Savage Berserker Discussion/Step by Step Guide to Being a Clown

This topic is in no way targeted for the innocent savage berserker, more for the sweaty lads that want the game done as fast as possible. Especially the ones who run the axe like you said, a majority of people run assault, and that will one hit them every time, making the game A LOT easier for the pred. This is why I think this combo pairing takes absolutely zero skill.

Axe needs to be OP when one clip of Hammerhead on point shots can melt you down. FT has way too many advantages againsts predators in this game mechanically.

I aim to please
Your welcome to take it

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Lol, having played both sides with equivalent experience, I can say FT and Pred are pretty balanced. It’s all dependent on who is behind the controls. And I’ll tell you, some classes give the Pred an advantage before the game even starts.

Well, when you’re standing still, it’s evident any AR would melt you down 😂

No, just no. Samhain, the best PC predator that we know, look how even he struggles against the brutal premade FT. This game is centered around FT advantages, the only time the FT sucks is when the players suck, but if you take pro pred vs pro FT - pro FT wins 99%.

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Thanks but I never called myself the best pc predator player.

From your gameplay you are, especially seeing those brutal FT premades you fight that spot you from 1000 miles away and have bot like aim.

I have videos of my channel of Thunderwolf and Gesp playing as Predator, they are just as good if not better.

because anything works against potatoes… I can play scout with a katana and still melt potatoes


Could you link please? I’m not familiar with those people.

I once did a warclub only match with the Scout pred before Predators had specs and when their hp was lower, let them reinforce and still won. Anything can work vs randoms. Doesn’t mean anything.

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Just search those names on my channel, you will find the videos.


to me playing pred has become as boring as playing ft solo… only reason I keep playing is to hangout with friends. Playing against people from the discords is frustrating for me. Is like there’s no middle ground to get better. You just melt potatoes with ease or nightmare mode against premades. Not fun, tbh. And trolling potatoes has become, meh. Not worth the wait. Half the time they flat out quit

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Accurate description of current PHG matches in general. Shit needs to be changed to make the game interesting.


After 161 lvl’s I’m starting to feel the same, I’m a 99% pred player and I’m far from even being better than average.

I have no respect for pred only players

lol k…

How do you expect to get better at predator when you don’t play the other side? There are lots to be learned from playing fireteam, to name a few, learning the missions, knowing where medkits and ammo boxes usually spawn around the map so you can destroy them prior to the fireteam getting there. Think about it, if you go against a premade fireteam and they have no supplies, they’ll eventually run out and they’re utterly useless against you and the bots. Also, there are things to be learned from others when you’re actively going against a decent predator, you soon realize weaknesses the fireteam has. It’s not a bad thing to stray away from predator for a while and play some FT. Also, trying other classes to suit your playstyle can help if you don’t already do so.