Ranked game mode or knew match making for ranked games

Ive seen alot of comments about ranked games. I havent seen i thread about it. If there is one i do apologize.

I along with most people on here want a ranked game set up. Rather they make a knew match making server or they make a game mode dedicated to ranks. I think it would give a chance for ft squads and preds to actully show what there made of.

I think it might take the game a little further as a hole as well.i think this would be a good idea.

What do you guys think?Any ideas on how they could set up ranked match making???


With the current patch it’s gonna be usless because at intermediate and high level fireteam is ever winning.

I agree i think they need to level the playing feild. Before ranked match making comes out

You think they need to balance around high level play, too have a ranked mode… a separate mode needs quick play to be balanced around it?

Hmmm. But beneath winning or not winning - there are many ways to evaluate the play of a pred.


  • How much damage did the pred made in the game - total sum
  • How much damage did the pred get in the game - total sum
  • Was the pred killed or how long did the pred live
  • How much FTs killed the pred
  • How good was the FT
  • and so on and so on…
  • last but not least: the players also could get a saying in how good their team mates or opponents were

As stated in another thread, there are well established rating systems alike:

Such a system would not just help to create a ranking for honor puposes, but would also allow to find players fiiting well together in terms of skill level - what would absolutely be great (because it is neither fun for a noob nor for a pro, when the noob is easily taken out in seconds…)

I hereby vote for some skill level rating and matching and, if you want, ranking system :)

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Once you get into an high level match you can choose between the following two options:
-die in 3 minutes
-hide in the other side of the map and let ft escape in 4/5 mins

Its easy just quick play only no premades. Just one ranked system and everyones a rando

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That really sounds bad…

Maybe you should be able to choose whether you want to play against a 3 or 4 team ft - wouldn’t that change the balance in favor of the predator as well (keeping the balance for beginners - which will always choose 4:)?

They can also balance the game entirely by making a tutorial for ft and get rid of Yautja Bane plus revert all of the nerfs to range weapons.

That won’t balance the game. A tutorial won’t make people suddenly good. Bane doesn’t really matter if you don’t like it, don’t run it.
The nerfs weren’t introduced to balance high level play, just average play.

The avarage isnalready broken and in favor of ft. TUTORIAL is the only thing that can help noobs to be a little more effective than AI.

But honestly: then I might not win a single random game anymore. For middle-rate players thrown together randomly, the balance from my POV is quite even.

And I also think, that the predator should be more challenging than the fire team, right?

So, we might have the problem, that the balancing issue might be totally different when talking about different skill levels and the difference between random teams and premade teams?

How to solve that? From my POV first you have to introduce means, which differentiate between said situations. It is not so important whether these means are ratings, possibility of selection of difficulty, or or or…

But the whole nerfing and buffing thing just makes a (small) part of the players happy - in the end? Right?

It also depends on your personal playing style. If you basically do not like a weapon and you do not use it at all, the belonging nerfing/buffing for you is not relevant…

Do you understand what I want to express?

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Not opposed to a tutorial, I just think that won’t shift the balance noticeably and if it won’t shift the balance for new people, it isn’t likely to result in Pred getting any buffs.
So tutorial good but won’t get you what you want.

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Fireteam doesnt need damage even for lower level. We can argue together that maybe a good hp pool could help noobs but damage was already too high in the previous patch. As I said , from my experience of 900 hours in this game , noobs have the problem of not knowing where the Predator is and when is the moment of killing AI or doing the mission.
They need to understand that when the Predator is attacking one of their teamates they have to turn their fucking visual to him and shoot. Yautja bane hadn’t help noobs at all, it only broke the game for high level.

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A ranking system would work. Just make it different for pred wins and FT wins. So you have a standing as FT and another as pred. Then its irrelevant how well its balanced, every pred is going to face the same balance.

I understand and believe you.

But… When you started, the game was quite new I guess. So there weren’t any really good predators in the beginning too - they started with you.

If you now start, the predators mostly are more experienced than you are. From my experience they are mostly quite experienced:)

So, the situation might have changed for the beginner/middle-rate level meanwhile. Give me a predator with the same experience level as I have and I am quite sure, I would not care nerfing the fire team weapons and alike…

And, admittedly, a good tutorial could change something positively here. But, if you play with randoms, you nearly always have at least one mate, who does not understand or is not willing to play for the team.

Sometime I sacrifice my life to give my team mates time - which is quite clever, if one team mate in the very moment runs for the reinforcement radio - as the pred cannot wait there then…

How many random players did you meet, which are willing to do this. You could teach it them in a tutorial - but that also is a question of mentality/character or whatsoever.

You seldomly get four random team mates which really fit together.

If I have at least one strong player in my team, I often win, if not, then not…

The underlying problem is not solvable by just a tutorial. It is the ‘random’ thing and the fact, that the skill and mentality levels in said random pool differs HUGELY.

This can happen with Predator player too. If anything it happens more frequently that a Predator player is matched with an experienced fireteam since most of people by this game for playing Predator. So it’s one more reason not to make fireteam beyond broken in terms of damage .

You can help with many things random noobs, the only thing that you must not do is increasing damage. By increasing damage you make the game unskilled because you just shoot with hip fire randomly and even if you miss 80% of your shots you will damage the Predator a lot. On the other hand Predator range weapons are very very hard to use because they are projectile. Thats why on intermediate and high level the game is fucked up, because people hit more than 50% of their shots and even of the Predator shoot with 100% accuracy is not enough, he will die. This is not how you balance multiplayer games.

Would you agree that:
2 FT vs Pred are underpowered
4 FT vs Pred are overpowered
and that thus
3 FT vs Pred is mostly even – for pros yet?

Right now is:
1 FT vs 1 Pred (without net gun) = fair
2 FT vs 1 Pred = Fair
3 FT vs 1 Pred = almost unbeatable for FT
4 FT vs 1 Pred = just let them take your mask for weekly challenge

This is for people that are at the SAME skill level after patch 2.03.