Rockx8390 vs Outlaw Matches

You killed me the last minute of the game hahaha… you would get fucked up in a private.


Why not ?
Do you think I’m scared?
Do you absolutely want to prove that you can kill me?
Where you come from ?


He will kill you. For that is not even under consideration. The question is how many kids is he gonna force you to have with him.

  • You both seem like you take yourselves too seriously so here’s a mistletoe fellas.

Jesus christ this was lame.
You disappoint me.

Oh dear, looks like you ran into 1 good player, can’t wait to see the reaction


Well. He said private so I guess he’s calling for back up.


Stop having unrealistically high expectations of me ;-;


@PlayStation_sniper is.

considered one of the best playstation snipers in the jungle


Bro chill, u keep saying That everyone u play is a potatoe, but u never admit that someone is better than u. So pls Share some gameplay of yours.


Lol Outlaw is a Top G in PHG.
Haven’t ran into him in a while myself. Always deals decent damage and carries them potatoes for as long as he can haha


I carry them all the way to the choppa!



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Maybe he will win, maybe not.
But killing me would surprise me. It hasn’t happened for a very long time.
That said, since he plans to play the craziest things in the game as FT, I’ll be playing the strongest things as Preda as well.
We will fight on equal terms this time.

No that’s not what I’m saying.
But I very rarely lose honestly. And when I lose, it’s when one or two FTs escape. Die, almost never.
And it seems to me that in my 1st message, I compliment him on his excellent shoot.
And of course there is someone stronger than me.

Yeah. I second that.

Unfortunately, the Sawz50 is in desperate need of a 20% Damage nerf, but most console players can’t aim good enough to make it an issue. On PC, the sawz50 is just broken as all hell. You can’t even run from it.


Yeah I think everyone can agree on that one haha.

I bumped into a decent PC trio last night, one of em was running 9 second spot Recon with the SAWZ-50 and it was actually a good match for once. He had a Dante Field Medic and a Support Overseer on his team. Still won though. I didn’t recognise their names so loaded in with a Wolf using Plasma pistol instead of Bow. I usually bring Mr Black for premades but Pirate Vicious ain’t so bad either I find.

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The SAWZ50 remains much too strong even on console…
I think it’s the assault class that makes it too powerful (up to 30% more)
On the Recon class, it can still go.
I usually use Captured Tracker, Elder Stalker, Wolf or Black

Sniper + Leader + Bane = 35% dmg boost on Recon and the spotting can be longer which helps to keep sniping the pred

Assault is not the first thing that needs a nerf for the ft

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Recon will only do 35% if there is a Leader and the target is marked.
Most often it will be 10% with Bane or 25 with Sniper.

Many conditions compared to the assault which will make constant 30% (Fanatic + FireGuns + Bane) or even 40 with one Leader and with all his weapons.
The Assault is strong in all sections in addition to having 25hp more than the Recon.
And Leader work for a very short time.

Do you ever play fireteam ? If Assault is using bane he will have same hp as Recon, he can get one shotted, very glass canon build for the assault. Assault has overall average perk and gear points, main streight is dmg.

If people are gonna exploit fanatic yeah all classes on it can be a problem, only thing that needs to be fixed is the fanatic bug, Assault and other classes wont be able to do so much dmg and speed boost in most occasions if that is fixed.

You think your match vs outlaw would have been different if he was using recon or dutch87 ?

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