Questions, suggestions

Ya but both tactical ops and DPS ops are viable

You know balance.

It’s a game

With game design

Game design directly affects balancing and to ignore a game because it has game design that actually makes DPS and tactics balance is dumb.

Headshots are apart of that

Also there Ash, a DPS character who is top tier.

Also let’s not forget that pro players, the best if the best, only land headshots about 50% of the time so actually no, DPS does matter

Because of its tactical advantage

Yes they are. They’re just preset.

Besides that doesn’t really matter

Ash doesn’t have any tactical advantage but lots of damage

Build X doesn’t have any tactical advantage but lots of damage

IQ has tactical Y advantage and medium damage

Build Z has tactical Y advantage and medium damage

Part of good game design with builds is using synergy to enforce different playstyles

Preset’s just force it rather than reward problem solving.

As well as allowing some items to purposely be stronger than others

You mean the one that got replaced by a giant robot that could one shot?

And the one that came back in MW?

And I say they’re just badly designed. At least torwards DPS V.S tactical advantage balancing

No… not the giant robot… I mean the perk… the perk juggernaut lol. Yikes. But yeah this is just you being silly. Its a terrible comparison. My entire point is, damage or health perks will always be meta. And you’re bringing up a game that has no builds. Also I’ve played, I 100% guarantee, more siege than you. And I promise dps in siege is way less important than 99% of other shooters. Good players are headshotting more often than not. But again. This is just an entirely irrelevant example. But back to my point, when you have perks that increase damage, the Meta instantly becomes to run them. Scout has multiple specializations that seem fun and cool, but duelist let’s you solo the predator in 2 seconds. You just can’t convince anyone the other specializations are more valuable than that


Not even going to handle my point?

Just throw it out without an argument


Ash. Literally Ash. Ash is literally chosen because of her capability to kill.

I just said pro players get headshots at only a 50% or so rate.

No it is revalent

You mean the unbalanced mess that is PHG, that has no unique builds that plays differently, is suddenly balanced enough to use as evidence that DPS is better than tactics even though no build allows for different tactics?

I’m sorry did you even buy the same game?

I have addressed your point multiple times. And said why it’s wrong, but on top of that. I’m saying it’s a bad argument to be making, anyways. Cause it’s IRRELEVANT. My ENTIRE point is meta perks and THERES NO PERKS IN SIEGE lol. This is just in no way shape or form a relevant game to bring up. Also your stat is just nonsense. Like what does that even mean? I’ve played thousands of hours of siege, and good players will dome you every single time. AND you now keep saying everyone plays ash for her dps, which is you STILL agreeing with my point 😂 you are disagreeing with me for the sake of disagreeing. You don’t even know what I’m referencing when I talk about health/damage perks that were removed from other games and just choose to ignore that lol. lol you’re ignoring my EXTREMELY relevant points to bring up your entirely irrelevant ones

I was wondering this too, or starting to think they must be but I just wasn’t able to find them. Overall, I think the most recent map lacks the small details that makes all the others interesting. Can’t say I’m a big fan of the resort area either. Doesn’t fit the tone of the game IMO.

Also ash is not just chosen because of her dps. I’m not trying to be mean but you are very very clearly on the casual end of siege. Ashes soft destruction is undisputedly the strongest. She can open up floors from above, and below, open up walls quickly, and unlike sledge and buck, won’t get caught with her pants down slowly tearing the floors up. She’s just an overall really really REALLY great operator and on top of that has a small hit box. So yes bringing up ash when my point about builds needing to be less based around damage or health because they just become the META, makes no sense whatsoever

When did you address it then?

Perks, builds, they all handle the same concept.

Increased damage or tactical advantage.



Shocking. I don’t know anything

That’s because I accept that I don’t have a counter argument either because it’s true or I can’t think of anything yet.

What am I supposed to do acknowledge every single argument you have with nothing to add?

I got nothing to say

Wow that sure added a lot to the conversation

So can Zofia. Zofia is literally a better Ash in that regard because she has the same shots, stuns on top of that, and doesn’t have to reload. At least in the old build IDK how they handle now.

Sledge is a bit slow but Buck can/could demolish a good portion of the floor in a couple seconds.

It takes him less time to swap.

Only reason why he takes longer is because he destroys more.

Ash 100% destroys faster than buck but I’m not here to debate siege. Also no one said Zofia wasn’t amazing either lol. Like what are we even talking about here. And you saying wow I have no counter argument what’s the big deal? Is like Saying wow sounds like you’re right and I have no counter but that doesn’t matter? Lol like WAT. And you said perks and builds are the same, k neat well NEITHER OF THOSE ARE IN SIEGE SO AGAIN ITS NOT RELEVANT … AND you’re like, dude. Damage is not that important. Then go on a side rant of how ash is really good cause of damage alone. You literally wanna argue with me so badly that you contradict your entire point, prove yourself wrong, then just ignore you said it hahah like you just are arguing for the sake of arguing, you have said things that entirely contradict what your starting point was

And I didn’t say you don’t know anything. I said you don’t even know what I’m talking about with the perks I’m referencing while also claiming I’m wrong. So you’re just arguing about something you aren’t even aware of

I never said it didn’t matter. You won that battle. Not the war but the battle. I’m just not putting it on a pedestal.

If it’s that important to you that every argument unchallenged is honored then do it yourself

Auto correct. Meant everything. I don’t know everything about every game.

You said Juggernaut, my mind jumped to, you know, the infamous killstreak that everyone knows about.

Not the perk that’s in what one game?

I guess it’s impossible to conflate two things that have the same name

I was talking about perks so I figured you assume I meant the perk… lol and do you know WHY ITS NOT IN THE GAMES ANYMORE? cause health/damage perks are always the meta and will always be used over other perks. UNLESS those other perks are just completely game breaking. Like games like siege with Insta kills are one thing. Games like this, or Smite, or anything where damage is consistent over time and you aren’t 1 tapping, higher dps is just a no brainer and having perks like Bane and specializations like Deadly are so blatantly the most powerful thing you can run that it ruins diversity within the game. If you aren’t running thick skin+Bane on your Dutch 87 you’re boosting around. If you aren’t running down range impen on your city hunter, you’re boosting around.

Summary. If I can make a class where you do less damage to me and I do more damage to you, that’s what I’m going to run every single time as it’s inherently the strongest option. I’d like to see that changed for more interesting builds

Plasma mines are not weapons for a hunter. The Predator must chase and tracking not kill to easy.

I don’t even casually at cod unless it’s free

Because it is

Been playing some BO4

Body armor

Increased health

Other options are still good and they don’t give you better damage.

They’re tactical like cheaper scorestreaks, better sound, faster healing (which no, you can’t heal mid fight consistently) and faster ability charge.

In fact the acoustic amplifiers (better sound) are banned in CWL, but not body armor.

All the other equipment don’t even help in a fight.

They mainly assist in either finding/getting into fights, or assist in getting you equipment. You still have to win the fights.

Since when is PHG a good example of a balanced game


How is PHG balanced and therefore a good example?

Your giving it too much credit

Ya but a tactical advantage provides better damage and defense.

So if you have a build that consistently gets you into tactical advantages you might as well consider yourself having more damage and health

No the real problem is there’s no story mode! 😭 what are we going to do when they shut down the game, all my dlc I bought wasted! 😭😭😭

The logs are a way of implementing a challenge mode.
Basically you’d play out scenarios based on the films or based on events in the logs. Y’know so we can actually see Cleopatra be important rather than be told she is.

In this hypothetical say we’re playing Predator on Overgrowth and the idea is to take out the fireteam. You can complete the challenge fairly easily but with challenges and or modifiers added increasing difficulty. You can just blow everyone away with your plasmacaster but say you need to net gun someone to a wall and kill his buddies with a plasmacaster on one full bar of energy. Then if you look at the logs you can see that what you did was play out those events.

The framing for challenge mode could be like an OWLF or Stargazer database on past Predator encounters. You can play these as any class you like breaking canon but the idea is we’re taking part in these encounters even if it’s for a challenge map. It’s not an actual story but you can take part in it through the challenge maps and then listen to the logs and see how those events actually played out.

Illfonic: suggestions huh? Here’s what we think of your suggestions


Bro I’m well over this conversation hahah but I’ll say one last time builds with more health and damage are always the meta and that’s why they are boring. It’s just a fact. You’re trying to be devil’s advocate here and that’s neat and all but literally everyone who’s ever downloaded this game and played with me reads the perks and goes. Uhh this perk where you just do more damage to the predator seems dumb? And just having more health? Why would I not use these every time? Lol which becomes even more apparent when the other perks are “stay mudded longer” and “go down one extra time”

I was too untill I came across new evidence

Going to consider my evidence?

Nope your not

Also no I genuinely believe this

Take a second to realize what you just indirectly said

You just made PHG out as a well balanced and well made game

Do you really believe that?

How the shit did I imply this game is balanced lol saying some perks are just blatantly way stronger than others? That’s not evidence of balance at all…

We’re talking game design

General game design

In order to use PHG as an example it has to be well made

Otherwise it’s either redundant or cherry picking