We’ve made these for you good folks to use :3
Created by Kamshat_Nurlanova and the BadBlood team.
Reinforcement radio spawn points maps as of 2.03
Cool merci c est trop top il y a moyen de faire ça pour les ravitaillement de munition svp
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This is awesome thank you I love to see this kind of stuff 👍😁
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Thanx fo the new educational stuff for all students of PHG Academy :D
What about to collect all exfill locations?:3
Okay, will do that on the weekends.
I feel as if two are missing on Backwater, but I’m not sure.
- South, ‘long’ building of the NW compound.
- Office building directly south of the radar dish at north, ‘main’ compound. I seem to recall one can spawn on the table outside the door.
The Exfil locations are just the infil locations. >.>
What about all possible vertanium spawns?
That seems like it would be a map with like 200 little tags on it 😂
True, but who doesn’t enjoy a little challenge?🤣
Aren’t theses two mission radios? I might be wrong on that, but I was sure that those are for missions.
Good data, thank you