Ranked game mode or knew match making for ranked games

So, did I get it right, that this would mean, that if you choose another high tier fire team mate for your team you would win some 50% of games versus most other predators?

I would really be - sorry **** GOAL, goal, goal Bayern vs Sevilla… :) **** - interested in a trial.

Are there any predators out there, who think: easy peasy, two FTs…? Can we arrange such a series of matches - let’s say at least 8?

Good idea?

Really, you load in solo and win 50% of your matches that way.

Ah, one thing: the FT must do the mission please!

PS: I really want to believe you guys, but I definitely have to see that - it is quite hard to believe from the POV of a middle-rate player:) And by the way: such a series of matches of two parties thinking they easily can beat the other side would REALLY be fun for us beginners…

Some videos please…

I don’t think there’s a player in the game who can complete missions solo and win 50% of them with no net gun being the only qualifier.

What would the table look like when considering the “must complete the mission” thing?

Today I was playing with screen share on discord in solo and I was going on the other part of the map and kill solo most of preds.with my beautyfull Yautja Bane with 4k damage as avarage.

They need to reduce damage, is the only thing they can do, noobs will not suffere from this don’t warry I am 100% sure.

Nevertheless - would you be willing to accept the challenge:

  1. You choose another team mate
  2. eight predator players from this forum or their friends, who do not believe, you can beat them easily in this constellation, apply for the tournament
  3. Your 2FT play against each of said 8 preds in a private match
  4. Your team at least tries to complete the mission (not just hunting the predator!)
  5. You make some really entertaining videos of that and provide them to us and tell us the statistical outcome

I would love that. That’s what the game is about. That’s what competition and sportsmanship is about. Pleaseeeee…

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We can do that with 2 roles:
-no net gun
-no missions

This is for showing how broken the damage of ft is , not the show how good we are and bla bla bla.

Hmmm, if you do not do the missions, is that then the game still?

As I said, it is for show the damage of fireteam being broken , obv if you play in solo , 3 people (ipotetical randoms) do the mission and you go hunt solo the Pred.
Dai uno sguardo a questo video “This game is dead… Thank you very much developers… awesome patch” http://www.twitch.tv/dice_spb/v/747993396?sr=a&t=5105s
This is some high level gameplay. 3 ft vs 1 pred. Same skill level. Top Pred vs Top FT. As you can see from 1:25 the Predator can not do shits.

Yeah, but don’t we talk about balancing the game?

So, the question is not what damage a gun can do but if you can dominate the opponents with that gun. So, to be honest, I would be more interested in a table, where the predator is free to choose his weapons - as he is free to do so in a normal game - whose balancing we discuss all the time in this forum, right?

One more thing: if the predator in said show game would skip his mission too and just hop with long jump series away from you (or just sits invisible and crouched on top of a roof:), you would not be able to find/kill him once… We do not want this in our show match series too, right?

Would you agree to my table, if both sides stick to their missions resp. the game idea and are free to do whatever is allowed (no cheating please - and when talking about cheating: no different foliage detail and so on please) to win that?

3FT vs 1Pred then? Agreed?

If the Predator go away from us it’s a win for FT 😂 . Predator need one claim to win when the timer is finished.

Might be, but you would need either to complete your mission or to kill the predator, to claim a win, right?

And we already have found out, that 1vs1 as well as 2vs1 is nothing you would be willing to prove without limiting the choice of weapons for the predator.

So, there is still the question left: would you accept said 3FT vs 1Pred challenge mentioned in my last post? You are free to hunt the predator alone while your two team mates do the mission - that is something which is allowed in the game, as far as I know.

Do you agree to the challenge then?


Great man - I like this notion!

So, let the games begin! I am quite a little excited now…

I will right now start a new thread with the title “Let the Games Begin” searching for 8 fitting predator opponents.

Please tell me occassionaly, whether you already have two fitting fire team mates at hand (or if I also should call for them in said thread)

I will write down the negotiated rules for the game and if all players are registered, the show game series starts!

Great day for this forum man!

One further thing: are you PC or PS4 - should we delimit the game to just PS4 or just PC or is even crossplay fine for you?

Pc , games should be played with both ps4 and pc players as ps4 player base is like 90% in that game.

OK, i will take care for getting 4 PC predators and 4 PS4 predators - so we also can see whether the PC/PS4 discussion plays a main role here.

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This weekend I have to take place at a physioterapist specialization course , so I won’t be able to play , ( in the evening I will probabily go outside with friends). Next week sure, my friends already told me that they will gladly accept this “challenge” for showing to devs the current state of Fireteam. 👌🏻