Question for all pc players

Guy on crotch rocket pulls up to another guy on rental scooter

“Wanna race?”, chuckles the crotch rocketeer.

There is visible confusion on the face of the guy riding the rental scooter

“Wimp.” Cackles the crotch rocketeer before speeding away and crashing into a lamp post


I’ve seen both quit lol

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What’s your point, I have many people quit on me in pubs both PS and PC. Since FT have the luxury of finding a match in less than 20 seconds they’ll quit if they feel like it’s a guaranteed loss.


I play on Steam and PS5…I don’t leave matches I get dropped loading into lobbies. I didn’t realize this happened as often until I started playing on Steam and recognized it for what it was

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In reference to what? Lol

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Idk it’s what ragnar says in Vikings when everyone is squabbling lol 😂

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I leave matches if I feel like leaving. Who gives a fuck really? Specially if @MassImpact124 is in the lobby because he is a mute, it’s depressing.

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Hahahahaj ohhhh true

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My point is that I’ve never seen Epic Games players quit even before the match started! I’ve only… SO FAR see PS and Steam players quit before a match starts

I will admit I’ve had some PS players that gets salty if they don’t win LOL mostly on FT side!

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So my mic was off. So wAat?

mainly its PS players but mainly not for anything party related. They just dont end up getting off the chopper and if they do they will just stand there.

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There really should be an Away From the Controler animation…like them doing some crazy dance move!

Or if they end up leaving the match, a fatality happens, like they get struck by lightning and their body parts just go poof!

I am thinking of some sort of down ranking penalty system and a temp ban on players who leaves before starts or during a match

If a player leaves a match before it starts a ban applies for 10 minutes cooldown time, on a Quick Play match!

If a player leaves a Quick Play match during gameplay a down rank penalty -5 Levels of your player level example if your already level 150 and leave during gameplay your level will be reduced to 145 and locking everything you’ve unlocked between levels 145 and 150. A player must play 20 Quick Play “Hunt” matches as Fireteam without leaving before or during a match to restore level

I play neraly 4-5 hours EVERY DAY
Crossplay ON, always

This shit right here couldn’t be further from the truth.

I see way more Epic (not steam) predator players quit a full lobby of PC players than Console preds do.
A lot of the guys who play with crossplay off know this, and eventually leads to them turning crossplay on because they haven’t had a match in half an hour

As for pred, console players usually leave if they are killed within the first minute, but, can you blame them? I fucking quit too when running solo pubs and get killed in a minute, specially if the rest of the team move around aimlessly at AI