Questions, suggestions

This game has 0 perks that are nearly as good. So the debate in this game is completely void. Literally all the other perks besides Pouch on predator side and Gear head on ft side are bad. There’s other fun quality of life perks, but that’s what they are. Quality of life. You’r running a fun build at that point not the most effective. If you wanna talk about other games, ok, sure. I don’t play cod much but I did play Cold War. You can build weapons now. Ya know what you can’t do? Just add to your damage lol. Cause that would be broken. You can add handling. Damage drop off. Accuracy. Things of that nature. You can’t just do more damage. In Halo, in the pro league, they literally have organized pushes that essentially decide the game to get the overshield. So ONE person can have the overshield. Cause having more health than someone else is just inherently powerful. Arguing against that is just bonkers. Yes in games with extremely fast time to kill is having much better hearing bonkers OP as well? Yes. But of course it is. I’ve played siege for a lonnnng time. I’m platinum and I have a thousand hours on 1 operator alone much less the whole game. And if you could just hear everyone better you’d be so OP lol. But that’s cause of the DPS advantage it gives. If I know you’re there before you know im here, I’ll prefire the corner and start shooting you before you can shoot me, and in games like Siege/Cod where you essentially insta kill, that’s very strong. In predator there’s a perk that helps the predator hear the FT more, and it’s a fucking useless perk lol

The discussion started with this game. So you don’t get to just exclude the game at hand lol. But also Cod is notoriously not balanced soooo

Obviously not as off the rails as this game, but it’s notorious for having 2-3 must have weapons, and dropping OP dlc weapons

Yes I can

Because this isn’t a PHG discussion

This is a general game design discussion

General game design means it doesn’t revolve around one game

If that’s the case then congratulations PHG is the game we use as the pinnacle of game design for everything

What about the ability to balance weapons

Or the ability to heal automatically

Or not having a single player mode period

Based on your logic, all of those arguments at this point has to involve PHG since it stemmed from it

But the equipment balance is pretty good aside from the acoustic equipment which is banned in CWL

Games avoiding doing something doesn’t mean it’s broken.

Especially when your comparing damage, which are either pointless or take off a whole bullet, to something like range…

Yes damage is more important than range

I’m not saying balancing it is easy. Most games avoid it because it’s hard. But if you have a tactical perk that nets you more damage consisently than the damage perk, the tactical perk will be better.

A. Doesn’t the overshield double your health? Or is it more like triple?

B. That’s a pickup, not a equipment upgrade with other items acting as a pro and con to it.

I’ll admit the TTK of black ops feels faster than launch but doesn’t it still have a higher TTK than normal?

A. No there isn’t

B. Intel is useless in PHG because the game is badly designed from preds perspective

Also BTW

Recon with spotter and tracker

Intel plus slowdown I.E a tactical advantage

I agree with removing parrying. Just make it a block feature. Why do we need a knife? AvP 2010 had a block feature that was more than adequate.

Also, quick pressing LB should be the Fireteam heal. And you shouldn’t be able to take it off any build. It should be locked in place or come as standard equipment. Shouldn’t be able to take the medkit off the Predator either.

Yes there is… so you don’t even know what perks are in this game hahah like do you even play the game

Ok man you use recon with tracker perk I’ll use assault deadly bane and we’ll see who does better. This is a stupid conversation lol

Then when they do bundles for us to buy dlc that should have been free


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like you make very irrelevant points on this discussion, then tell me my points about halo or cod aren’t relevant, and my points about this game aren’t relevant. So like every single time I point out why I’m right you go “no no no but you can’t say that” like alright dude let’s just go test this out in hunting grounds. And again. Tell me if “more damage” was a perk in Halo, or Cod, do you think people would not run that every single time? Exactly

Fire team is too strong. Thet have so many counters against Predator. It even feels like fire teams melee damage is better than the predators. Why do Recons get to use Assault Rifles or Assault classes using sniper rifles? I feel like certain weapons should only work with certain classes…

No there’s a perk that make sound bubbles in bigger

Also like you said it’s a trash perk why would I even consider using it.

I’m not saying it’s better but it’s definitely meta and keeps up at least a bit.

That’s what an argument is

Sometimes it’s what side has more evidence

But most of the time it’s trying to prove your point with X argument and why X argument is right and why argument Y is wrong

That’s literally what arguments are.


so don’t try to pin this on me.

And don’t act like that’s a decent argument either. It relies on you being ENTIRELY right.

If your point relies on you just being correct it’s not a good point.

Please tell me how PHG is a good example

I mean

Body armor in BO4 exists

And I see more people run everything else more than body armor. (Though body armor still gets used)

And that’s with both prestige 1,000’s and noobs

So actually no

As for Halo does it even have perks anymore?

And the perks were like “survive vehicle explosions” which is trash in itself so. Combine that with the fact that I don’t see halo having restrictions on it like BO4 then ya.

I will say, so we can end this. I agree with your point about very strong perks. Like the hearing perk In other games would be powerful and meta. And I could see some cool concepts also used if you’re creative enough. But in this game the damage and health perks are strongest. And in most games they are strongest. But in niche scenarios you could potentially have perks that give other advantages that could be just as strong. Can we agree there

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Also there is a perk that makes the sounds bubbles bigger. I don’t use it cause that’s stupid but it is a thing

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In this game yes

My very first point was that they’re bad because of current game design.

And the balance right now is exactly why I’ve been dismissing PHG as a bad example.

Agreed there too. They’re difficult to balance. I’m just not willing to say impossible.

Ya and a good build will force that situation more often.

Ya the perk that I mentioned earlier

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Agree agree and agree

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