to play with lowe ranked friens a lot of smurfs ar ruining gameplay for lower rankes
same i dont know y
The answer is in this forum. I don’t want to search it for you so theres your answer.