Quick claims are too quick

I am going to make you look so unintelligent its going to make you stop posting about politics period.

IDK man, I was a social worker when I first graduated I’ve dealt with lots of uneducated people before and kinda liked it.

yah britian never needed help never? WTF else are you going to say

Whats that got to do with America? “The raids followed the failure of the German Luftwaffe to defeat Britain’s Royal Air Force” dumb dumb.

I have a masters degree, you can continue educating the youth and fucking over America. Your trash


Whats your masters in big boy? I love when people lie.

just like every liberal
-I hate guns
-I want to kill all those with guns
-I want to watch violent movies with guns
-I want to play games with guns
-I think this religious organization is wrong
-In 5 years will be able to live on the moon

Typical Liberal

Information Technology is my Masters

Liberal isn’t an insult in my country but I am a member of the non union/right wing party here :0

im not part of any party I know whats right and wrong and dont need a party to tell me that

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True, in my field we just learn to code by ourselves. We don’t take weird coursework masters that are equivalent to doing an honours.

I think political involvement is important for people so they can benefit their nation through the systems at play.

I think its crooked and the weak prey off the weak in any political system

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At least you advocated for it on an international level by joining the military.

Well, this topic has spiraled out of control.

i cant type the way I would say it in uniform… cause in the military we don’t talk politics.

I think/hope we’re just getting started on military history and modern communist states and will get moved to offtopic

Shut the fuck up troll, you have no idea what it means to give the ultimate to defend ideals greater than yourself.

Yeah. Definitely off topic.