That doesn’t even make sense. No tournament allows this, not even COD. Restrictions are apart of every tournament or any type of competitive mode for any game. Just clearing that up.

I get that you and your team don’t want to participate that’s cool. We’re just trying to bring more life to a game we enjoy and give the community something to look forward to.


All kind of one shot mechanics are overpower and unskilled, it’s fine that there isn’t any more the possibility to one shot a fireteam. What is wrong with the game is the unlimited sustaine that both sides have. Too many pigs on the map, and too many med packs and syringes.

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That’s not true either plenty of games do have or had unrestricted tournament play based on the in game ranked experience StarCraft 2 Wow arena championship league of legends counter strike overwatch street fighter 3-5 and mortal Kombat 9-11 fuckin Foe Honor allowed fucking gameplay exploits like double hits and SSB Melee allowed wavedashing

Plenty of games do man maybe you just don’t play em or watch em I certainly do I’m not trying to be a troll I’m just an asshole when I represent my opinions

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Wtf FT balance experts here told me 4x AK & LMG supports with medkits and ammo bags is fine and should function at the highest levels of play because pred is op and can jump and they miss!?!

Lmao destroyed. Beat me to it the fucking wavedashing even

This is actually funny af when they die through second wind faster than they can react OR even arm the bomb.
The TTK on the pred is literal seconds with people coordinating shots the game just doesn’t work competitively unless you start banning FT’s heals, loadouts, and most of the guns that have solo kill potential on the pred. Pigs etc don’t matter if pred gets a 30 sec engagement before he’s taken too much damage while the other team is instantly healing after taking hits, can’t win trade if they can aim.

Maybe restrict everyone to minigun recons and 1 syringe.


The most recent Rule Set Change has been posted to the Fourms. The link is below.

Season 1: Season of Unblooded begins soon.


Didn’t read it all, but for everyone crying about the AK, it has extreme damage drop off. So yeah you’ll a predator could melted at close range, but that’s the trade off, because you won’t be doing anything at further ranges.


Not only that, but Sliencers is a must now on all Weapons that do have Sliencers as attachments. With this, we have evened the playing field admittedly more to Predator’s favor, but Predator still has to face the somewhat full power of a Pre-Made Fireteam.

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Based off our testing if we don’t limit and make a point system pred will never win


Who were the FT? I would like to see how they pull this off, I’ll be the predator.

They put limits on traps at the exfil, so that makes it a little more fair. I would ban observant if you’re forcing somebody to play recon or scout, but not my rules.


I get what @KameofWar is saying and I get your point. Kameo is just saying from a balance perspective there shouldn’t be any restrictions so if the devs see the tournament they’ll wonder why every team is running support wonder why every team is using Lmg’s wonder why the only sniper being used is the SAW. Alot of games get patches followed after a tournament result. I understand many games have restrictions in tournaments for not running same weapons or classes but alot of games also dont have those restrictions and participants are allowed to use the same class of pick the same characters but when the devs watch the tournament and notice everyone using one character or using one weapon then the devs balance the character or weapon so people choose other options in this case they would buff recon and scout and nerf support and others to make them all a viable pick than to just use support. Restricting your tournament makes it so theres no way to see the actual meta of the game to balance it properly that’s all he’s saying when he says he wont take anything from it seriously. Theres no way too when a real team will always come in the lobby with 4 supports lmgs and saw snipers with ammo bags and medkits lol still should be a fun tourney though but it does feel like you’re trying to balance the game when the devs should be giving reasons to the players to use different weapons and classes 🙂


Yea man I completely understand this but this should be done not as a tournament setting the devs should already understand the meta Now as much as I’d like to do this I do want this to be a “tournament” not a testing zone sorry guys lol

But it’s the fact I need to make this fair so pred isn’t melted completely otherwise their would be no pred wins I gurentee this, even if you could play in the tournament I gurentee you wouldn’t win without restrictions and I’ve seen how amazing you are but it’s the fact we’d like to make it tournament worthy not a testing site for the devs mistakes

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That is a sad point lol especially just one person having the saw sniper because the damage is crazy just one sniper and 3 Lmg’s and it’s pretty much a ggs for the pred even if they get close one sniper shot and that’s 30% of his health then the lmg melts so he’s gonna have to chase pigs all game lol

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I had a person call me retarded becouse i claimed if anyone needed a buff it’s pred now ppl who can use him perfectly will never loose against randos but looking at it from a pre made perspective I want all the smoke


Yeah I recently fought dice Russian pre made and red harvest who hasn’t lost a fireteam game ever but has only ran with his squad and I lost to harvest and lost to dice twice. Dice recently won his own tournament his team is ridiculous and his sniper aim is good. Only thing is they lower their graphics to potato graphics so theres no trees or grass you can only hide behind solid objects. It completely breaks the game especially with the damage output the saw sniper puts out and the lmgs they can spot you from miles since theres no grass or trees and if they get you low on health and you start to try to run you’ll go into second wind and still take a couple snipe shots while in it since they cant see any grass or trees or leaves it literally completely feels unwinnable. Second wind is literally you’re only escape and you cant attack back the trees grass and leaves are supposed to help you get to safety with the graphics lowered all that is taken away you’re basically fighting a fireteam in the desert on their screen with hit scan weapons lol

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Yea man it’s bullshit at times lol hopefully the rework of rules helps with balancing this unbalanced game lol

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Yeah definitely man I’ll go against your premade one day I’m not playing teams with low graphics anymore though that shit is trash lol and dont play with restrictions when we play 😉

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Lmaoaooa yesss mannn😂 when Crossplay is simplified I need to play you!!!

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Shouldn’t the devs require that the minimum graphic be the same as ps4, so at least the foliage is the same? It seems ridiculous that they don’t.

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You would think right lol but naw at the lowest setting on shadows the grass and leaves disappear they should just delete the low setting and keep medium then no one could ever get the game looking like that also at low you can further go into your pc settings on your desktop and make it even worse this is what low looks like on pc

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