Samhain13 and his crew never cheat. Nope.

Ya because you know all you’re doing is modifying serverside memory values that ONLY work when you are the host in a private match (AKA the server). Literally ANYONE can do that lmao. That’s basic CE level shit. A 12 year old can go through a dumper or scan for values and edit them if they’re clientside or even serverside ONLY when they are the host. But it takes actual skill to hack serverside values when you are NOT the host. That’s why you can’t do it. Because you’re a potato.

Open up Age of Empires 2, open a private match, and try to scan for and edit resources. It will work no problem. Every 12 year old kid can do this. Now try to do the same in a public ranked or even unranked match lmao. It won’t work at all.

You’re not doing anything special or impressive, and you can ask your little buddies to help you test. I’m not giving you anymore free testing just so you can talk shit afterward. Learn how to accomplish things the hard way, noob.

Where did I say EVERYTHING? A dumper just makes it 1000x easier to find values, especially obscure ones that are difficult or even impossible to scan for like damage modifiers. How the fuck are you going to scan for a damage modifier? It’s easier to use a dumper and go through the player structure looking for it, then fuck around with it and hope that it’s clientside. That’s all you did.

Do I really need to create a video showing people here exactly how you use a dumper to find the shit that you do? I’ll show people how braindead it really is. Health and Stamina are liteally right in the main player structure lmfao. No need to even go through branches. That’s how you got infinite stamina, which lucky for you is clientside. But why can’t you lock the HP value that’s also found there RIGHT by stamina? Oh wait, because it’s serverside and will only work in privates when you’re hosting. Stop acting like I don’t know how it works, you little fucking monkey. I’ll make a video showing all these guys how to do it so Sam can go cry some more tears. “Nooo he’s ruining my gaammeee. Now everyone’s going to cheaattt. This suucckksss” 😂😂😂

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Yet you won’t go in a match where I’m host…

What would be the point? To show that you figured few more variable offsets you can manipulate? Every script kiddie can change local memory. Educate yourself how to find functions and how to call them. Then you may not chicken out from game without hosting it.

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The same way you chicken out of matches against “hackers” that now you say they don’t know how to hack server?

I called you cheaters, not hackers.

It is funny to see your selective mind in action… the one who always whine about people using incorrectly words exploit, cheat and hack.


are we arguing now whos the best cheater?!


so what exactly you say were our cheats?

Because according to you, we all have been using aimbot and wallhack, yet Aston say he’s the only one who’s been able to do that because is server sided and we don’t know how to code and/or hack…

so which one is it?

Your idea of cheats is lame due to where it lies within game flow, you get uploaded for being a potato and meme worthy by even other PC players calling random people cheaters just for killing you, if it’s not something insanely intense like 300 gear, some dude lag switching, enhanced fanatic, or really obvious extremes who gives a fuck

I don’t think he wants to use anything against other people, bottom line is the stuff that upsets him has little no merit to game flow that you can’t do already with good habits and underlying game experience

Other than extremes we have today of course, during his active days of playing the stuff that made @FairYautja @P-willie2000 and people similar to their mindset disturbed was downright laughable up to the point 300 gear grenades was introduced

maybe if we HAD been using godmode and shit he would be sucking our dick the same way he does to aston. LMAO

Show me where I said aimbot and wallhacks were server-sided. Lmao the more you speak, the more you show how much you were bullshitting about being a computer scientist and mathematician. Even a beginner understands that ESP and aimbot can be done in ANY game because the information NEEDS to be shared by the server with the client in order to display objects on your screen, and you simply exploit that. The only games it doesn’t really work in are games with server-sided spotting mechanisms like World of Tanks.

But guess what? Aimbot still works in WOT because that has nothing to even do with the server.

i’M a CoMpUtEr ScIeNtIsT GuyZ I SwEaR

I said you can’t do anything that IS server-sided. Ex. anything that involves calling functions like Godmode, Pred bomb defusal without actually completing minigame, telling the server a certain player was downed, etc.

As for some of you having wallhacks (and maybe aimbot too). I’ve long-established now that they were hand-me-downs left with your group by old-timers that no longer play, and were made by one of these old-timers that figured out how to do the chams hack that was posted on unknowncheats:

It’s just one of the things (and really the most important one) that you guys have been gatekeeping for so long. But little by little more and more has been leaked, and that’s why you guys get so defensive like @Fire has been saying while trying to run damage control. You’re just lucky that it’s almost impossible to demonstrate for certain that someone is using wallhacks when it’s an overlay that doesn’t show in recording or streaming software, same as Hudsight.

I might start going into matches with a Pred with disciplined perk and recording so I can demonstrate how some of you mf’ers still know where I am even without movement, sound, or bleed (I can simply heal myself or use Godmode, which removes all bleed). Like that one time I was playing Bionic - Disciplined on overgrowth by the tower overlooking the contruction site, and throwing my disk down there. I could see bendinglight starting to run up there on ESP and 2D radar (I was using snaplines to boot), so I stood completely still and watched the mf’er run the whole way up and aim directly at me when he got up there and shoot. I had no sound, no movement, no bleed (no damage). It was so fucking obvious. That’s one way I can catch you mf’ers just to demonstrate to the community. Best be on your toes.

That’s one beautiful thing about ESP. Once you have it, you know who else is using it. Like Prozi when he snipes me from 500m away while I’m cloaked and moving through trees lmao. The pred is 100% invisible at 50 meters. I can literally see the mf’er crouched way back in the corner of the fishing village on backwater next to a house showing around 500 meters on my ESP, and he’s sniping me in my mask lol OK. Too bad him and his little Ruski buddy still died from plasma spam + pistol with aimbot. So sad. Cheaters get cheated on.


You meen like Beer did by DM’ing me and kissing my ass trying to get cool with me? LOL

“I thought he changed, guys” 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ya, no, you guys aren’t going to get shit out of me. Good luck relying on Jelou’s third world Puerto Rican cheat engine scripts

Yeah the amount of times that has conveniently happened to me is starting to become apparent now.

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When you don’t have ESP, it’s just very sus, but you’re not sure wtf happened. Once you have ESP and can literally see what everyone around you is doing at every moment, you can set them up and confirm it. These guys have been falling back on “because I can hear you” for way too long

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Bendinglight used CE? Doesn’t sound like something he would do, do you mean Lightbender?

Bendinglight is Epic.

How do you know that’s Bendinglight from epic

Hahahahaha and another groupie bites the dust through a leak. Like I said, little by little we learn…

Keep recruiting incompetence like Sturl and Blaze