Yah Jysty is trash not one video on helping others.
Quick claims are too quick
I’m not going to engage in anything that can be misinterpreted by a sleep deprived person who has some ongoing issues with rage and nerves, owns guns for safety and was a low ranking member in the military, that’s ridiculous. I don’t need blood on my hands I’m just typing in a forum.
Whatever man if you don’t like guns, so ironic how you like FPS games.
Yeah I don’t agree with the private ownership of guns by people that don’t (or shouldn’t) hunt. This is pretty self explanatory and is the LAW in almost every country that isn’t America :o That’s why they have less school shootings and gun based violence/murder ya know :o
Hold on, I have crossplay on what are you talking about???
Nbs he prolly is 😂
were you talking shit about me in this forum? Just a question?
Thats your opinion not the law…
I wasn’t talking shit about you, I’m done listening to Jysty be a fucking troll and shit on everyone while talking shit that is 100% bullshit…
No, as I said its the law in most countries that aren’t the USA. Its a fact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_of_gun_laws_by_nation
So sorry dude… Jetsy is a shit talking whore…
Jysty my vids are to help out the console players vs PC players to show them ez ways to manage 4 Ft members. You need to calm down.
That’s why they have less gun violence and suicides. SEE https://web.stanford.edu/~mgduggan/Research/MD_2003_guns.pdf
Yuppers, I always listen to what you have to say, we have had great conversation on this forum. However, I am absolutely done with goddamn Jysty and the nonstop bullshit that comes out of his mouth. EVERYTHING he has said can almost immediately be proven wrong. He sits here and claims crap just to stir up shit and piss people off to get a rise out of them.
No you teenage queen… they have more violence than ever… middle east going into Europe fucking shit up. Black people enslaved in the middle east… Asians condoning the slavery in the middle east. What the hell do you know. There is some major shit going down in Africa daily and you look at a communist/ socialistic chart to prove your point… there is mass executions in Mexico and Brazil all the time… and America is prolly the safest place youll ever be. Or you can move to Canada and never have freedom of speech.
Wait, what?
This also is one of those I’m not so sure that anyone that has actually studied this would agree with you. America is the least safe place in ANY developed nation regarding the chances you get shot, and the chances you get put in prison or killed by police. Its sad that you are comparing yourself to Africa, you’re a first world nation, I think Britain or Canada or any of these European countries you’ve said are bad due to middle eastern citizens would be a better comparison.
Studies show… I’ve been in the military for 16yrs and seen the drug war… middle east conflicts and even the drug war between canada and mexico… and your going to argue with a 37yr old military member about safety in other countires. You know those studies are also done by people like you that have no fucking idea where to shit in the morning.
This chart is from Communist Britain’s Communist news network. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41488081
And your going to beleive Britian out of all countries… LOL America the ones that saved them from germany. The most Communist regime ever to rule Europe. They were never socialist till after WW2. And they still have a monarchy with a parliament which im sure you have no idea how thy work but that ok… please give me more links… the Prince that got caught on paper having sex with a 13yr old… weird that you don’t mention that… thats what I want… a good represent ion of a parliament and socialism?
Actually Britain was never at risk of Germany in ww2 Germany tried to ally itself with Britain throughout the conflict and was never in any major risk (its a ports/Russian thing, don’t worry). You don’t need links you don’t understand them and couldn’t possibly compare to your advanced understanding developed in the US military. Damn lying communist brits with their damn communist science.