Ya because you know all you’re doing is modifying serverside memory values that ONLY work when you are the host in a private match (AKA the server). Literally ANYONE can do that lmao. That’s basic CE level shit. A 12 year old can go through a dumper or scan for values and edit them if they’re clientside or even serverside ONLY when they are the host. But it takes actual skill to hack serverside values when you are NOT the host. That’s why you can’t do it. Because you’re a potato.
Open up Age of Empires 2, open a private match, and try to scan for and edit resources. It will work no problem. Every 12 year old kid can do this. Now try to do the same in a public ranked or even unranked match lmao. It won’t work at all.
You’re not doing anything special or impressive, and you can ask your little buddies to help you test. I’m not giving you anymore free testing just so you can talk shit afterward. Learn how to accomplish things the hard way, noob.
Where did I say EVERYTHING? A dumper just makes it 1000x easier to find values, especially obscure ones that are difficult or even impossible to scan for like damage modifiers. How the fuck are you going to scan for a damage modifier? It’s easier to use a dumper and go through the player structure looking for it, then fuck around with it and hope that it’s clientside. That’s all you did.
Do I really need to create a video showing people here exactly how you use a dumper to find the shit that you do? I’ll show people how braindead it really is. Health and Stamina are liteally right in the main player structure lmfao. No need to even go through branches. That’s how you got infinite stamina, which lucky for you is clientside. But why can’t you lock the HP value that’s also found there RIGHT by stamina? Oh wait, because it’s serverside and will only work in privates when you’re hosting. Stop acting like I don’t know how it works, you little fucking monkey. I’ll make a video showing all these guys how to do it so Sam can go cry some more tears. “Nooo he’s ruining my gaammeee. Now everyone’s going to cheaattt. This suucckksss” 😂😂😂