Revert thick skin

So I’ve been saying buff predator damage, because people are like impossible to kill in certain scenarios. Like you can (as I stated before) net gun spear throw then triple slash people and they just keep trucking. This is because 25 extra hp is bonkers. BUT I’ve changed my mind about just straight damage buff cause some people run scout or recon without thick skin(NO CLUE WHY) and with down range you down then In a normal amount of time. So I don’t wanna be one shorting those classes that’s no fair or fun. So to fix this issue just revert thick skin. Because at the moment without it, the game is fair, but characters with it on are just absolute units


Thick bois want to have a word with ya lol


Lolol yes 200 hp support is hilarious to play as I agree


Yes, @OldKingHamlet


The only thing I could support is increasing think skin to 6 cost. The 25 health is perfect.

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The 25 health is a shit load

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25 health is crazy it’s like having a 25 inch peen its just excessive at that point


Lol 200 health with two medkits a 2 syringe and self revive B A L A N C E D

What’s funny is that in my last vid people were saying that the build i said isn’t the best. The whole point of it is to win via chopper or killing pred if four ft players go support thick skin with that gear and rush missions the pred player would have to dish out over 800+ damage without trading with them plus they got med kits and syringes lol its a auto gg


Yeah dude. Fair and balanced lol


Psh…why don’t you just git gud llama?




Self revive is not that good, absolutly not broken. Tick skin if anything is broken beyond immagination. 200 hp unkillable Support , 180 hp Dutch with Yautja Bane and LMG, 150hp Scout that chase you everywhere. Predator has 1250 hp but with Bane looks like he has less hp than the Support ft class.


I only run thick skin on both dutch if i need to be tanky, plus at this point people should be using reduced ai damage perk.

Yaujta bane is overrated, I barely use it because their are so many betters options to enjoy a class build

You can play whatever you want but that doesn’t delete the fact that certain builds are extremely better than others. 5 sawz shot to second wind is broken , if you are a good shooter. The problem of those perk changes affect more high level players, you will see the difference fighting 4 x pc with Bane.

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that’s why i turn crossplay off and i never run yaujta bane, pc always will have an advantage over console. But I agree some of the perks should be tweaked.

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Easy fix, just reduce support gear space to 14 slots.

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I play scout and recon without thick skin. I prefere to be stealthy and fast instead. I could call my build the mosquito XD !

In many cases it happened that the pred thought he could escape and jumped beside me while escaping to heal but unfortunately for them I start chasing them.

How can you guys be so worried about 25 extra hp? Have you guys missed the result of the new Bane and Double time perks?
2x charged plasma caster shots and the 25 extra hp is gone.

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Without thick skin thats still 700 health. And with thick skin your giving up any other perk except iron lungs.