Revert thick skin

This was beautiful yet heartbreaking to read, 100% accurate and true. FT basically moves the sticks, L2 R2 to spray bullets, and square button. The list of things a Predator has to do…

Imagine if you could keylog all the buttons and controls used by each team during a match and then analyse them. One side would be very dull and repetitive, the other side…well, almost like reading music.

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Lmfao ft is no skill?? Ok buddy keep thinking your the shit lol. It’s obvious y’all suck as predator players because your here asking for nerfs. Accept the challenge and overcome your odds with smarter thinking. Ohh no ft member has a +25 health increase. Boo fucking hoo lol 25 hp ain’t shit.

After playing both sides odds are greatly in fireteams favor it’s not about what happens during the game cuhz someone could slip up or not but it’s the fact a Dutch with thick skin can tank 2 combi throws wile pred dies in less than 2 seconds of gun fire with the pdw

Lmfao bullshit. I’ve emptied entire drum mags of mp7 on a predator. It takes about 2 so that’s 80 rounds. By the 1st mag the predator is running. You know that happens mainly when preds melee spam right? Combi stick isn’t the only weapon available. I killed 3 ft members all at once with one disc throw and have video proof. Y’all need to realize that you have an entire arsenal. Switch up your play style.

THATS ANECDOTAL it’s not about what you did it’s about the number what purely do they show imo the numbers show pred will be fucked again imma say matchs can go a ton of different ways but look at numbers

@DisturbedLlama lol I now know how to use this word 🤣

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If I can win with all these things against me then you can too. Quit making excuses lol. If you want to play it that way then nerf combi stick. Not one ft member has a weapon that can take away more than half your health in one throw. Then you have cloaking to go pick it up safely lol… I could keep going…
it’s obvious they buffed thick skin doe to all the melee spam preds playing. They still try to melee spam but now they get melted.

My guy I also am far from a bad pred so is all my buddies when it comes to quick matchs we never loose but it’s a learning curve ppl suck at games clearly when I’m FOOLING around with @DisturbedLlama we still mop the pred and 1v1 with all my pred buddy’s always ends in the pred with little to no health


Against a good team it’s not fair in the slightest they can kill you with just knowing half to aim and shoot they don’t even need to parry to win not to mention

Have you ever had a fireteam buh?! No
Wile pred has tons of glitches against his gameplay

Thick skin ain’t going back lol
Y’all need to quit asking for buffs and nerfs like it’s your own personal title. That and the bugs are why this game is all jacked up.
Bugs have nothing to do when compared to skill and being tactically smart. Yes it might fuck up your play and it’s clearly not enjoyable lol but you can’t take that out on FT or our perks/gear. That clearly an issue with the developers. And yes I’ve glitched out a few time playing ft so no it’s not perfect.

For this game to be good and actually
Progress let’s make it fair instead of the favorite (pred) getting his ass whooped when he meets a slightly decent team

That rarely happens to me lol. I’ve only lost like less than 10 times lol
I am a ranged player as predator just as much as I like to jump in stab one to death then take off. Go for one at a time not the entire squad lol

THATS FUCCING ANECDOTAL I do not care what happens to you it’s not about what you do at all any match can go any way but numbers wise pred is a joke

Good for you u win a lot I win a lot with melee too not even ranged but if 2 players know what your doing the odds go from 60/40 to 20/80

What I just said is also anecdotal

Btw no hard feelings lol just want my
Point across

pffffffff bro you have not played this game. You don’t need two drum mags you can ONE mag him

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Yeah homie I’m sure you’re like fine at the game but you have not played enough. We can party up if you want and I can show you how the damage works rn. I’ll just stand there and let you mag dump on me and you’ll wind me and see how fast you kill the predator

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Um just say revert back to 1.05. Everything will be fixed


actually tho i do think with the perk changes now if we just revert all the weapon/class changes the game will probably be fine now

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