Question for all pc players

Maybe its not my fault fire maybe its ArtofBloods fault.

you were literally not speaking full sentences in our other conversation. You are a moron. What I was ā€œasking forā€ was simple fixes to this game we have all invested time and money into. Not to be talked at by a babbling mongaloid who simps for magneto

youre racist and i dont get you.

Mongaloid isint a race you dumb fuck.

Also 23 damage lol cutie

Oh youā€™re a piece of shit, the absolute worst in all of humanity. Like they teach kids in school that youā€™re one of the reasons the world is what it is today and that thereā€™s no point in a future because of you but this thread nah youā€™re being pretty coherent. This is mass being mass seeing something he doesnā€™t like and then going off everywhere and PMing people.


I got heart like whats his face from the film!

Yeah you tell him, show him whatā€™s what like that one guy.

I made a trap made out of an entire tree trunk it took me days to fit it just right, and it it killed me! I tripped it good! Rammed right into my stomach! But I could make it! Goddamnit I can make it! Wasnā€™t his name PONCHO?

Posting logical / coherent comments in this forum is strictly forbidden and against the rules.

This is your last warning.


muther fackers dont know me.

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Yes, that happens on PC as well. It is still same game, so most bugs are common for both PS and PC. Same for collision model and game mechanics. People leave lobby because they are impatient to wait if there arenā€™t all 4 players or if the lobby donā€™t mark players ready for some reason. Sometimes people leave because they recognize name of player they donā€™t wish to play against.

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we have issues where u heal mid air after second wind or glitches within the gameā€¦ I never had it crash but the bugs are still around.

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Thanks for the info. Thatā€™s actually super wack

Yes, we totally do expiriance ALL of those issues + few more

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yeah it happens on pc too

ps:at least once per day game crash

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I play fine on steam. Except for the bugs, of courseā€¦ Those are a game permanent issue.

i never get crashes. just bugggggsssssssszzzzzzzzzzzz

No idea. Iā€™m just posting here to push down the fucking JH87 threads which have risen like the rotting zombie threads they seemingly are.

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Iā€™ve seen many playstation players leaving the match before it even began! And yes, I am a pc player! Could playstation players just be a bunch of wimps? Iā€™ve also had steam players who left too

I have never seen one, absolutely not one player from Epic Games leave any match! I guess we play the game better than PS and Steam layers LOL