Gosl close range
Gosl medium range
Gosl long range
Pitbull close range
Pitbull medium range
Pitbull long range
As you can see the damage numbers of the Gosl and the Pitbull are pretty much the same. The statistics show that Pitbull has more close range damage but it hasn’t. The damge close range is the same or the GOSL and for long range GOSL has better damage. So basically there are no reason to play Pitbull over the Gosl because the Gosl is much better in everything. Pitbull should deal less damage range but more close range as option. One other idea could be increase the recoil and decrease the fire rate even more but increase the damage a bit. You have to make these weapons different. The picture are all 5 bullets shot from 3 different distances. @Courier @OldKingHamlet