Rockx8390 vs Outlaw Matches

He would have done less damage to me with Recon or D87. Sure and certain.
Assault has enough points in my opinion whether it’s gear or Perks to be overperforming.
It has most of the best specializations in the game and a life of 150 hp.
Assault will be effective with ALL weapons in the game including bolt action rifles and this is not normal.
The other classes are all more or less limited except him.

Any class with sawz can do good dmg cus the sawz base dmg is high, it wasn’t the class that was making him solo you the entire match.

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Drop your gt so I can add you for private.


Hands down
Full team

  • Support OP

Solo queue

  • Dante OP

All the other classes are just for funsies. Scout Duelist can be OP, but only because of Duelist which can be somewhat avoided by range. Dutch 25 is weak, unless you specifically build for stealth, but OWLF Operative is technically the best for that. Poor Isabelle is just totally underpowered, because her unique class buff is terribly situational and not that significant. Recon is only in the conversation because of Tracker stacking for the ridiculously long spot time. (Tracker should just add a flat 2 seconds with 1.5 seconds standard and 3 for recon, so 5 seconds max, easy fix).

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Try it tough guy.

Is it true you make HellCat Supercharger revving noises with the secret passcode of honk honk beep beep vroom vroom?

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@Cptclutch117 @WS6_BANDIDO @PlayStation_sniper and @ScOp_StUrMi are all the same person.

He likes to bully little kids who drive Honda Civics.


I’m cruising an 08 civic ex right now.

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Be careful because he will try to race you if he catches you at the light.

His real name is Edgard by the way.

He’s a nerd that thinks being “good” at playing fantasy characters in a freakin video game is some sort of real-life accomplishment. You know, like Samhain, Blaze, Beer, WkEkse and the rest of their dweeb crew do. “BuT yOu’Re ChEaTiNg tHoUgH. I hAvE aCtUal SKEEL REEEEEEEE.”

I’d love to see these guys at a world cup fan meet and greet explain to the players how they’re an “Elite Level Player in Predator: Hunting Grounds” as if that means they can relate

I usually refer to this community as sickly deranged incels who fantasize about being plowed by space aliens


What’s wrong with plowing big titty space aliens

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The problem here is the phrase “plowed by”. It really should be, as you say, “plowing”.

Did you destroy this guy yet or what? Lololol

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He never dropped his gamertag lol I don’t remember it becuz he played mid as fuck.
Played like a🥔


Literally LSD.


I didn’t see that you asked me.
But just for the way you talk, I won’t give it to you.
I don’t play with disrespectful people.
We’ll meet again and I’ll beat you again.

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^ he literally replied to you.

And though I’m not one for hubris or one stroking their egos, you both talk about opponents as if they are all potatoes, so you aren’t any better :/


How about I set you up with a different Premade team? Or are you not willing to play good players in a private match vs potato’s in pubs??