“Rage” Mechanic when Predator loses his mask. :[

That would be SO BADASS if I could take off my mask and pummel a FTM with punches and kicks…maybe even charge up a…
UNHOLY BACKHANDED BITCHSLAP that sends FTM flying @OldKingHamlet and you could make it cost less stamina to use if your mask is destroyed or if you remove it 😁

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What your asking for is another predator nerf…

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How so? If its something I choose to do how is it a nerf? And being able to backhand a FTM and send them flying seems like a buff to me 😜 especially if it was unparryable at full charge(as it should be)

Soon ass they muddy up your fucked if everything is red… the games already shit as it is

I mean that’s how it is now, either way with mask mud equals can’t see you, without mask can’t track you except for with sound and thats if they don’t just run and hide. Plus the red vision is Classic and I do think it would be rad, but thats just me 😁. I more want the ability to backhand FTM off of rooves or into the jungle 😂 it would make me way more happy then a new vision mode damage buff or energy speed charge. Even if it was something you could only do in second wind and even if it drained a bit of your second wind time to do it, at the very least that would prevent getting trapped or body blocked while trying to escape but would still cost you that way you have more options which is always better IMO

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Bio-Mask Removal Emote Thread

Yeah, it would be lore accurate and sort of a punishment at least to some players. I myself can’t stay in heat vision for more than at most like a minute at a time, it hurts my eyes, so forcing me to play in heat vision for the rest of the match is kinda fair for me losing the biomask

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I think even better would be in the end after you DOWN the last man you can do a 3rd claim called ‘honor’ if you see the last man worthy. You hold the interact button and the predator goes through cut scene.

After the cut scene of the mask being removed the last man standing can only Melee and so can the pred. Maybe ONE net allowed like in predator 2 when Mike was in the ship. Also make it fair either last man has limited parries or give the pred a parry of sorts too. I have met that guy who parried EVERY single fn hit from me

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I only want to remove it when it’s sparking making stealth impossible

Once removed the predator has to use the breathing mask periodically otherwise their stamina and health will start to drain


being force to use the breathing mask could be tedious and take the fun out imo. I guess anything can be done a certain way to make it fun. But if i gotta stop hold up let me get my asthma inhaler out every 10 seconds or what ever i might have to uninstall this thang.

There should be a risk vs reward mechanic for when preds kill FT members. The moment you kill a FT member the other ones enter a rage mechanic where they do more damage and run faster, they also deploy a dome so the pred can’t just kill and run away.

I love the idea OP. Hope the devs see your idea.

I think they already put that in the game… its called voice chat…

I don’t see how that applies to anything I said? What does voice chat has to do with FT gaining stat bonusses as FT members die?

Quite frankly the voice chat can be applied to the OP just as well since preds can understand everything FT is saying.

I like the idea.

James Cameron will allow this.

@Xan84 I think my tribe is plenty strong as it is. I can’t wrap my head around the dome, but, so long as everything has a counter of some sort, I’d be happy. Instead of the dome trapping the Pred, I’d rather it just overload his cloak, or thermal, I don’t really know.

I wouldn’t be opposed to a “Rage” mechanic to give FT members a temporary boost to speed, or maybe even damage resistance, but not damage output. That’s only because I think their DPS is sufficient right where it is at.

But, surely, my character can get pissed off that someone just ripped out her pal’s skull?

Very “Mac and Blain” type mechanic.

Looking for some ammo,

I was being sarcastic. The point is that its 4v1. If pred kills a ft, the ft essentially let it happen, so they better git gud the rest of the match if they want to win. They should be in “rage mode” for being so sloppy.