Ps4 player or not?

Lol it’s just that your pred is fat xD.

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Ask any PC player if they work for illfonic…BTW i own a ps4 i just dont play games that suck on it.

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That’s cool I guess?
Don’t really care but with how much much of a fanboy you are I’m surprised you dont just buy 100 copies of the game to throw money at illfonic.


And this game is magically better on a pc. I guess when u add macros and aimbot this game isn’t that bad huh?



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Children think what they will. I suppose all of you are.

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Why do you flip flop so much here. When this website first started u were all gifs and memes no toxic then just memes. Then u went on a helpful spree now you all toxic no memes wtf pick something already

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Slow walking towards the last downed and helpless FT before you claim him is, and always will be, cool.


Gud! I’m glad you noticed. when the likes of you and @REYNOSO_FUA11 keeps trying to invoke my displeasure by saying im always toxic, and shit bashing everything about this game it tends to get so annoying that i can’t help but lay in the toxic. Thats why toxicity is like a virus.

Me calling out your toxic bullshit is why you’re toxic? Quit your bitching and own up to your bullshit, I’ll admit I come off strong sometimes but you constantly attack people and their problems when you don’t like what they say about the game or the devs and get triggered.

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Its time you man up and stop critisizing anything. Nobody has to. The game doesnt exist for people to constantly feel creatively starved. It came out the way it did to satisfy investors. Thats all there ever was. Everything else thats developed for this game is being funded by fumes. I wish you all had the nerve to understand what can and what can’t be done and then stfu. But for some of you guys its a constant wishlist. Its like you think this small dev house is jammed packed with people or that they are standing on the shoulders of corporate giants. But the truth is they are not. Fuck i would love to NOT have to come here to banter with you people. EVER!

And it’s time you grew the fuck up and realized that shit won’t get fixed unless it’s pointed out and criticized and you throwing a tantrum any time someone gets pissed off that they come to these forums to give feedback and criticism only to be ignored by the devs and given shit by blind fanboys such as yourself that think there’s no point in doing so because they’re a small dev team

It’s understandable that Illfonic is a somewhat small dev team however that’s no excuse to leave their product in a broken state without any feedback. Also I don’t think it’s that absurd to have a wishlist of bugs being fixed or things we as a community would like in the game.

Then why the fuck is anyone here including yourself?

You don’t have to but here’s a quick and reasonable solution to your little problem, shut the fuck up and quit getting so damn easily triggered at anything that doesn’t agree with your viewpoint then you wouldn’t have to come here and “banter” if that’s what you call your incoherent rants.

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My trigger speak is your own speak bra. Your language. Live with it. Deal with it. as i do. This is just a meat grinder, and I set you up to be let down!

I think you’re still asleep because you’re dreaming if you think everything’s fine.

Get on the PC, 95% of its fine on that platform.Its good enough to play, good enough to let go. Deal with it.
I dont know about PS, but if its less than 50% of your games that is bugged out, you just need to face the truth. That most of us would have abandoned it by now and went for the ‘working’ alternative.

No need to eat rotten apples just because you’re poor. Go out and buy fresh ones.
And dont tell me your bff bought you the game and you have deal with it. And you have to play it with them to not hurt their feelings, and then you 're forced to jump into the forums to rip a shit hole into the game and make yourself disgruntled af.

Not like thats a real life example. No need to name names here.

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The game works as intended for me on my ps4 pro 90% of the time the other 10% is either audio bugs or the bomb defuse bug thats about it on my end. I do no care for frames or textures because its a video game and I do no expect it to look like a real life cgi movie.

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“Get on PC” is no excuse for leaving the game the way it is. Either make sure it works well on all platforms (not talking graphics, nor frame rate) or don’t do it at all because I know damn well if it was fucked to shit on PC and not on PS4 there’d be several pissed off people.

For me nearly 90-95% of the time the game works more or less then there’s those few times where the game will screw me over entirely such as the bow bug which was just fixed, the audio bug, the combistick throw, etc that just break the game.

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So wtf are you so tense about? if 95% of the time you do a combithrow, and its a good hit, then what is it you got to lose? I mean there is a 5% chance the internet will mess your game up anyways!
You’re dogging the game verbally like its got razor sharp teeth and it hurtin you.

I just think its snobber. And like-wise some sort of elitist attitude. I may be on PC but i’m no elitist. I don’t say I love PC controls over PS. Infact I play plenty of games where controls on the PS controller are great and i’m accustomed to. I just feel more comfortable with PC keyboard and mouse on FPS fast paced shooters. Especially this one. So lay off me and everyone else on elitists saying keyboard mouse rules over controllers, because what we really mean is that this game calls for it. STOP.

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While my game doesn’t break every time the fact that there’s a good chance that it will just glitch so horribly bad that I can no longer play it is just flat out not fun at all. Also what you don’t get is that It’s not just my experience I’m talking about though, there are multiple people who have it way worse and unlike you I don’t get “tense” and tell them to enjoy what they have or fuck off. I criticize the game because it deserves it as well as the devs when they don’t communicate at all such as when the game servers went down for 11hrs and there was zero notice or explanation. I also give them credit where credit is due such as this latest patch that was defiantly needed leaves me wanting for more.