Roof slam is fair

Granted I was pretty drunk when I made the vid, and they are trash…with a capital T.

Are you as drunk now, replying to yourself?

Is this a ReplyCeption?

Shit, send more rum!

Bro…I’m fucked up, and still wiping FTs!!! 🤣😂🤣🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂

sponsored by AIDS Shadow Legends

It’s what I do, drink, play video games and know things!

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Drop a link, I’ll subscribe👍🏼

There were 4 of them at the start, one rage quit after I claimed him😂🤣😂🤣😂


I love that little compound in the video, with the big silo things. I have had some memorable matches on and around that.

It’s my favorite objective in any map, just hate the rest of the map. My favorite map is Overgrown…

Lots of tree time to knock people with the bow.

And you know maybe a good team is gonna be able to punish you for that roof slam anyways but even that is an argument for not having that but something else where you don’t have to get your ass shot off to get some hits on a guy in a building. Because especially in that light it would be a pretty poor counter to people being inside.

I’m honestly not surprised when a game has effects splash through walls. It’s easier than creating realistic spread for an explosive because otherwise people bitch about the hit detection in games that have a lot of obstacles/corners & makes up for the accuracy that would be required otherwise. Considering how the collision for the caster projectile is already iffy I can see why they made the splash a be-all-end-all. The bow collision is awful sometimes and thats a teeny tiny projectile.

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Sad part is, as drunk as I am, I still have better spelling, grammar, and punctuation than @DeadEyeBuddha…😂🤣😂🤣😂

I hate Backwater with a passion. Mostly because it’s all the game ever seems to put me in. I play for long hours but I’m lucky if I ever see Derailed which is my favourite map. Overgrowth is maybe 1 in 10 matches, the other 9 are always fu**in Backwater and it gets annoying. I like the satellite compound areas, but the area along the water…that can swallow a phat one.

I get derailed and backwater a ton, like those two I get 8-9/10 matches, but when I get Overgrown, I do cheetah flips!!!

And that is a pretty good point too. That is a big problem in a lot of games where the hit detection is fucking bonkers like that. Maybe I just have unrealistic standards myself but I think the potential for the Predator here and their versatility and all that should be a lot more than it is. Someone suggested destructible structures and that would be cool but I think that would be well beyond Illfonic’s capabilities. Perhaps restructuring buildings with more windows and shit that can be blown open. Give Predator first person view when inside a building or some shit. I would like the Fireteams to be somewhat defensible inside a building but only if the Predator has equal capacity to punish or counter that with the weapons or gear they have in place, maybe even like some kind of mini self destruct bomb thing they can toss in or something. Hell maybe it even blows the whole building for some buildings lol. But yeah. It is just stupid and needs to be redressed intelligently by them because they can’t even deal with this then maybe all those folks crying this game is doomed are just seeing the writing on the wall clearly.

Perhaps I am bit overzealous on this issue as well, maybe I am a bit egotistical and dogmatic in my own right about it too. I still don’t think well of roof slamming but the way I see it, and it’s only happened like… once or twice to me ever, I know it feels pretty cheesy and while newer players do still have to learn to deal with the stuff anyways it’s more likely to just frustrate and piss them off getting hit like that than anything. I just played some matches with a guy I chatted up when I wiped him and his FT out today and I imagine him and few others like him that play fairly casually would be pretty upset and feel cheated by it and there is some validity to that feeling no different than getting nailed by a grenade through a wall. It does feel cheap because it kind of is. Against top tier players that are camping in a large building and doing their whole mission largely there… yeah: I could see some justified dunking on their asses. But a bunch of rookies that don’t know what to do? Feels dirty. And people aren’t gonna wanna invest their time and play if they feel they are just getting cheesed. And that feeling isn’t necessarily invalid either. I guess the PC against the wall isn’t as bad and that would likely penetrate a metal wall anyways and it has a smaller radius with less damage. But I just want a better answer than that. Which is probably unlikely to occur.

I’m of the opinion we’ll get indoor weapons eventually. Lol I do seriously doubt anyone in this thread is honestly slam wiping or caster wiping or fast claiming teams of rookies in 3 minutes just to jump back into queue though, it’s to their detriment. Playing FT I honestly still feel like the vast majority of matches are a beserker running in with a combistick and either getting parried and melted instantly or collapsing on 2 people around a corner before they get knives out and the match ends in 3 minutes because pubs. Not complaining about beserker itself but three minute stomp matches just to hop back in queue are the worst thing about this game right now.
I have yet to see a bunch of people just jump around slam ice skating with scout the whole match but it sounds like it would be more or less the same 3 min cheap-feeling arena shootery result either way. Objectives are just filler to pad the clock at this point and they take 5 minutes to finish since the AI is terrible. If there was ANY kind of half decent skill based matchmaking then consistent issues would be more obvious at different levels of play.

Playing these matches against a sweaty fireteam is a different animal entirely and demands very quick sweeps due to the low TTK and a single FT member being able to drop a scout easily - otherwise they’re reinforced with full meds or the choppers called because you had to stop and heal. Basically, I hate this gamemode.

I don’t know. I have seen Predator go ham when it is just two guys from the start and just destroy them. Maybe not in the this thread but it happens more often than not in those cases so I wouldn’t be surprised.

My experience has a been more odd. For whatever reason I don’t often get super good Predators. I would probably rank most of the lower mid tier at best, maybe straight average. I see a split amount of berserkers and hunters but almost never see scouts. Usually with berserkers it does seem to be a decent chunk of combi rushers but that isn’t terribly hard to deal with in general. I am not great FT but I’ve been able to fight them off with a knife with a stealth build on recon. Maybe the lower tier ones just stand out more to me but I hardly feel like I get decent players overall more than not.

I player that kind of berserker at times but it’s usually if I am passing time and fucking around more than anything and don’t really care how it turns out. And I almost always let them reinforce, granted I don’t accidentally down the last guy. When I am looking to play more serious I will play hunter and more often Scout, especially if I am really looking for a good fight. But generally if I’m not playing scout I’m usually just fucking around. Had a match as Hunter the other day where I only used claws just for the fuck of it.

Yeah. They really need to fix this thing. If this was like a twenty minute deal with more complex missions and such it would be a totally different ball game. Hell I have had plenty of matches where the time ran out and was confused as fuck because I had no idea if the game straight glitched or the time ran out because it felt so short. It is a pretty disappointing feeling.

Ok I broke that rule of mine just now. Just had this Fireteam talking mad shit all game and I decided to roof slam ‘em just to piss them off XD

just ridiculous how some people defend some BS only because it favor his preferred side. Holly… this argtuments like “but nades and nadelauncher damage works trough walls too”, nades and launcher is so bad, its just so insignificant, “just dont enter the building” - its objective inside, hello? are you ok? FT have to go inside and its litteraly means “just dont take cover, stay in the open”. this people just dont care about healthy gameplay, they think its ok to able to win every single match and its ok and balanced to deal 90-100 damage with 0 risk and with 0 counterplay(“just take damage” and “just dont go inside” is not really counterplay). Damn this community is ugly